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Let me point out: to me, auto-updating isn't even the crucial issue (I use unattended-upgrades as well, so whatever).

Yes, functionality and workflows around installation and updates are still insufficient for many use cases, but that could have been ironed out given enough time.

But what you messed up badly, IMO, was to force-migrate packages to Snap in an LTS release before it was ready.

Had you waited until Ubuntu 20.10, I'd have been more forgiving. But you (collectively) were so eager to get this in before the window closed for another two years.

If you had made Snap a compelling product, even LTS users might have voluntarily migrated to snaps once they saw how good it was. Now you've kind of pulled off the opposite.

Sadly the ship has sailed: Both in general, since you've pushed so heavily for Snap in a LTS release when it simply wasn't ready yet. And for me personally, where the forced installation of Snaps by some debs (notably Chromium) broke my trust significantly enough that I turned my back on Ubuntu after over a decade.

Not only is the Chromium Snap dog slow, it also can't see my NFS shares. So the snap version is objectively worse, at least for now.

But if I install a deb, I expect to get a deb. You don't want to offer it anymore, fine, take it out of the repo. But sneakily migrating me to a snap, and not even notifying me, is just trust-breaking.

>But if I install a deb, I expect to get a deb. You don't want to offer it anymore, fine, take it out of the repo. But sneakily migrating me to a snap, and not even notifying me, is just trust-breaking


We need to modify the age old saying:

"Computers do what you tell them to do, not what you want them to"

By applying the following patch:

"Computers do what you tell them to do, not what you want them to do - except Ubuntu 20.04 LTS"

That can't be right because it implies that computers with Windows 10 do either what you want or what you tell them.

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