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Ask HN: Who is hiring? (May 2020)
549 points by whoishiring on May 1, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 685 comments
Please state the job location and include the keywords REMOTE, INTERNS and/or VISA when the corresponding sort of candidate is welcome. When remote work is not an option, include ONSITE.

Please only post if you personally are part of the hiring company—no recruiting firms or job boards. Only one post per company. If it isn't a household name, please explain what your company does.

Commenters: please don't reply to job posts to complain about something. It's off topic here.

Readers: please only email if you are personally interested in the job.

Searchers: Try https://findwork.dev/?source=hn, https://kennytilton.github.io/whoishiring/, https://hnhired.com/, https://hnjobs.emilburzo.com, https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10313519.

Don't miss these other fine threads:

Who wants to be hired? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23042616

Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23042617

Zotero | Full-Stack Developer | REMOTE | https://www.zotero.org

Zotero is an open-source project that develops software and web services to help people collect, organize, cite, and share their research. Our software is recommended by most universities and used by millions of students, scholars, scientists, and researchers worldwide.

We're looking for a full-time, remote developer to work on the Zotero desktop app and other parts of the project. You'll be part of a small team producing free and open-source software along with an amazing global community, and you'll help make a huge difference in people's ability to manage their research effectively.

More details here: https://www.zotero.org/jobs

FBI | ONSITE | USA | fbijobs.gov

The FBI consists of more than 35,000 special agents and professional staff who work across the globe to protect the U.S. from terrorism, espionage, cyber attacks, and major criminal threats.

Many FBI career options are traditional to the investigative and intelligence community. Others are similar in nature to careers found in most Fortune 500 companies.

* Computer Scientist (Linthicum, MD) - https://apply.fbijobs.gov/psc/ps/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/HRS_HRAM_FL...

* Forensic Examiner IT Specialists (All 56 Field Offices) - https://apply.fbijobs.gov/psc/ps/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/HRS_HRAM_FL...

* Intelligence Analyst (Nationwide) - https://apply.fbijobs.gov/psc/ps/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/HRS_HRAM_FL...

* Special Agent (Nationwide) - https://apply.fbijobs.gov/psc/ps/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/HRS_HRAM_FL...

Must be a US Citizen. Must be able to obtain a security clearance. Must pass polygraph examination. See further details in postings.

I smoked pot in college 15 years ago, was told that is a non-starter. Is that true?

My opinion based on going through the clearance process for the NSA is that the federal gov't is fairly pragmatic and the anti-drug use policy is primarily a way of ensuring state secrets are not leaked, via extortion, bribery, etc. For instance, buying drugs from people who might intend to blackmail with that information at a later point. See also someone with e.g. a gambling addiction, skeletons in one's closet. In general, owing people money, wanting certain personal things hidden, and so on tends to compromise one's integrity. Which is to say, if you can demonstrate that integrity it is my belief that no one would deny clearance on moralistic grounds.

I've always wondered about that extortion/bribery dealy. I mean, how does it work exactly? Is it an embarassment thing? Asking for a friend.

Went through a security clearance years ago (in the UK). Explained to another candidate also about to go through the process that we would be asked questions about our sex lives, etc. and had to be honest. They were horrified.

I suspect it was the horrified nature of having to discuss it that ruled them out (they failed), not the fact that they - I inferred through gentle questioning - had experimented a little with a same-sex relationship whilst at University.

If you're OK with your family finding out or it going in the local paper, you can't be blackmailed over it. You're probably fine.

If you are terrified by the thought of whatever it is - even if it's legal - becoming knowledge of those you care about, and even more so those you don't care about, that's likely a problem.

Within security services and law enforcement, hanging around with criminals - which is what drug dealers in most places are - will rule you out for obvious reasons.

Even in places where drugs (weed increasingly, booze almost everywhere in Europe and North America), being a heavy and habitual user of substances is going to raise an eyebrow and prompt a discussion, at least.

Probably not, unless there were extenuating circumstances like you got arrested for dealing. The paperwork you fill out for a security clearance doesn't care about drug use more than 7 years old (unless it led to jail time), and lots of people who do have drug use in the last 7 years still don't have major issues.

There's different types of polygraphs. The counterintelligence one is basically asking if you're a terrorist, so no trouble there. There's also a "lifestyle" polygraph that is sometimes necessary, which is more focused on how blackmailable you are. It might be an issue there, but I wouldn't be surprised if the questions for that have the same "within 7 years" qualifier.

Is it on your record?

Does a polygraph care?

It's not a lie if you believe it's true.

Those polygraphs though. :\

Kind of ridiculous they still abide by that pseudoscience.

The Feebs definitely understand it doesn't tell lies from truths with 100% accuracy. They do know that it scares a bunch of people who don't meet their ethics/morality/legality bar away.

it’s also a way that they can dismiss candidates without violating equal-opportunity laws. “Looked good on paper, but failed the polygraph” for any reason they want

I’ve honestly thought about applying. I’m veteran and do miss that sort of community and overall feeling of contributing to my extended family to keep them safe.

I live overseas now though, so not sure how that process would go lol

I always have this question: when applying to jobs (software related for me), the applications always asked whether I have been a government employee. Why do they ask about this? Does working for the government affect something?

Just a guess: if you've ever worked for the government, there's some record of it (maybe including performance, any issues they had with you etc). On the off chance the FBI doesn't know about those records already, they get a lead on getting those records.

Imagine working for a business this far in the red. What's your runway? What's your CEOs track record? /s

When you ask for equity options they give you US Treasuries

Could be a pretty good deal.

Just remember that Mulder and Scully at some point answered posting like this... Truth is out there...

My first lead as an FBI agent would be investigating all HN account holders.

Let's Encrypt | Senior Software Engineer | Full-time | REMOTE from U.S. or Canada

We’re making HTTPS easier for developers to use, we’re doing it at scale, and we need your help. We’re a first-of-our-kind Certificate Authority (CA). We make certificates available to anyone, for free, and we offer an API to do it. This means more people can enable HTTPS on their websites, with less work. That protects everyone’s web traffic from snoops, and makes us all safer.


Wow, that's a great service your company provides!

11 points by usdsgov 30 days ago | parent [-] | on: Ask HN: Who is hiring? (April 2020)

United States Digital Service | Senior Product Managers, Senior Designers, Senior Software Engineers, Senior Site Reliability Engineers, and more! | Washington, DC | ONSITE https://www.usds.gov/

We're looking for the most tenacious designers, software engineers, product managers, and more, who are committed to untangling, rewiring, and redesigning critical government services. You'll join a team of the most talented technologists from across the private sector and government. No government experience or resume required! We work on some of the biggest issues affecting the American people there are: immigration, veterans, students, health care, and more. Come join us in shifting government tech in the right direction!

See one of our Reports to Congress for examples of what you could be working on:


In plain language: We are looking for empathetic and mission focused engineers, designers, product managers, government procurement specialists, bureaucracy hackers, and more with 3+ years of experience in the tech industry to work on sometimes ambiguous-- sometimes huge-- but always impactful work for the American people.

Apply here:


Just a minor criticism of the above, the first line of your comment comes off as lazy and lacks attention to detail. It would put me off of applying - as a candidate this is an expectation.

Hey, I appreciate that feedback and it is pretty embarrassing. This account was set to delay:0 and as such can't be edited after post, I'm afraid. The person running this posting every month is actually not a recruiter, but just another engineer who found her USDS job from cruising on hackernews via Ctrl+F. For what it's worth, she's on-call for Medicare & Healthcare.gov and is really tired.

That's more than understandable - no edit necessary, it was just a minor criticism. I wish yourself and your colleague the best of wishes with managing your governments websites, that is an admirable responsibility during these trying times as I expect an awful lot of Americans depend on it.

> 11 points by usdsgov 30 days ago | parent [-] | on: Ask HN: Who is hiring? (April 2020)

You might want to edit that first line from last month's post.

Totally. See the above and sorry again.

I have the privilege to work alongside members of the Digital Services team at Veterans Affairs, and I will attest they are incredible people and some of the most talented minds in the business.

These are the great people working hard on tangible improvements to government digital services.

Avanti Bank & Trust | Senior Software Engineer | Full-time | Remote | https://avantibank.com/

Avanti Financial Group, Inc. is a Wyoming corporation formed to apply for a bank charter under Wyoming’s special-purpose depository institution ("SPDI") law. Avanti intends to serve as a compliant bridge to the U.S. dollar payments system and a custodian of digital assets that can meet the strictest level of institutional custody standards. Avanti will also comply with Wyoming's SPDI and digital asset laws, which include requirements that fiat deposits be 100% reserved and that Avanti meet strict requirements from its regulators.

We are looking for backend software engineers, bitcoin developers or blockchain/cryptocurrency developers, as well as sysadmins and devops. We have a number of different products in the pipeline all serviced by our engineering team, which requires traditional CRUD work but also a number of integrations.

Read more here: https://www.coindesk.com/blockchain-pioneer-caitlin-long-to-... and https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaeldelcastillo/2020/04/01/a... and https://twitter.com/kanzure/status/1252239022287654912

Contact: jobs@avantibank.com and reference this post.

Seesaw | San Francisco, CA or Remote (US) | Onsite or Remote | https://web.seesaw.me

Seesaw is a learning platform that brings educators, students and families together to deepen student learning. Teachers design and facilitate powerful learning experiences, students create, reflect, collaborate, and make their learning visible, and families actively support and celebrate student learning. Seesaw is used by millions of K-12 students in over half the schools in the U.S.

To learn more about who we are, our engineering culture, and whether this is the right place for you, read our Key Values profile: https://www.keyvalues.com/seesaw

We're currently looking for Senior Platform Engineers (https://jobs.lever.co/seesaw/e71a2588-1907-4194-bde8-a4c4d5e...) to help us scale while serving millions of students!

Tech Stack: Backend: Python3, Deployed on AWS Lambda + ApiGateway, GraphQL endpoint. Frontend: React written in Typescript.

Wow, didn’t realise seesaw was a SF company. We use it here in Australia. Nice niche to work in.

Optimal | Autonomous Greenhouses | Founders Fund Backed | London

- Software Engineers (all levels) - Software Engineering Team

- Modelling and Control Engineers (all levels) - Advanced Control Team

We are a collection of engineers from Palantir, DeepMind, Oxford University and Cambridge University, on a mission to grow safer, healthier food by deploying fully autonomous greenhouses outside every city on earth.

£700BN of new greenhouses need to be built around the world. We are building the core technology to power this revolution.

Find out more about our mission: youtu.be/LDJ_QdUaap4

Contact me (founder) directly: david@optimal.ag


Interesting. Too bad the careers page does not load properly.

Sorry about this. It seems to be a bug with angel list on mobile.

On Android/Chrome homepage is just the logo, burger menu, white screen and then scroll down for footer.

Notion | Engineer, Designer, Data Science, Sales, Marketing, Support | SF | https://www.notion.so | Full-time Onsite

== Intro ====================================

Hi Notion founder here. At Notion, our goal to create the general purpose work tool for a post-file, post-MS Office world. My cofounder and I often joke that this was like the "hot startup topic" of the 90s. Unfortunately, tools for knowledge workers haven't advanced much since then. The state of art is either Google Docs/Quip/Dropbox Paper (multiplayer WordPerfect), or rigid SAAS apps (forms + a table+ some buttons).

This is our product: https://notion.so

We are hiring across every function: engineering, design, data science (looking for our first one!), sales, marketing, support... More details here: https://www.notion.so/jobs

We made a graphic novel about why we exist: https://notion.so/about

Read more reviews on NYTimes and Product Hunt. (Notion was one of the fastest voted of all time): https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/01/technology/notion-startup... https://www.producthunt.com/posts/notion-2-0

We are a bunch of artsy nerds in SF. The business is profitable and growing very fast. We have a beautiful artist loft in the SF Mission district, with some of the best investors out there (notion.so/about).

== Apply =======================================

Please see details here ->> https://www.notion.so/jobs

Just sent in an application for data science!

SerpApi | https://serpapi.com | Senior Backend Engineer | Austin, TX | Full-time | ONSITE or FULLY REMOTE AND REMOTE FIRST COMPANY | $150k 1099

SerpApi is a real time API to access search engine results. We solve the issues of having to rent proxies, solving captchas, and JSON parsing in an easy to use and integrate API for our customers.

Our current stack is Ruby, Rails, MongoDB, and React.JS. We are looking for a senior backend developer. Experience in Ruby, Javascript, Proxies, CAPTCHA solving, or Browser tech are definitely pulses.

Awesome work environment: We do continuous integration, continuous deployments, code reviews, code pairings, profit sharing, and most of communication is async via GitHub. We also value transparency and are a proud organizational member of the EFF.

Contact Julien @ julien _AT_ serpapi.com mentioning HN.

GRAIL | Software Engineer, DevOps Engineer, Software Engineer in Test, Bioinformatics Scientist | Menlo Park, CA | Onsite | https://grail.com

Grail's mission is to detect cancer early, when it can be cured. Grail's technology can detect more than 50 cancer types across all stages, with a false-positive rate of less than one percent, through a single blood draw.

Senior Software Engineer: https://bit.ly/35QqSZu

Sofware Engineer, Security: https://bit.ly/2JuvE5M

Bioinformatics Scientist: https://bit.ly/3aANm3r

DevOps Engineer: https://bit.ly/2TFynOy

Software Engineer, Test: https://bit.ly/2YAauMW

Linden Lab (Tilia) | Backend Software Developer (Golang) | Full-time | Remote in CA, CO, FL, GA, MA, NH, TX, VA, WA Tilia is an emerging FinTech company that makes it possible for game companies to pay content creators for their game content. We are a small team of hard workers solving hard problems. We value work-life balance, have great senses of humor, trust each other, and embrace the habit of continual improvement.

We're looking for someone who shares those values and who is already productive in Golang.


What is the relation between Linden Lab and Tilia? And is this the same Linden Labs that did Second Life? Is this a rebranding or a new subsidy?



Tilia is to Linden Lab as AWS is to Amazon: offering the identify verification and payment/payout processing core compentencies that were built up for Second Life, to third parties as a new business line.

Interested! Is there a contact for this role?

Canonical | www.canonical.com | Remote (work from home) | Full Time | Developer, Project Manager, Design/UX, Product

Canonical and Ubuntu are at the forefront of cloud and IoT computing, helping customers master the challenge of operations on hybrid cloud, bare metal, and container-based systems.

We’re recruiting people that love Linux, automation, operations, and are interested in cracking some of the world’s toughest problems at scale, with a twist: we’re bringing the scale economics and flexible automation that you’d find in a FAANG company to the wider enterprise ecosystem. We work on open source tools, in an open, distributed environment with Tier 1 organisations.

If you're looking to work with some of the smartest people in the industry across the globe while designing and delivering bleeding edge open source solutions, apply below.


EdgeX Software Engineer - https://grnh.se/0a3f0cce1us

EdgeX Software Engineer Manager - https://grnh.se/c095546b1us


Linux Systems Support Engineer - https://grnh.se/93abec861us

Asia / Pacific

Technical Support Engineer - https://grnh.se/a957f5e21us

Devices Field Software Engineer - https://grnh.se/dc9623191us

Canonical is hiring for 70+ roles - learn more and apply here | https://grnh.se/e29603601us

AWS Developer Tools | Seattle, Bay Area, NYC, DC, others | Developer | Full-Time | (Remote until post-COVID19) | https://aws.amazon.com/products/developer-tools/

[Note on Location: The team is mostly in Seattle but is becoming more distributed with COVID19, I doubt it will ever go back so we're willing to try long term remote or being based out of another office if the fit is right and you can work Seattle times.]

AWS Dev Tools builds the tools that we all use for software development and CI/CD ... at least some of them :-). I'm leading a team (CodeStar) of impassioned developers trying to re-invent how we create, release, and iterate on software quickly and safely.

We're looking for engineers to build this out! If you have experience with different languages (Python, Go, Java, Node, etc...), different platforms (Linux, iOS/Android, MacOS, Web Apps), different workflow tools (JIRA, Circle CI, Pivotal Tracker, etc...), different organizations (startups, enterprises, governments, universities), I'd like to hear from you.

I come from a startup background and the rest of the team is made of people with varied skills - you will learn ALOT here. I'm also interested in talking to Product Managers or UX people with a background in tools for building and shipping software.

3+ years of professional experience are required for these roles and leadership opportunities are available.

Email me (Adam) a resume (or similar): adnelso @at amazon.com

Figma (https://www.figma.com) | Software Engineer | SF | Full-time Onsite

Figma is a startup in San Francisco building a browser-based collaborative design tool to improve the way designers and developers work together. We are hiring talented engineers across the stack who are interested in tackling hard technical problems with smart people and building a product that startups will rely on. We push the boundaries of web technology and have redefined what applications in browsers are capable of.

For examples of challenges that we solved, you may find our blog post interesting: https://www.figma.com/blog/section/engineering/

We're hiring product, security, and infrastructure engineers and leaders across a number of teams and roles: https://www.figma.com/careers/

Our front-end tech stack: TypeScript, React, C++, WebAssembly, WebGL

Our back-end tech stack: Ruby, Sinatra, Go, Rust

Could you share a bit about what things that are upcoming that you're excited about? From the outside the product seems "done", but it never really is. But none of the postings you have on the website talks about what I would be working on. Feels a bit like a waste of time unless you share some more around what people would actually work on.

I'd be very happy to chat & share our ongoing and wishlist projects. Feel free to drop me an email at rudi@figma.com. It's just that exciting projects tend to map 1:1 to our product roadmap, which I prefer not to randomly share in a HN comment.

I will say though that from my perspective as an employee, we are far far far from done. I always feel like we have 10x the feature requests at any given time than we have the capability to work on. Design tools in general have been pretty neglected until fairly recently and are far behind developer tools. There are tons of low hanging fruits that translate directly into hours saved for designers.

As we get more and more users, especially international users, there are also backend challenges which we talk a little bit about here: https://www.figma.com/blog/under-the-hood-of-figmas-infrastr...

I'm a Figma user. Highly recommend looking at the product/ joining the co. and making it more amazing.

Likewise - we use Figma at our company and it genuinely is an amazing product.

Also highly recommend ProductBoard. Fig + PB + Jira (yeh I know) can be a powerful pipeline.

Curious - what are you guys using Rust for?

We have exactly one service written in Rust, our multiplayer server. This server needs to hold documents in-memory that can get quite large, and Rust's memory management + concurrency capabilities were well suited for the problem. It's explained here: https://www.figma.com/blog/rust-in-production-at-figma/

Crossbeam | Senior full stack engineer | Philadelphia | REMOTE

Crossbeam is hiring a lead developer for partnerbase.io, which is a database, built by Crossbeam, to catalog the entirety of the world’s partnerships. Stack includes Vue.js, Clojure, and Postgres. We are currently redesigning the entire site and beginning product planning for a backlog of features, so this is a great opportunity to make a big impact and take ownership.

We are a remote-first company, with many teammates being fully remote and the rest work from home usually 2-3 days a week, with the other days at our headquarters in Philadelphia. We are only hiring within the US, however.


More details about Crossbeam and our team can be found here https://www.crossbeam.com/careers/ (edited)

98point6 | Backend Engineer, Data Engineer, DevOps Engineer, Security Engineer, VP Engineering | Seattle, WA | Full-time | https://98point6.com/careers#open-roles

Hi, I’m Thomas and I’m Director of Engineering at 98point6. We’re hiring for a number of roles, like VP Engineering, Backend Engineer, Data Engineer, DevOps Engineer, and Security Engineer. Our goal is to make access to primary care as easy as googling something, without needing to make a financial tradeoff. We were seeing exciting growth before COVID-19 and that growth has accelerated even more as we help support the response to this global pandemic in the US. Some quick mentions of the technology we’re using: all our infra is in AWS, IaC using CDK (and some Terraform), Typescript, Kotlin, DynamoDB, and PostgreSQL. We are usually ONSITE in the office. During COVID-19, we are fully remote. Looking forward to hearing from you!

98point6 is a Latacora client.

"... primary care as easy as googling something, without needing to make a financial tradeoff" is a great way to put it; their product is one of the best in the market (and I'm not just saying that as someone on the team, but also as someone who recently used a competing product because their healthcare plan suggested it).

As their security team we've interacted with pretty much every part of 98point6, but of course I can speak most cogently about what their security practice looks like. Everyone there has been a joy to work with. At the same time, they do the kind of no-nonsense technical delivery we like. This is an opportunity to work on one of the broadest issues in the US today, during one of the most important times to do it, with one of the best teams to actually get it done. And somehow they've managed to do it without turning themselves into a bureaucratic morass.

Happy to field questions. Contact info in profile if you'd prefer not to ask via comments.

Hello! I'm Steve Geluso. I'm in Seattle looking for work. The health industry has been on my eye for a second. I've spent the last three years as a lead instructor at boot camp schools. I was full time at Google, I freelanced, and I worked here in Seattle at Moby Inc. all before doing education. I'm definitely looking to get back in to engineering, especially with a company that has practical impact.

I'll apply on the site, and here's some more info about me, if you're interested. Thanks for raising attention to the role!

http://5tephen.com/ http://5tephen.com/resume/

The onsite requirement is going to be limiting.

GitLab, Remote only, Full time

As the world’s largest all-remote company, GitLab is a place where you can contribute from almost anywhere. We're an ambitious, productive team that embraces a set of shared values in everything we do.

As our team continues to grow, we're taking a unique, outbound approach to hiring. Learn more about our hiring model: https://about.gitlab.com/jobs/faq/

If you're interested in current or future roles at GitLab, share your information with our recruiters by joining our talent community: https://grnh.se/8490b7772us

Just out of curiosity, with such a short list of countries you don't hire in, why do countries like Mexico, Italy, Sweden, and Spain make it on the same list as North Korea?

I never understand the "same list as" thing. All countries appear on a list of all countries. North Korea appears on the same list as Japan if you make a list of East Asian countries.

It's probably related to tax or other regulatory/legal issues with hiring contractors across borders.

Sure but the list of all countries is quite a bit longer; the list in the FAQ is a much narrower category than that.

If they were able to figure out legal issues in the other hundred plus countries, I was wondering what's so particularly challenging about these, that's all.


> As the world’s largest all-remote company

Looks like Automattic has more employees than Gitlab and they're all remote?

I guess google has old data ;)

Are there previsions regarding hiring people in Brazil?

It says right on that FAQ page they aren't hiring people in Brazil

Payitoff | New York, Los Angeles | Software Engineer | Full-time, Remote/Onsite, USA | https://payitoff.io

Payitoff is a Student Loan API that crunches government regulations to save borrowers tens of thousands of dollars on their student loans. We're not a refinancing company. We do the hard work of simplifying the complex world of student loans so borrowers have an ally along their journey to pay it off. Our customers are fintechs, financial advisors, and banks who consume our insights and leverage our infrastructure to provide student loan tools to their users.

We're a small (<10) engineering-focused company (the CEO wrote the MVP in Elixir) and we'd like to stay that way. We're fully remote across the US, but if you're in New York or LA you're welcome to share an office! If you're looking for a chance to dig into a dense domain that makes a huge impact on ordinary people please get in touch.

Our tech stack: Elixir, Postgres.

We're looking for experienced Software Engineers (5+ YOE), preferably with Elixir/Erlang experience who have been impacted by Student Loans (either you, a friend, or loved one). Fintech experience preferred, but not necessary. Also open to the right Product Manager, but as we're an API-driven company this isn't a fit for some.

If interested please contact me directly: desmond [at] payitoff.io

thanks and have fun!

Good luck! This seems like an awesome idea.

NorthStar Medical Radioisotopes | Software Engineer | Madison, WI | Full Time | Onsite


Our Engineering team is growing fast, and we are seeking Software Engineers to help implement software for our current and next generation systems, and to become future leaders of our organization. Our team develops electromechanical instruments, devices, server software, and production equipment for medical and non-medical applications.

Stack: C# (.NET Core 3), C, C++, Python, Windows, UWP, Skia, SQLite, gRPC, Git

NorthStar’s mission is to transform the medical radioisotopes industry by becoming a global leader of innovative diagnostic & therapeutic medical radioisotopes. In fulfillment of this mission, NorthStar has developed ground breaking technology in radiopharmaceutical production as well as instruments/medical devices that will efficiently produce important medical radioisotopes on site at a radiopharmacy.


If you are interested in applying for this position, please forward your resume to Careers@northstarnm.com with the position title in the subject line.

Airtable | San Francisco, CA or Mountain View, CA | Onsite | Software Engineer, Product Engineer, Data Engineer, Data Scientist, SRE

Airtable's mission is to expand human productivity by letting everyone create tools to organize their world. Our current product includes a real-time collaborative database and a rich set of components for building tools using this database. Unlike single-purpose apps, we think of Airtable as a toolkit of building blocks that people can repurpose to create their own applications. Our roadmap is filled with enhancements and additions to this toolkit that will push the boundaries of Airtable's capabilities.

Here's a blog post about some of the technical decisions behind a recent project to add a lightweight scripting layer on top of the core product: https://airtable.news/creating-a-scripting-environment-for-a...

We're hiring software engineers for web (JavaScript + TypeScript, Node, React), iOS (Objective-C, Swift), and Android, as well as data engineering, data science, SRE, and many other roles.

We're a team with backgrounds from Google, Facebook, Microsoft, etc. We believe in the power of highly motivated and capable individuals to accomplish great things in small teams, with end-to-end ownership of projects and rapid iteration.

Read about open positions and apply here: https://airtable.com/careers

Percona | Remote Worldwide | MySQL Database Engineer | Full-time | https://www.percona.com/about-percona/careers/database-engin...

Percona is a remote-first company and we were voted in the 10 top companies that are hiring people to work from anywhere in the world (CNBC). We are an industry leader in providing elite services, training and software for MySQL®, MariaDB®, MongoDB®, PostgreSQL® and other open source databases in on-premise and cloud environments.

Our Database Engineers are a team of experts who love to solve the toughest challenges and help our customers improve their overall database infrastructures.

Top skills required: MySQL, Linux, cloud services or hosting providers, English-speaking

Hazy | Elixir Phoenix Developer | REMOTE | FT or PT CONTRACT | https://hazy.com

Hazy is a synthetic data company. You can get a sense of what we do from e.g.: https://hazy.com/blog/2020/03/23/synthetic-scooter-journeys https://hazy.com/blog/2020/04/03/generative-adversarial-netw...

We're looking for a hit-the-ground-running Phoenix developer to help us create a new web application. I'm the CTO, hit me up on my username at hazy.com

Shopify | Multiple positions | Ottawa, Montreal, plenty more | https://www.shopify.com/

Shopify is all-in-one commerce platform with over a million businesses worldwide allowing people to start, run, and grow a business.

We have multiple positions available.

More details here: https://www.shopify.com/careers

Skydio | Software Engineers & Leadership | Redwood City, CA | Full-Time, Onsite (wfh during quarantine) | https://www.skydio.com/

Skydio is a drone startup in Redwood City. Thanks to our incredibly strong team (https://bit.ly/skydioteam), we're now the leading US drone company and the world leader in drone autonomy.

We recently launched a breakthrough consumer product: https://youtu.be/imt2qZ7uw1s. And we’re getting significant traction with a number of large organizations using the consumer device as a platform for more specialized applications. The future is drones-as-a-service that live in docks and are dispatched through cloud software: https://youtu.be/k8RRykNVL6E.

We’re looking for an exceptional software engineering leader (i.e. Head of Software Eng) as we scale up our team and technology to meet the opportunity ahead. If you have a proven track record building/leading high-powered startup engineering teams in one (or more) of the following areas, please send your resume to hiring@skydio.com: - OS/Firmware for shipping hardware devices - Enterprise SaaS - Video streaming, storage, delivery - 3D graphics, computer vision, geospatial/mapping - Cloud, web apps, mobile apps

We’re also looking for seasoned software engineers in all of the areas listed above, as well as electrical engineers, wireless/rf engineers, a head of people ops, and a technical recruiter. Check out https://jobs.lever.co/skydio for a full list of open positions, and submit your resume if you’re excited about the opportunity.

Tech stack: C++, Python, Javascript/Typescript, Android (Java), iOS (Swift), Djinni, Linux, and many more tools and systems on a project-by-project basis.

Aha! (https://www.aha.io) | Rails / React / Security | REMOTE

Aha! is the #1 tool for product managers to plan strategy and roadmaps. We serve more than 300,000 users worldwide.

We are looking for:

* Experienced full-stack engineers to work on the Aha! product. Our application is built in Ruby on Rails, with some React on the frontend for rich client-side experiences.

* Security engineers, with hands-on Rails development experience plus experience with compliance projects, security policy development, or other security initiatives.

Aha! is profitable, you can work from anywhere in North America, and we offer excellent benefits. We use our own product to manage our work (which is especially rewarding) and we deploy continuously.

Our entire team is remote - in North American timezones so we can collaborate during the work day.

You can view open engineering positions at https://www.aha.io/company/careers/current-openings?category..., and click through to a specific job for our simple application form.

I’ve used your software before. Pretty useful stuff. Refrains from being SUPER opinionated about the Product lifecycle but still provides a good framework for my product managers to work within.

Tulip | https://tulip.co/careers | Boston, MA and Munich, Germany | Full time | Onsite

Do you want to help transform manufacturing? We are building the best team in the industry to bring consumer-grade user experiences to a space dominated by ancient enterprise technology. Our platform enables our customers to create apps without code and to connect their apps to machines, sensors and smart tools. These augmented production lines would otherwise rely on paper to share information.

We have offices in Somerville, MA and Munich, Germany and have raised $52m from NEA, Vertex, and other leading investors. Our customers include some of the largest manufacturers in the world across numerous verticals of the manufacturing industry.

We'd love to talk to anyone interested, but in particular we are looking to bring folks on in:

- SRE/DevOps: Kubernetes-admin, scalable monitoring across the firewall, hybrid cloud/on-prem deployment

- SRE/DevOps: Azure cloud architect, ideally with container service/AKS experience

- Web Development: React+Redux frontend, NodeJS+Mongo+Postgres+Redis backend, syncing data with Meteor, delivering useful, real-time experiences in the browser and on Electron

- Data & Pipeline Engineering: planning, implementing, and finding insights with our next generation of process & sensor analytics

- IoT/Embedded Software: delivering a reliable, extensible HW platform across arm and x86, all manner of bus/IO tech

Apply at https://tulip.co/careers or email us at jobs@tulip.co

I can't find anything by the way about Embedded Software Engineers in Germany on your careers page. Are you looking for IoT / Embedded developers in your Munich branch?

Sorry, we're not currently looking for Embedded Software Engineers in Munich. We will likely be add an opening there later in the year.

Are you able to do Visas for those already within the US?

We can do OPT Visas (and try to convert it to an H1B), but are not able to sponsor an H1B from scratch.

Imperfect Foods | San Francisco (CA), Remote | Full-time | https://www.imperfectfoods.com

At Imperfect Foods we are all about groceries on a mission. Since 2015, our services have saved over 100M lbs of food. Our product and technology team is responsible for building our ecommerce platform and internal tooling, as well as ensuring smooth daily operation of our rapidly growing business. We are swimming in interesting problems around customer-facing features, scale, and logistics. If all of this excites you, come join us!

We're hiring for roles across technology:

- Data Scientist: https://jobs.lever.co/imperfectfoods/4c198d6e-acc4-405a-996c...

- DevOps Engineer: https://jobs.lever.co/imperfectfoods/31f0ba92-944b-48b8-820b...

- Director of Engineering (Operations Technology): https://jobs.lever.co/imperfectfoods/9aa45b59-d0c8-4cac-830b...

- Software Engineer (Backend): https://jobs.lever.co/imperfectfoods/f3439a24-ff79-4e07-988d...

- Software Engineer (JavaScript): https://jobs.lever.co/imperfectfoods/ebdaba83-69b0-4e10-aeac...

Super excited to see this; applied

Strateos | Backend engineer, Full-Stack Engineer, Frontend Engineer, Principal Architect, Site Reliability Engineer, Engineering Manager Menlo Park, CA | https://strateos.com | ONSITE

Hey there, want to help scientists define and run experiments in code?

We make it possible to program biology and chemistry experiments and run them in the cloud. We do this by providing a language (autprotocol.org) and a runtime (scheduler + robotics) accessible via API. We're a bit like AWS but for robots, not computers, and have availability regions in the Bay Area and San Diego with more to come. Tech stack includes: Scala, RabbitMQ, Ruby/Rails, Typescript, React, Ansible, Postgres/Redis. Benefits include: full medical/dental/vision insurance; catered lunch and dinner, and a fully stocked kitchen; flexible vacation policy; 401(k) with matching; gym and commuter reimbursement; and education reimbursement up to $3,000/year.

ActiveState | Vancouver, CA | Remote | https://grnh.se/772329f92us

ActiveState Platform - made by developers for developers! We are reinventing build engineering with an on-demand SaaS Platform and CLI tool that lets developers automate the building of any runtime environment using any open source language ecosystem on any platform. In Beta right now, we support Python and Perl and we're hiring to add more languages and packages! We’re building an ambitious language distribution platform so that no engineer ever has to suffer dependency hell again, and we need your help to build it.

We have a number of different engineering positions open, which you can find from the link above, including a dev ops position and a number of build engineer positions.

I'm a Team Lead here at ActiveState, though none of the open positions are on my team right now. Please email me at autarch@urth.org if you have any questions.

I applied like 10 days ago but didn’t get any answer.

BentoML.ai | Open Source Evangelist / Technical Writer | San Francisco or Remote | Full time or Contract | http://docs.bentoml.org/

BentoML is an open-source platform for high-performance machine learning model serving. We are a small team building the open-source project BentoML as well as a BentoML based SaaS product for enterprise teams. https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML

We are looking for a technical writer with a Machine Learning background, ideally, someone who has experience in either open-source evangelism or solution architect in related space, to help with creating tutorials, blog posts, and documentation for our open-source project BentoML.

Email chaoyu [at] bentoml.ai for more information.

Squarespace | Infrastructure Software Engineer - Traffic | Remote / Portland, OR / NYC | Fulltime

The Infrastructure Engineering teams are looking for experienced and passionate software and systems engineers to help in ensuring that customers around the world can access Squarespace sites reliably and quickly. We work together with the product teams to maintain the reliability of our features that are backed by a fleet of microservices, growing Squarespace's customer presence on the public Internet, and terminate internet traffic around the globe.

The Traffic team facilitates user requests from the public internet to the Squarespace infrastructure for millions of websites. Our job is to make sure those requests arrive at the correct backend safely, securely, and quickly. We manage all routing and Traffic infrastructure at Squarespace. This includes TLS termination and certificate renewal, application firewalls, response caches (Varnish), CDNs, L7 application load balancing, service to service communication through a Service Mesh based on Envoy Proxy, and Squarespace’s external DNS providers.

Interested in helping to build the future of the public internet? Apply at the link below!


Current | New York, New York | Onsite | iOS Engineer, Android Engineer, Backend Engineer(s)

We are a leading U.S. challenger bank built to meet the needs of people with unique lives who have been overlooked by the traditional banking industry. Our proprietary Current Core technology allows us to provide premium banking services for everyone, regardless of age or income, and improve the financial outcomes of our members without overdraft fees, minimum balance requirements, or hidden fees. We give members up to two days faster direct deposit paychecks, access to 55,000 free ATMs worldwide as well as 24/7 member support 365 days a year.





Email megan@current.com for more information.

Forestry.io (https://forestry.io) | Solutions Engineer, Developer Relations Lead | Remote (UTC -8 to UTC -3) | Full-Time

--- About Us

Forestry.io is on a mission to help people build a better web. We’re building a Git-backed content management system (CMS) and an open source site-editing toolkit (TinaCMS) -both focused on the JAMstack.

We're a small, growing company (17 people) and are proud of our remote-first, people-centric culture. Read more about that here: https://forestry.io/careers

--- Role Details & How to Apply

Solutions Engineer : https://forestry.io/job-openings/solutions-engineer/

To apply for this role, please fill out the application form on this page.

Developer Relations Lead :

We are still working on a formal job description, however we're essentially looking for a player/coach to help create our developer relations function at Forestry with the primary goal of raising awareness of TinaCMS (https://tinacms.org). To apply for this role, please send an email & resume to careers@forestry.io and mention this post in the subject.

Atlassian | Many types of roles (inc Engineering) | Full-time/Contract/Intern/Grad/etc | Mix of onsite and remote [All remote for now] | Global

Roles and number of open positions:

    Data & Analytics (16)
    Design (25)
    Engineering (106)
    General & Admin (33)
    Graduates (10)
    Interns (15)
    Marketing & Sales (61)

    Other (58)
    Product Management (20)
    Program Management (12)
    Security (11)
    Support (29)
    Trello (3)
Apply here: https://jobs.lever.co/atlassian?lever-via=SftTHN-4I0

Atlassian engineers like to get their hands dirty and build stuff. Whether crafting elegant JavaScript, building mobile apps, or architecting a scalable cloud platform with micro-services on AWS, our engineering team creates products that help teams build whatever they imagine. Teams using our software have helped get the Mars Curiosity Rover into space, develop the cochlear implant, and build thousands of products launched to millions of customers.

There's tons of technical know-how across our team (including our two founder engineers). Work side-by-side with the world’s best developers, and push yourself to the limit of what you can create. What’s more, spend time once a quarter going full out on ShipIt, and feel empowered to work on what inspires you most.

General Structure: Phone Screen + Coding Assignment + Technical Interview + Soft/Culture/Management Interview. All interviews remote at this time.

I have applied several times to Atlassian but never get any response.I'm pretty confident my skillset matches the jobs I applied for.

Same happened with me

Alto Pharmacy | San Francisco, CA and Denver, CO | Software Engineer | Full Time - Onsite | https://www.alto.com At Alto we are using technology to re-design and re-build the pharmacy from the ground up to offer better patient care and improve people's lives. We recently announced our series D funding and our plans to expand nationwide.

We believe that the status quo in the pharmacy industry is broken and we’re doing something about it. We’re a VC funded technology startup based in San Francisco made up of ex-Facebook engineers. We offer free medication delivery in the Bay Area, Seattle, Los Angeles, Orange County, Nevada, and Denver, and we’re building an advanced technology platform to help patients manage and understand their medication therapy. We allow patients to text, call or email their pharmacists with any question and strive to provide an amazing patient experience. The pharmacy experience is completely broken, and we have a huge opportunity to use technology to improve the lives of millions of patients.

Our stack is Ruby on Rails, React, React Native, and Go. We’re offering a competitive salary and a generous equity package.

Hiring for: frontend engineers, backend engineers, fullstack engineers, early career engineers, software security engineers, security incident detection and response engineers, infrastructure engineers, engineering managers, product managers, designers, pharmacists, and many more-- come one, come all, we're hiring!

More details at https://alto.com/careers

Netflix | Sr. Software Eng. | Full-time | Onsite | Los Angeles or Los Gatos, CA | https://jobs.netflix.com/jobs/870669

We're building the world's first global, digital studio.

If you're interested in learning more about our mission, challenges, & solutions we're taking on, checkout overview talk on "Entertainment @ Scale". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDu8Ccpr6Us

We're currently hiring backend Sr. Software Engineers with experience in Java, GraphQL, Distributed systems, AWS, ML (bonus)

Is Netflix truly hiring backend engineers in Los Angeles? The job posting is for Los Gatos and the site has only front-end/full-stack in LA.

Yes, we're hiring in L.A. too. I'm the Director of the teams. We are hiring in L.A. The JD specific location has not been posted yet, but we are hiring in L.A. in addition to Los Gatos. If you're based out of L.A. and interested go ahead and apply to the existing LG role I linked to. Don't worry about the location marked for LG.

Thank you for still checking in on the weekend!

Ledger Investing (W17) is hiring a Data Scientist / Statistician. We develop new data science approaches and software for financial institutions.

Fully remote + Competitive salary + Equity + Health + 401k + $5k towards your dream desk setup.

Apply directly at: https://stackoverflow.com/jobs/388658/data-scientist-statist...

Valora Digital | Fullstack Senior & Mid-level | Full-time | Zurich, Switzerland | ONSITE or REMOTE (CET +- 2h)

Valora Digital is the newly founded digital unit of Valora, a European retailer with 2700 stores across 5 countries. We are tackling interesting challenges in areas such as Autonomous Stores (think Amazon Go), Ecommerce & Delivery, Loyalty, Payments and Process Improvement. For this purpose we are building up a development team from the ground up. You will be one of the first engineers and will have a big part in shaping the culture as well as choosing our stack. We are looking to bring the startup ethos to the corporate world and get to combine the best of both worlds: ample funding, a huge customer base to deploy to and lots of freedom. I'm the head of this new unit and was previously a founder, CTO and CEO.

You can learn more and apply here https://valora.digital (bottom of the page) or on Stack Overflow https://stackoverflow.com/jobs/302271/senior-software-engine....

Twenty | Non-Profit | Frontend, Fullstack | San Francisco, Remote (US preferred) | $125k

Hi, we’re Twenty! We’re a brand new non-profit on a mission to discover and develop the potential in everyone. We are pre-product and pre-website, but we already have an incredible group of supporters. Sal Khan, founder and CEO of Khan Academy and Bill Jackson, founder of GreatSchools, are both on our board. The Eric and Wendy Schmidt Strategic Innovation Fund is our first funder and Schmidt Futures is our first customer.

Our CEO is an education executive with 30+ years of experience. Our CPO is a former startup founder and product manager from Khan Academy, and our CTO sold his previous company to Google.

Our tech stack uses Typescript + React Native on the frontend with a light Rails backend running on App Engine. We’re still early and nothing is set in stone, so there’s lots of room to craft and improve our stack.

We're looking for someone with mobile experience (React Native/Flutter/native), an eye for product and design, and some backend experience or a desire to learn. If you’re interested in a product with impact, a high level of autonomy and solving problems for a global audience with tight constraints (connectivity and devices), send me an email!


Bolt | Software Engineer | San Francisco, CA | ONSITE | Fulltime | https://www.bolt.com

Ecommerce infrastructure on the internet is fragmented and broken. Bolt is a world-class buying experience available for all online businesses. We're building a future where retailers can eliminate the massive operational overhead and technical debt associated with online checkout and payments, and where customers can buy instantly and securely across the internet. To solve such a large problem, we've put together an incredible team and are selectively adding to it. Play a mission-critical role in developing the future of online commerce.

We are looking for someone excited to take on our ambitious product roadmap who exhibits passion, creativity and a love of building things. Companies and consumers alike will rely heavily on what you build. If this challenge excites you, get in touch with our team.

Join us! More details here: https://www.bolt.com/careers/software-engineer/5a260836-617b...

Fast Growing Series-C Construction Tech Startup| Hiring in San Francisco | Onsite, Fulltime

Fieldwire is a construction field management platform. We are venture backed and looking to double the engineering team! If you are looking for a fast-pace startup with great culture and a great product, feel free to apply!

Sr. Site Reliability Engineer (First in the team!) - 3+ yrs of experience, BS or MS in CS or equivalent. Apply here: https://www.fieldwire.com/job/4683863002?gh_jid=4683863002

Senior Android Automation Engineer - 4+ yrs of experience in iOS development, BS or MS in CS or equivalent. Apply here: https://www.fieldwire.com/job/4493690002?gh_jid=4493690002

Backend Engineer - 1+ yrs of experience in iOS development, BS or MS in CS or equivalent. Apply here: https://www.fieldwire.com/job/4341804002?gh_jid=4341804002

Sr. Backend Engineer - 3+ yrs of experience, BS or MS in CS or equivalent. Apply here: https://www.fieldwire.com/job/4479851002?gh_jid=4479851002

Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWph4xPMqzs&feature=youtu.be

MemSQL (https://memsql.com) | Lisbon (Portugal), San Francisco and Seattle | Full Time

MemSQL is a database startup focused on high performance, hybrid workloads. Our customers include half of the top 10 US banks, 2 of the top 3 US telcos, and 12% of the fortune 100. You can read all about our product here: https://memsql.com/product.

Right now, we are in the process of building a next generation data platform capable of handling many different workloads in one system. Think about a massive company storing all of its data, operational or analytical together. That's the vision - if that resonates with you, say hello!

We have several positions open:

* Engineering Manager, Helios (San Francisco)

* Software Engineer, Frontend - Growth Team (Lisbon, Portugal)

* Software Engineer, Web (Lisbon, Portugal)

* Support Engineer (Lisbon, Portugal)

* Senior Software Engineer, Performance (Seattle)

* Escalation Engineer (Portland, SF, Seattle or US Remote)

* Senior Professional Services Architect/Engineer (West Coast, Remote)

Careers page with individual links for each open position: https://www.memsql.com/careers/jobs/

If you want to learn more about the engineering work we do, check out memsql.engineering.

Feel free to email directly at david at memsql dot com.

Kyso | Full-time JavaScript/Backend Engineer | Valencia, Spain but job is remote within the EU | with equity | kyso.io


Hello all ! I'm Eoin one of the co-founders of Kyso. We are a small, fast growing, venture funded (Lunar Ventures & Techstars NYC) startup based in Valencia, Spain. Our stack is a typical MongoDB/Node.js backend with a Next.js/React.js frontend.

Kyso is a company’s central data insights hub where data scientists can post reports in a way that everyone on the team can read and learn from them. We are compatible with all the common data science tools, yet make the reports readable for non-technical people - bridging the gap between the data team and the rest of the company. Kind of like Notion (or Confluence), but for data analysis. 2/3 founders already have an exit - so this isn't our first rodeo.

It’s our first hire (equity included) so if you want to get into a fast growing startup early - please apply!

Location: India Remote: Remote ONLY

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: FullStack JavaScript, Typescript, React, Redux, CSS-in-JS, SPA, Node.js microservices, Express, Fastify, Mongoose, MongoDB, K8S, AWS, ECS, EKS, Docker.

Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ng-sL5c7qQ68L-awGbbAduDA...

Email: narendra.sisodiya.1983@gmail.com

Kensho Technologies | Data Scientists/Engineers across the stack | Full-time | (Cambridge/Boston)/NYC/DC/LA

At Kensho, we leverage S&P Global’s world-class data to research, develop, and implement leading AI and machine learning capabilities that drive fact-based, objective decision making. From deep learning speech recognition and transcription to advanced visualizations, entity recognition, state-of-the-art search, and an AI-driven research platform, the Kensho team brings actionable insight and order to complex data. Our products power S&P Global and deliver innovative solutions and capabilities to their clients.

Founded in 2013, Kensho is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts with offices in Washington, D.C., New York City, and Los Angeles. In 2018, S&P Global acquired Kensho for $550M, the largest AI acquisition in history to date.

We are currently looking for a • Query Infrastructure Engineer • Front & Back End Engineers • SRE's • ML Engineers • Data Infrastructure Engineers • click here for more! https://kensho.com/careers

Covariant (https://covariant.ai/) | Berkeley, CA (San Francisco Bay Area) | full-time | onsite

Our mission is to build the Covariant Brain, a universal AI to give robots the ability to see, reason, and act on the world around them. Bringing AI from laboratory research to the infinite variability and constant change of our customers' real-world operations requires new ideas, approaches and techniques.

We were recently featured in publications from the New York Times (https://nyti.ms/2SkFoUe) and the Wall Street Journal (https://on.wsj.com/2OpujAe), to IEEE Spectrum (http://bit.ly/2Opw3cy)!

We’re always hiring for a variety of roles, but our current priorities are:

- Site Reliability Engineer: http://bit.ly/2OrhpSf

- Full-Stack Engineer: http://bit.ly/2Sb7AZO

Experience in AI/ML/robotics is not required!

Success in the real world requires a team that represents that world -- diversity of backgrounds, points of view, and experiences. Our common denominator: ambitious expectations, love of learning, empathy for those around us, and a team-first mindset. Curious? Read more about our company and our engineering culture! http://bit.ly/37U1rba

ISO | Full Stack Software Engineer | SF + REMOTE | https://iso.io

We are a stealth seed stage company on a mission to redefine analytics, accountability and visibility within the supply chain and logistics industry. We are a team of serial entrepreneurs who have an extensive background in building world class product, operations, and sales & marketing teams. The global supply chain accounts for roughly 10% of Global GDP, and is also one of the largest contributors to significant global challenges like air pollution and food waste. By changing how organizations work together across the supply chain, we will play a critical role in tackling these challenges head on.

Since our April’s post, we’ve hired one incredible software engineer and are looking for 2 more product-minded engineers to join our team. We are especially excited to talk to a strong front-end engineer who wants to leverage their FE skills while going deeper into backend development.

Full job description is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1a_bK6uPLo95O9AXronq_5RCc...

Our interview process:

* Apply via email (see below) intro to ISO w/ co-founder

* Conversation with Head of Engineering

* Remote Technical Screen

* “Onsite” interview including 3 technical sessions, group interview, and conversations with every team member (we are small)

* Offer

Everything is done via Zoom and there are no takehomes

To apply or say hello, email us at careers (at) iso.io

Course Hero | Redwood City, CA | Various Engineering, Product, Design roles | Full-time, Onsite | https://grnh.se/2ywlpf

Course Hero is an online learning platform where students can access over 40 million course-specific study resources contributed by a community of educators and other students. We envision a world where every student graduates, confident and prepared.

Course Hero has been recognized as the 278th Fastest Growing Company in North America on Deloitte's 2019 Technology Fast 500, and also 2019’s One of the Best Places to Work in the Bay Area. We are in a hyper-growth mode and are actively hiring across the board!

Our tech stack: React, Typescript, Sass, Go, Python

We are hiring for the following roles:

- Senior/Staff/Lead Software Engineers, front end (5+ YOE)

- Senior Machine Learning Engineers (5+ YOE)

- Senior Data Analysts (3+ YOE)

- Senior Data Scientists (3+ YOE)

Come join us on our journey to help invent the future of student learning! Feel free to reach out to me directly if you want to chat about the front-end roles - my contact info is in my profile.

Hi there

Would you consider off-site remote working? I'm a UK analyst with 12 years of experience

Hello! We're focusing only on candidates who can work on-site at this time.

I love it when internet-based companies don't allow remote work. You run a platform for learning over the internet, but the internet isn't good enough for work?

Isn’t it a good signal that you might not want to work for them?

I think he's just pointing out the irony

It's a great signal for that, but it's still ridiculous.

I've been curious - what does onsite mean with shelter-in-place and general uncertainty around how safe it will even be to take public transportation, gather in offices, etc, once shelter-in-place is lifted?

Ideamotive | React.js Developer | Warsaw | Onsite

Ideamotive - a dev shop specializing business process automation for startups and growing companies is looking for a React Developer. We are located in Warsaw, Zoliborz at a start-up accelerator mansion called ReactorWarsaw.

Our stack consists of Ruby on Rails and/or Node on backend and React on a frontend, usually Postgres as a main database and Redis + Sidekiq for queues.

You, as a candidate, should be a computer science graduate (or has equivalent knowledge) with a solid background in front-end and previous experience in React or similar framework. We also expect you to have understanding of a current trends and state-of-the-art solutions.

Our original job offer: https://ideamotive.co/careers/frontend-react-dev/

Apply at: https://ideamotive.recruitee.com/o/regular-react-developer

LedgerX | Principal/Senior Front End Engineer | New York | Onsite | https://www.ledgerx.com/

LedgerX is a crypto-derivatives company offering BTC options to institutional & retail customers. We are growing faster than ever and looking to tap into even more users by providing the best front-end experience on the market.

I've been with the company for just over a year and the outlook has never been more bullish. Adding an exceptional lead-engineer to our front-end team is the next step in achieving our goals and moving the ball further.

Our front-end apps are react/js and are backed by python rest APIs.

We're building towards fully-automated and massively scalable.

If you're interested in owning products and building new experiences with significant autonomy, please apply!

Check out jobs at: https://apply.workable.com/ledgerx/

Feel free to email me at brandon@ledgerx.com if you'd like to chat more.

One Codex (YC S14) | San Francisco (Mission) | Software + Scientist Roles | Onsite + Remote | https://www.onecodex.com

One Codex is a platform for microbial genomics. We are a technical, experienced team working on meaningful problems that range from infectious disease diagnostics to outbreak epidemiology to improving our understanding of the microbiome. We work with top researchers, medical institutions, and biotechs, and have processed samples from all seven continents (and space!). Here's what we're doing to help out with COVID-19: https://www.onecodex.com/blog/2020/03/16/covid-19-sequencing...

We're currently looking for engineers across multiple positions, including both those who are backend- and frontend-leaning. Our stack includes Python, Rust, and Javascript/Typescript (React), and we write everything from D3 visualizations to low-level bioinformatics algorithms. We are also hiring microbiologists/computational biologists.

Challenges include: (1) developing novel algorithms for analyzing complex microbial communities; (2) working with terabytes of genomic data; (3) building scientifically reproducible analyses suitable for both research and the clinic; and (4) supporting scientists and developers building on our platform with extensible APIs.

We are based in San Francisco and offer a competitive salary and meaningful above-market equity. Benefits include full medical, dental, and vision coverage, and a flexible vacation policy.

Please apply here: https://www.onecodex.com/careers/

Commsor | Software Engineer | Full Time | Remote

Commsor helps companies and teams build better communities. We're creating powerful tools including analytics, automation, a member CRM, etc, all integrated with various community tools and channels.

We're looking for a product-minded software engineer. You will be our third engineer, and will be essential in shaping the early features and functionality of our fast-growing community product, our culture and processes.

We use Clojure for all of our server-side code, using the Edge framework from JUXT, backed by PostgreSQL. Our frontend is a mixture of ES6 JSX and ClojureScript, built using Figwheel Main and we use React for our UIs, and a custom Sass framework based off of Spectre.css.

Happy to answer any questions you might have! mac at commsor dot com

See full job post for more info and to apply: https://www.notion.so/commsor/Software-Engineer-Commsor-fb67...

Rainforest Connection | Director or Marketing | REMOTE, from U.S. | https://rfcx.org

Rainforest Connection (RFCx) is a non-profit tech startup at the edge of conservation technology. We build and deploy scalable, open source solutions that can halt illegal logging and poaching in forests — simultaneously enabling biodiversity measurement and monitoring. RFCx is the next-gen nervous system for the natural world.

Much more info on the company, the mission, and the position available here: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/rfcx_rainforest-connection-ma...

We are a fully remote and virtual team so you can work from anywhere in the United States for this role. Please send a cover letter detailing why you would be the best candidate for this role and your resume to contact@rfcx.org by 7-May-2020.

Khan Academy | Mountain View, CA | Onsite or Remote (US/Canada) | Senior Backend or Fullstack Engineer | https://www.khanacademy.org/careers

Many people know us from our free educational videos (available on our site and on YouTube). We've also got tools for teachers, school districts, and parents. And the Official SAT Practice. Plus tons of exercises and content well beyond math. A lot of people don't realize that we're a non-profit, so learning on Khan Academy will always be free.

We've got a big mission to work on generally, and right now we have a big technical project underway to get us off of Python 2 and into Go. All of that functionality I mentioned in the previous paragraph? It's gotta be converted.

Some of our site is already running in Go and we've been making the switch incrementally without users seeing the switch (plus with the highest usage we've ever seen).

Loom | Several Engineering Positions | SF (onsite) or Remote | https://www.loom.com

Loom is empowering people around the world to create quick videos–of their screen, of themselves, or both. More than 3 million users across more than 80,000 companies are using Loom to communicate more effectively.

Our usage continues to rapidly scale, and we are on the cusp of rolling out almost a year's worth of product work that will help us spread within organizations and help team members collaborate more effectively.

Personal video pitch from me. :-)


https://jobs.lever.co/useloom https://twitter.com/vhmth

newline (formerly Fullstack.io) | Course author | Remote | Part Time | https://www.newline.co/write-with-us

7 out of our last 10 authors made $50k+ (each). We’re the authors of Fullstack React, ng-book, Fullstack Vue and we’re looking to work with authors like you to write a few new courses this year. Our books & courses sell very well because: - We go way beyond API docs and teach everything you need to know to build real apps. - We guarantee they're up-to-date. - We invest in marketing the books (and have an active email list of over 100k) - We love the topics we write about and aim to create something remarkable every time.

If you decided to self-publish, you may find the marketing is more than writing the course. We have an audience, and we know what they want to learn - so when your course is done, we already have people who want to buy it.

If you decide to go with a “traditional” publisher, you may be given a mediocre editor, write your book in MS Word (ha), and earn 5-15% in royalties. With us, our editors (me) are programmers first, our tooling is dev-friendly, and our royalties on profit are split 50/50. (For scale, the author of Fullstack Vue earned $20k on the opening weekend, Fullstack D3 even more.)

We’re looking to write the definitive guides on programming topics. Things like "The newline Guide to Authentication with React and Node in 2020" - But variations on that can be any major stack or task: Not only JavaScript, but also Rust, Go, Java, AWS, DevOps, Angular, React, ASP.NET Core, Serverless, Python, Elixir, Data Science etc.

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, fill out the form linked below. Looking forward to hearing from you!


(I've talked more about our economics of writing books here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17015117)

I would be very interested in working together on a publication...unfortunately the last couple times I submitted a proposal I never heard back. Is the write-with-us form page working properly, or was my proposal that bad :P ?

Sorry about that. I haven't gotten back to everyone - we're working on improving process so that we give everyone a firm answer.

just write it yourself, you don't need their permission!

CompilerWorks | SF Bay Area | Full-time, remote (or local) developer/architect/customer facing engineer | $90k-$250k driven by what you bring to the company.

If you love solving tough programming challenges and avoiding organizational politics this might be the place for you.

CompilerWorks is a bespoke compiler company. Our core product is centered on compiling SQL code and emitting it as either equivalent code in another SQL dialect or as a lineage model. e.g. would you like to run Oracle PL/SQL on a PostgreSQL database? You can with CompilerWorks.

We are driven to solve engineering problems that compilers can be used to solve. Our current product focus IS disruptive to the database market.

We are looking for EXPERIENCED developers. Our core development language is Java. We are currently a team of 17 in 13 regions, 11 countries.


Substack (W18) | Full stack engineer | San Francisco | Onsite | https://substack.com

Substack lets writers start their own subscription publication - think paid blog/newsletter - where writers' and readers' incentives are aligned.

Over 100k people pay to subscribe to publications, and top writers are making six figures.

We use Node, Express, and Postgres on top of Heroku. React for frontend. Simple & effective so we can focus on solving problems for users.

We are 11 people. We raised a series A from a16z last summer and are thoughtfully building our early team. Two of our three founders are technical (the other is a writer) and we're looking for folks to work along side us, shipping things that touch thousands of writers and millions of readers.

Come join us! https://careers.substack.com

Are you open to exploring working with an external team of React devs to work on your frontend?

SentiLink (https://sentilink.com) | San Francisco, CA | On-Site | Data Scientist

SentiLink prevents synthetic fraud, an emerging fraud vector in which fraudsters open accounts using name/DOB/SSN combinations that don't correspond to real people. Our partners include top ten US banks, fintechs, and alternative lenders. We're backed by investors including a16z, Max Levchin (Affirm CEO/PayPal cofounder), and former presidents/CEO's of Visa, Transunion, HSBC, and Citi.

Our tech stack uses Go (for the API part) and Python (for the ML part) on k8s and the work involves a lot of complex and sensitive data.

Please apply at https://jobs.lever.co/sentilink or reach out to jewel@sentilink.com with your interest / questions.

I'll vouch for these folks, top-notch team with the domain expertise to make this happen.

Dropbox | San Francisco | https://www.dropbox.com I'm an engineer on the Developer Tools team at Dropbox. We're looking for senior engineers who're excited to make other developers more productive by building great quality developer tools and/or services.

https://blogs.dropbox.com/tech/2019/12/continuous-integratio.... and https://blogs.dropbox.com/tech/2019/05/athena-our-automated-.... are some examples of work that we've done in the past.

Stack: Python & Go

Reach out to me directly - utsav@dropbox

blog links are broken

I am looking for opportunity at Dropbox. ~5 YOE. I worked in Java so far. I am open to change technology, do you think your team can consider me?

Shield AI | San Diego, CA | www.shield.ai | Onsite | Full-Time

Shield AI is an artificial intelligence robotics company building products for the national security sector and first responders. We are searching for people ready to rise to the occasion and join us in developing state-of-the-art technology alongside a mission that matters. Are you up for the challenge?

Positions Open Across Technical Teams: https://jobs.lever.co/shieldai -- Android Developer -- Artificial Intelligence: Staff Software Engineer C++ -- Core Engineering Services -- DevOps: Software Engineer -- Production Technician -- Materials Coordinator

Our team is built of scientists, engineers, and business leaders inspired by our mission; to protect service members and civilians with artificially intelligent systems.

Had a great experience interviewing with them last year. Highly recommended!

Apple | Software Engineer | Cupertino, CA/San Diego, CA/Portland, OR/Austin, TX | Onsite

We’re the team that designs and develops the operating system for the Secure Enclave used in iOS, tvOS, watchOS, and macOS devices. We develop the full software stack, including the L4 microkernel, runtime libraries, hardware drivers, and more. We work very closely with Apple’s Silicon Engineering Group to help design the Secure Enclave hardware.

This is a great place to work if you’re into some combination of embedded, operating systems, and security.

Apply here: https://jobs.apple.com/en-us/details/200120834/trusted-kerne...

This is the kind of work I wish I could get into. But alas, I seem to have become just another python developer.

Curious, why do you say that? I code primarily in Python but don't think that of myself. Could you elaborate?

Well, the position advertised is embedded programming in C/C++. Very much hardware-oriented. It's an area I'd love to get into but my career has evolved to be mostly automation-related Python coding. I don't routinely write enough C to claim expertise any more. Positions like this (especially at big well-known companies like Apple) also require a lot of domain experience, which can be difficult to get without pushing reset on your career and starting at the bottom again.

Global (REMOTE).

MixRank processes petabytes of data every month from web crawls, Google Play Store, Apple AppStore, and dozens of other sources.


We're looking for remote engineers to help with data mining, machine learning/data science, data transformation/ETL, data modeling, database scaling, and more.

PostgreSQL experience is highly desired (administration, optimization, DDL, etc). Also looking for experience with Python, Linux, Nix, and data mining.


We're looking for remote engineers to build web applications and APIs. The ideal candidate is looking to grow into position of technical leadership in product development.

Experience with full-stack web development, Python, PostgreSQL, and Linux is required. Competency or interest in data visualization, UI, UX, and design are desired.

Email available in profile.

which email are you looking at for submissions? i reached out to scott@deltaex.com but didn't receive a followup

Run | Senior Software Engineer | Los Angeles | Remote

A venture-backed stealth start-up. Run is building a platform to power the next-generation of apps, games, and digital property, where users own their data, and apps can safely build upon each other's code. Throw out what you might know: our approach is novel.

We're looking to hire our first engineer to build out several backend services in JS and Rust. The role will also involve designing new APIs and protocols, solving new scaling challenges, becoming an expert in blockchains, cryptography, and code sandboxing. There will be R&D. You must be curious and insanely good at something related. No blockchain experience required. Backend experience at scale desired.

If this is you, please get in touch: careers@runonbitcoin.com

CoinJar | https://www.coinjar.com | Senior Backend Engineer | Melbourne, Australia | Full-Time | Onsite

CoinJar is one of Australia's fastest growing startups and a trusted market leader in the digital currency industry. We build consumer-friendly products with strong focus on security, scalability and usability.

We are looking for experienced and passionate engineers to join our highly productive and product focused engineering team.

Our stack includes:

* Ruby on Rails

* Elixir + Phoenix

* Docker

* AWS to host our infrastructure

* React + React Native

* GraphQL + Relay

* Mobx

* styled-components

* Next.js

Backend Engineer https://hire.withgoogle.com/public/jobs/coinjarcom/view/P_AA...

MeetKai | Full-Time / Intern | REMOTE | Los Angeles / US / China | 50-180K + Equity for qualified candidates

We are a stealth-ish startup in the conversational AI space, co-founded by a founder of a >10bn cap tech company. We are hiring Engineers of all levels, If you are drawn to any of these bullet points email hello@meetkai.com to hear more.

* Being scrappy about collecting a dataset

* Building models based on latest academic research and internal R&D

* Making sure you can actually deploy a model rather than just measure the accuracy

* Handling deployments to a variety of NPUs NPUs (Da Vinci / TPU / NXP i.MX / etc.)

* Languages: Python, Rust, C (And anything else client side as may be needed)

* Being multilingual is a huge plus!

Tetmon | Singapore | REMOTE, VISA | Software Engineer, DevOps (2 roles) | Full-time | https://www.tetmon.com/

* Haskell

* TypeScript

* NixOS

* Terraform

* Bash + Shellcheck


* chatbots

* computer vision

* PB-scale datasets

* 5-continent infrastructure

Static types and functional programming are important to us. We're a very small team. Our code is used by millions. We're looking for you to have at least one of the following:

* experience with large-scale deployments

* understanding of type systems

* habit of research and documentation

The DevOps work is actually DevOps, not system administration or SRE. The software engineering work is on young and small codebases. We have a continuous pipeline of new projects.

Submit your portfolio (GitHub or otherwise) and resume/CV to careers@tetmon.com.

HomeVision | Frontend, Backend, Data Science/ML | REMOTE Only | https://homevision.co

Hiring: full-stack engineers. We work on a "GReaT" stack - Golang on the backend, React/Typescript on the frontend. Remote only.

HomeVision is developing next-generation tools and technology for the real estate appraisals industry. We're obsessively focused on building a platform that will speed delivery of home valuations to the broader financial markets.

Backed by Initialized Capital, we're looking to add talented engineers to our founding team.

Email: jobs@homevision.co

Rescale | San Francisco | SF & REMOTE | https://jobs.lever.co/rescale

Rescale offers a software platform and hardware infrastructure for companies to perform scientific and engineering simulation. (We're an HPC/Supercomputing Cloud Platform) We are a Y Combinator startup with top investors: Jeff Bezos, Sam Altman, Paul Graham, Peter Thiel, & a bunch of others. I think we're now #39 on the Top YC list. We have about 150 employees scattered around the world, with about 28 software developers mostly all located in San Francisco. The company still feels small and everyone is pretty tight. Work atmosphere is fun & friendly. We just closed Series C so we are in a very strong position to ride out whatever plays out in the economy & are probably a bit more insulated than most companies. We are growing very rapidly--all departments are hiring (We doubled in size in the last two quarters). It's exciting, a lot of opportunity, interesting technical problems to solve, definitely a good time to join. Devs that come in now will have the opportunity to have a big impact on the future of our company, our code & our culture.

We're currently looking for: Senior Backend Engineers, Data Engineers, Software Engineers, a Lead UI/UX Designer, Senior DevOps Engineers, Frontend Engineers, Senior Frontend Engineers, & PMs

Goodbox | Bangalore | Frontend Engineer, Mobile Dev | Full-time, Contract, Intern | Bangalore / Remote (within India)

Goodbox is an online grocery store that helps consumers to order from local supermarkets and get orders fulfilled within 2 hours. We provide online storefront as well as give logistics support to local grocery supermarkets to help them be competitive with pure online stores. We believe in making the local grocer be competitive enough that it can take the whole consumption potential around its 1-2 km radius. Doing all these in a unit-economics positive way (yeah, I know) is our goal, and we already are quite close to achieving 0 burn per delivery. Higher concentration of demand, Sensible delivery radius and flexible delivery SLA - is what is making this possible. We're currently operational in parts of BLR. We've been remote for few months before COVID-19 with occassional meet for brainstorming and nailing down of requirements across team.

Stack: Python/NodeJS/MySQL/Kubernetes on GCP on the backend. Angular/React for frontend. ionic/Java/Kotlin native for Android. But, Since we're early, work with the skillset of the team for faster iterations, is what I beleive in.

Please write to me directly at mahesh@goodbox.in with the title "HN: Frontend Dev" or "HN: Fullstack Dev" or "HN: Mobile Dev" and a short note on what piqued your interest in Goodbox.

Shogun (YC W18) | Multiple Positions | Full-Time | Remote | $80k-$150k+ (location/exp/role dependent)

Shogun is building next generation storefronts for eCommerce stores. We have one of the most popular apps on Shopify, and we're launching a second product. Our fully remote team of 60 is located all around the world.


Technical Project Manager


About You..

* You get things done.

* You are comfortable with ambiguity.

* You know best practices of different agile methodologies, but you are not set on one.

* You work async. You use meetings strategically.

* You understand tech, are familiar with the latest web technologies, and you have previous coding experience.

* You understand startups are chaotic and you kind of like it. You are able to navigate, reign in and thrive in the chaos.

In this role you will...

* Help the squads deliver in a fast-paced environment where there is not a lot of process and documentation to guide you.

* Work with two squads in different timezones.

* Get the needs from product/support/design/growth/engineering and break down the work into user stories and tasks that are clear for the engineering team to deliver.

* Validate the specs and fulfill the missing parts. Sometimes, you will write the specs by yourself.

* Organize backlogs, milestones, epics, and iterations.

* Host the iteration ceremonies (the less, the better).

* Communicate and create visibility for the entire company on what the squads are shipping.


Sounds interesting? Apply here: https://apply.workable.com/getshogun/j/0ECE81D36B/


Security Engineer: https://apply.workable.com/getshogun/j/28EC193631/


Senior Frontend Engineer: https://apply.workable.com/getshogun/j/9AC6343FBF/

Commure, Inc. | San Francisco, CA or Cambridge, MA or Montreal | Rust Engineers with Enterprise Experience | Fulltime | ONSITE

Commure is building a system of innovation for healthcare, starting by fixing the software doctors use. If you have seen what physicians have to put up with, it's a bad version of the 90s, and makes medical care worse and more expensive for everyone. We are a diverse group of previously successful engineers and entrepreneurs and senior doctors who are determined to finally fix this. To learn a bit more about the company, see https://www.commure.com and also https://developer.commure.com

Compensation: market salary & equity -- we are well funded by top-tier VCs.

Stack: includes Rust, React and Kubernetes. Enterprise software experience is highly desired but not required. In addition to building our back end in Rust, we are also solving some very interesting problems in the areas of security, data pipelines, high-performance APIs and flexible UI frameworks for healthcare data.

Please email jobs@commure.com and mention "[hnrust]" in the subject line.

Other positions available: - Techops/Devops Engineer (Kubernetes, SRE) (please use [hndevops] in subject line for the above)

Locations: San Francisco, Montreal or Boston; sorry, no (permanent) non-onsite options at the moment.

Transportant | Marketing Director | USA | Full-Time | Kansas City but REMOTE | $60-$120k

Started in 2017, Transportant is a disruptive technology company building modern hardware and software to help school districts, bus drivers, students, parents, and teachers optimize the school transportation. This includes providing high speed on bus wifi for students, bus status mobile apps, cameras with live streaming audio and video, ridership tracking and management, turn by turn directions, and safety sensors. During COVID19 our tech has helped transportation departments pivot to their new mission of delivering free & reduced rate meals during school shutdowns, and providing outdoor Internet connectivity spots for underprivileged students.

The founders are 20+ year veterans of mobile and software security industries. Our customers are school systems across the USA and Canada, with the Superintendent or Director of Transportation as the champion/purchaser. We're seeking the first full time marketing role. This would involve working with founders and with support from our engineering team. Activities start with marketing basics and expand to experiments to find effective, measurable, and scalable traction channels.

Application process is fast and simple: email cover letter -> initial video conf with founders -> work sample test -> offer/decline. build@transportant.com

Y'all have OR people for optimal bus route planning?

Very interested in talking if you would like to help make it better! Email's in my profile. Cheers!

V7 Labs | Full Stack Developer | Full-time | London (UK) https://www.v7labs.com/

A platform for AI to teach itself perception. Groups like GE, Merck, Stanford, & Harvard use V7 to automatically annotate training data and develop AIs for autonomous driving, early-stage cancer detection, and robotic manufacturing.

We believe in self-learning through and through, both in our tech and our culture, and seek highly curious developers that wish to work at the forefront of CS research. At V7, you'll work on ambitious technological goals and be exposed to some of the world's coolest AI projects, from measuring the severity of COVID-19 in medical imaging, to bringing animal species back from extinction.

We are based in the heart of London and our user-activity doubled each month for the past 3 months. This is not a deep learning or data scientist position and no prior ML experience is required.

Technologies include Vue.js, canvas, d3, elixir (erlang).

Apply at jobs@v7labs.com or https://angel.co/company/vseven/jobs/



NZXT | REMOTE | Software Engineer | Full-time | https://www.nzxt.com/

NZXT CAM is the next generation of desktop software for powering your PC. Whether it’s monitoring performance, customizing your hardware accessories, or overclocking your GPU for those extra frames, NZXT CAM has the solution.

We are looking for a thoughtful mid-level engineer with great understanding and experience on the web. You should be fluent with Typescript/Javascript.

We’re a team of collaborators that operate with regular sprint planning, estimations, and retros. Our tech stack includes React, MobX-state-tree, Electron, and CouchDB.

Recent projects from the last 6 months include: designing & building a beta release flow, building out one click/scheduled automation on our jenkins server, and building for hardware products (such as the data visualizations on our recently released Kraken Z series of coolers https://www.nzxt.com/product-overview/kraken-z).

For more information about NZXT CAM, visit https://www.nzxt.com/camapp

For a full job description and to apply, visit https://nzxt.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id=223

Hello, do you accept people applying from Asia?

Hi pckhoi, yes we do!

Carrot | Full Stack Developer | REMOTE | https://carrot.com

Carrot is a SaaS that provides online marketing tools for real estate investors and agents. Members use our website builder and other content marketing tools to create sites optimized for the leads they wish to capture. Those leads flow into our suite of marketing tools for action and analysis. We are one of the most popular options for real estate professionals wanting to generate leads online, and are used by thousands of individuals and companies.

Carrot is Oregon based, but you’ll be joining our fully remote development team. We’re looking for a full stack developer to join our team and create new features, maintain and improve our React web app, build on our Ruby on Rails REST API. Our platform hosts almost 12,000 active websites right now so you should be ready to build systems that scale. You'll enjoy working with us: we have a fully-staffed product team, fully-staffed SRE process, fully-automated CI/CD pipeline, great code-review process, and we use GitHub and Slack to collaborate. Join a small, high performance SaaS team that dominates its vertical!

More details here: https://carrot.com/careers/developer/

Ultimate Software | Ft. Lauderdale, Atlanta, San Francisco, Toronto, and more | Onsite & Remote in North America www.ultimatesoftware.com/careers

We also have opportunities in Europe at PeopleDoc, a company we acquired last year: www.people-doc.com/company/careers . Hiring in France, Germany, Spain, London, and Remote.

Due to COVID-19, our hiring has slowed, but we do still have a handful of position open :)

Ultimate Software has been building HR and Payroll software since 1990. We moved from selling licenses for on-premise installations to a cloud-based/subscription model in 2002. We are passionate about building awesome tools to make people's work lives easier. Our motto is People First, which describes how we treat our customers and our amazing company culture. We just merged with Kronos, another HCM provider, and we are very excited about the future of our combined companies!

We are hiring for a variety of product development positions, including:

Security Analysts, Software Engineering Manager, Front End Developers, and more.

About 20% of our Product Development team works from home. We have an unbelievable benefits/401K package, so apply to Fortune’s #1 Best Tech Company to Work For in 2019 today!

Here is a link to our job postings: http://ulti.pro/29PRPAj

You can also email resumes to techcareers AT ultimatesoftware.com

Caption Health | San Francisco Bay Area (Brisbane) | Software Engineering + Product Roles | Onsite Only| https://captionhealth.com/

Caption Health was founded with the mission to transform healthcare with AI. We’re led by a team of best-in-class entrepreneurs, engineers, and clinicians who are committed to empowering healthcare providers with new capabilities using AI.

We're currently looking for engineering and product roles. Our stack includes Python, Docker & Kubernetes, and various Machine Learning tools. Roles we are hiring for include: Sr. Software Engineer (Backend generalist), Sr Full-stack engineer, Marketing Lead, Program Manager, and Product Manager. See more at: https://captionhealth.com/careers/

Having the only FDA cleared AI-guided medical imaging acquisition system, we are looking to grow and expand during this critical time when hospitals and healthcare systems need desperate help. Come join us at a place where your work can have a major social impact!

We are based in Brisbane (South San Francisco) and provide free shuttles and commuter benefits to get to work. Our investors include Khosla Ventures, Data Collective, and other noteworthy Silicon Valley investors.

Tindeco Financial Services AG | Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom | Partially REMOTE | Full-time | https://www.tindecofs.com/

Tindeco seeks a lead software architect for our innovative Vision Investments product. Significant experience in software development from a financial services or quantitative background is required. Our stack is primarily C# .NET Core 3.1 and F#, deployed on Kubernetes. As a primarily Microsoft shop, our stack also includes WinForms, WPF, ASP .NET Web API and SQL Server. We also use Go, React, Typescript and Bootstrap.

We are looking for people with a passion to work in FinTech, a willingness to learn and most importantly a strong desire to tackle interesting and complicated problems. Our software is multi-award-winning at the Swiss WealthBriefing awards. We are a small but established company with ambitious growth plans over the next 12 months. Remote working is an option, but will not be 100% of the time once lockdown ends (we value face-to-face interaction).

More details from Steve via LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/activity-6654467380732841984-... or find a contact email on our website.

Stel Life | www.stel.life | Philadelphia (REMOTE-OK) | Late-Stage CTO | Full-time

Stel's mission is to become the most trusted hub for remote patient monitoring. Healthcare organizations are increasingly utilizing Internet of Things (IoT) devices to better care for patients. Historically, vitals programs have required tedious setup, pairing, and maintenance. Stel simplifies the experience by seamlessly connecting bluetooth vitals devices to health records without complex setup, WiFi, or mobile applications. Patients simply plug Stel's proprietary Hub into any outlet to instantly communicate with most Bluetooth devices including blood pressure cuffs, scales, glucose meters, and activity trackers. Stel is looking for team members passionate about scaling a sustainable company and leaving a lasting impact in the HealthTech and IoT world. Learn more at: www.stel.life

Role: Late-Stage CTO Stel is searching for a candidate excited by the opportunity to grow and lead the engineering team. Candidates should be passionate about IoT, while having the patience needed for the Healthcare industry. Strong candidates will be generalists and passionate about driving the technical vision across the entire stack including Hardware, Firmware, Backend, and Frontend. They should also be strong and structured communicators able to scale operations and processes. Apply here if interested: https://angel.co/company/stellife/jobs/806361-late-stage-chi...

Casa | Front End Engineer | REMOTE | Full Time | Cryptoassets & Cybersecurity


Casa is the secure home for your bitcoin. We help people around the world secure their bitcoin by holding their own private keys, without the headache and anxiety about losing their funds.

We are looking for a Full Stack Engineer to help us build the future of protecting Bitcoin, data, and personal privacy. You will work closely with our product and engineering teams to build new features, integrations, and improvements for our web apps. This role is fully remote with the occasional in-person team retreat.

Some Required Skills:

-Significant experience with front-end JavaScript frameworks (particularly ES6 and Vue or React), CSS preprocessors, and Flexbox

-Experience with NodeJS

-Experience writing tests and utilizing front end testing frameworks

-Knowledge of API design and best-practices, caching, resiliency, HTTP, REST

-Demonstrable knowledge of secure coding practices

You can find more information about the position here: https://angel.co/company/casa/jobs/805229-full-stack-enginee...

If you think you are a strong fit, please shoot us an email at jobs [at] team [dot] casa with the position title in the subject line.

Roblox | San Mateo, CA | Full Time | ONSITE (Remote during Shelter In Place)

We are actively hiring and all interviews are currently done via phone & zoom.

Roblox is ushering in the next generation of entertainment, allowing people to imagine, create, and play together in immersive, user-generated worlds. We are recruiting across multiple teams and positions. Our top priority roles are:

Technical Artist: 5+ years’ experience; Proficient in C++, Lua, Python and/or JavaScript

Backend Web Engineer: 5+ years’ experience, Fluent in C#, C++, Java, or another OOP language

C++ / Lua Engineer: 3-5 years’ experience; Proficient in C++; Experience with Lua preferred

C++ / UI Engineer: 3-5+ years’ experience; Proficient in C++; Experience with building very complex end user applications

C++ 3D Modeling Engineer: 3-5+ years'; Proficient in C++ (and/or Python); focus on 3D API's

Data Engineer: 3+ years’ experience; Expert with Java and Go; Custom ETL design, implementation and maintenance

Engineering Manager, Developer Tools (3D); 3-5+ years'; Proficient in C++ (and/or Python); focus on growing and mentoring teams

UI Engineer: 2-4+ years experience; Strong Python; Build tools to accelerate the development process for millions of engineers

Please visit https://corp.roblox.com/careers/ to apply, find more information and/or to see our full list of open positions.

Cohere Health|Senior/Software Engineer|Boston, MA| ONSITE OR REMOTE

Cohere Health is simplifying healthcare for patients, their doctors, and all those who are important in a patient’s healthcare experience, both in and out of the doctors office. We build software that is expressly designed to ensure the appropriate plan of care is understood and expeditiously approved, so that patients and doctors can focus on health, rather than payment or administrative hassles.

This is a unique opportunity to join a new engineering team with great ambition and zero technical debt. You will have an outsized influence on the future direction and technology decisions.

Our application stack:

    - React
    - Java Spring/Springboot
    - MongoDB
    - AWS
Throughout the interview process you can expect the following during your time with us:

    - A coding test
    - Phone call to review with hiring manager
    - Virtual pairing interview (system architecture and design)
    - Hopefully a quick decision and offer!
Software Engineer - https://grnh.se/411abe653us

Senior Software Engineer - https://grnh.se/04bdb7513

Libang Surgical Technologies | Vancouver, BC | Onsite | Full Time

Interested in creating a surgical robot? LST is an early stage company founded in Vancouver, well financed and lead by an experienced team. We are actively hiring.

A great opportunity to join the beginning of a new design effort! We are looking for talented and humble team players who want to work in a fun environment on interesting problems to make an impact on peoples lives. You'll be part of a focused team designing and validating new technology, then taking it to production. As part of the core R&D and product development effort, you will be contributing to the design of an autonimous image-guided platform for minimally invasive interventions using existing diagnostic and therapeutic tools & procedures. Our first product will target the treatment of breast cancer. Given this focus, women are encouraged to apply and will be welcomed.

We are really looking for people with directly relevant experience. Have you worked in medical device development (i.e. 13485) , robotics, image guidance, MRI compatible materials and design? How about computer vision, surgical devices, disposables design?

Multiple roles are open at various levels of experience, including focuses on electrical and biomedical engineering, medical image processing, computer vision, software development, and mechanical design.

If you have this or other closely related experience, we'd love to hear from you. This will be a challenging and rewarding opportunity to bring your skills and ideas to. Mention HN in the email and resume you send to jobs (at) libangsurgical (dot) com.

Thorn | REMOTE (US-based) | IT Security Engineer / Sr. Data Engineer / Sr. Software Engineer / Sr. Full-Stack Engineer / Sr. Data Scientist | Full-time | https://thorn.org

Thorn is a non-profit focused on building technology to defend children from sexual abuse. Working at Thorn gives you the opportunity to apply your skills, expertise, and passions to directly impact the lives of vulnerable and abused children. Our staff solves dynamic, quickly evolving problems with our network of partners from tech companies, NGOs, and law enforcement agencies. If you are able to bring clarity to complexity and lightness to heavy problems, you could be a great fit for our team. Without a doubt, you are a passionate technical leader that adeptly navigates between the big picture, details, and team dynamics.

We took the stage at TED and shared our audacious goal (https://www.ted.com/talks/julie_cordua_how_we_can_eliminate_...) of eliminating child sexual abuse material from the internet.

IT SECURITY ENGINEER: https://grnh.se/1995c67b2us

SENIOR DATA ENGINEER: https://grnh.se/535a2f882us

SENIOR DATA ENGINEER (NCMEC): https://grnh.se/e8a4d18b2

SENIOR SOFTWARE ENGINEER (SAFER): https://grnh.se/0d7664692us

SENIOR FULL-STACK ENGINEER: https://grnh.se/4d000ee42us

SENIOR DATA SCIENTIST: https://grnh.se/a5aec8882us

Tech stack: React / Typescript / Express / Node.js / Python / PostgreSQL / MemSQL / Elasticsearch / Docker / Terraform / Kubernetes / AWS / Packer/ Tensorflow / OpenCV / Scikit Learn / Jupyter

Competitive salary + fully paid medical, dental, vision + 401(k) + parental leave + development fund + remote, flexible working + wellness + amazing colleagues!

Hi, I admire your vision. Could I send you a pm?

Are you bailing from Charter?

Rollbar | https://rollbar.com | San Francisco, Barcelona, Budapest ONSITE or REMOTE | Product Management, Product Design, Data, Marketing, Customer Success

About Rollbar:

* We help tens of thousands of developers find and fix errors faster.

* Our backend handles billions of errors with low latency and high reliability

* Our front-end allows developers to discover and drill down across millions of errors in real-time

* Our open source libraries are used by some of the best engineering teams in the world, including Twilio, Instacart, Kayak, Heroku, Zendesk, and Twitch

* We closed our Series B financing in January, so we're well-capitalized for growth

* We're a ~50-person team (SF, Barcelona, Budapest, and remote) on a mission to help developers build software quickly and painlessly

* Benefits and perks: competitive salary and stock options, medical, dental and vision insurance, 401k, annual conference budget, generous hardware and software allowance, casual work environment, inclusive team-oriented culture, rapid career growth opportunities, have fun and have an impact.

We're currently hiring for:

- Senior Product Manager (Growth / DX)

- Senior Product Designer

- Team Lead - Customer Success Engineering

- Growth Marketing Manager

And more - to get in touch, please apply via https://rollbar.com/jobs

Dassault Systemes | C++ visualization engines integration engineer | Munich | ONSITE Full-time

Our growing team is looking for engineers integrating the visualization engines into the 3DExperience Platform - a big multi-purpose software (CAD, marketing, etc.) We have raytracers and rasterizer, native CPU, GPU, Web or distributed. Yes we have a lot of them and we have a lot of work.

- Strong skills in C++ (including C++11,14), multiplatform mainly Windows and Linux

- Knowledge of Computer Graphics, Scene Graphs or CAD is a plus

- Python or a similar scripting language for automated testing is a plus

- Huge code base (legacy included)

Dassault Systemes is a quite large and fairly old corporation. This means a lot of internal tools, processes and communication to maintain. We are very international team. Good English is a must, German or French may be helpful.

Full description https://careers.3ds.com/jobs/software-engineer-f-m-d-%E2%80%...

I'm a part of a dev team, so you are welcome to contact me directly pko1_at_3ds_com with your CV and questions to avoid delays with HR department. Add "HN" to the topic of your mail.

Cardano Foundation (https://cardanofoundation.org/) | REMOTE | Technical Project Manager, Technical writer, Copywriter | Full time

The Cardano Foundation (Cardano Stiftung) is a not for profit organisation based in Zug, Switzerland that is dedicated to act as an objective, supervisory and educational body for the Cardano Protocol and its associated ecosystem. We are currently hiring for the following roles: Technical Project manager, Technical Writer and Copywriter. Looking for folks already familiar with Bitcoin, Ethereum and crypto in general - If you have a passion for blockchain and the world we are building, join us. We’re working very closely with our partners, IOHK and Emurgo, to foster Cardano. 2020 is an exciting year, we have the Shelley rollout happening this month (Proof of Stake), Smart contracts (Goguen) coming right after that, and Voltaire (Governance/Treasury) - Come join a team of passionate individuals on a breakout year - looking forward to hearing from you!

Technical Project Manager https://bit.ly/2VTvs7n, Technical writer https://bit.ly/3d4Vfz5, Copywriter https://bit.ly/35l3fcC.

Other roles coming up very soon - check our career page for the latest openings: https://jobs.lever.co/cardanofoundation/

All roles are fully remote - we do not sponsor visas.

Login.gov | REMOTE or Washington, DC | Software Engineers | Full-Time | https://login.gov

Login.gov gives the public simple, secure access to multiple US government services through one verified account. We're working to fix online identity for US government services. The Login.gov team operates like a startup within the government, working in the open as a distributed, agile team. The core product is open source, hosted in modern cloud infrastructure, and built for scale. Tens of millions of people have Login.gov accounts, and we aim to be the preferred entrypoint for all government digital services. Our users include people accessing benefits, applying for government jobs, serving in the military, and collecting funds awarded through grant programs.

Find us on Github: https://github.com/18F/identity-idp

The Login.gov project began as a collaboration between 18F and the U.S. Digital Service (USDS). Today it's part of the Technology Transformation Services (TTS). You'll join other software engineers delivering better public services through modern technology.

* (opening soon!) Application Engineer: https://join.tts.gsa.gov/join/application-engineer/

The above postings open on a revolving basis. If they're not open, just email us at jobs@login.gov or joinTTS@gsa.gov, where we can answer questions and accept your application.

Feel free to reply on thread with any questions.

Is the remote position open worldwide?

Unfortunately not :(

Is it only for US citizens?

From the website:

For Competitive Service roles: All United States citizens and nationals (residents of American Samoa and Swains Islands) are eligible to apply.

For Excepted Service roles: All United States citizens and nationals (residents of American Samoa and Swains Islands) are eligible to apply, and applicants must not be current GSA employees or contractors.

Awesome product!

I agree! open source FTW!

Cortx | Machine Learning Engineer (Deep Learning) | Baltimore, Maryland | Onsite, Full-time

Cortx is a profitable, stable, and growing artificial intelligence startup that is building a tool that automatically writes content about any subject with the same level of quality, factual accuracy, and usefulness as a human.

You would be at the intersection of research and production code - taking our research roadmap and helping make it a reality.

This will involve training new models and making improvements to existing ones. You will constantly be ingesting research papers, finding and implementing ways to take nascent research concepts, and writing production code to apply it to our goals. You will be analyzing where our current methods are falling short and devising and implementing ways to improve and iterate.

You will be working directly with our Founder/CEO, who is leading the AI team, both as a manager and an individual contributor.

We sponsor all visas (including H1B and Green Card), and we pay market rates for SF/NYC despite being located in an area with a significantly cheaper cost of living.

We are currently using PyTorch for the vast majority of our AI work.

Apply by emailing alex@cortx.com with "HN" in the subject line.

OneSignal | Full Stack and Backend Engineers | San Mateo, CA | Onsite | https://onesignal.com

OneSignal helps developers simply implement re-engagement messages in their applications and websites, and we do it by taking care of a lot of the complexity on our side.

Each day we deliver over 6 billion daily notifications (4x more than the number of emails SendGrid sent on their IPO), for nearly 1 million registered developers (More than Twilio on their IPO).

We've observed a 10% to 20% increase in usage over the last few days as customers seek to keep their users better informed of breaking news.

We do this all with a small, humble, and experienced team. We're providing an essential service for our customers and there's a lot more we're working on building for them.

Please apply if you enjoy working on developer tools, interesting problems at scale, or just being a part of a high growth technology startup.

Tech Stack: Rust, Go, Ruby, Rails, React, Typescript, PostgreSQL, Redis, Spark, Kafka, and InfluxDB

You can find more details and apply at https://onesignal.com/careers

Signal | San Francisco or Remote (US only) | Full-Time, Remote-OK | https://signal.org

Signal is making private communication simple. As an Open Source project supported by grants and donations, Signal can put users first. There are no ads, no affiliate marketers, no creepy tracking. Just open technology for a fast, simple, and secure messaging experience. We design open protocols, develop Open Source software, and give it away for free.

Here are our open roles:

- Server Developer: https://jobs.lever.co/signal/2a5fee8b-5875-46d4-a41d-773a28a...

- Desktop Developer: https://jobs.lever.co/signal/6cbff26c-290a-4e74-a56f-78e9783...

- Android Developer: https://jobs.lever.co/signal/cc2a16be-b9aa-496e-ba2c-cf8ba36...

- iOS Developer: https://jobs.lever.co/signal/5d866dff-b979-4a90-9a53-f581eee...

- Core Library (Rust) Developer: https://jobs.lever.co/signal/ba4cc493-d110-47a7-85ea-8d0a90a...

- Product Designer: https://jobs.lever.co/signal/4ad12dc0-e337-44bc-a995-3c7aa28...

- Support Specialist (Contract): https://jobs.lever.co/signal/24b4f951-9c2e-451c-bd9d-18c57e1...

Tech Stack: iOS team: Swift & Objective-C. Android team: Java. Desktop team: Electron, web stack (js, css, etc.). Service team: Java, AWS, devops. Distributed Systems/Core Library: Rust

Please email us your resume to: Workwithus@signal.org

AuditBoard | Los Angeles / Orange County | Full-time | https://www.auditboard.com/

AuditBoard (3rd on the Deloitte Fast 500) is automating enterprise risk management, audit, and compliance through our SaaS platform (SOX, NIST, PCI, etc). If you're interested in working at a fast growing company building enterprise software that is loved by its users, please get in touch.

  - Node.js, Ember.js, Kubernetes, Docker, C#, Python
  - Small empowered product teams, lots of independence, flexible schedules
  - Focus on user experience, product discovery, and design thinking
  - Fast paced & growing
Looking for:

  - API Product Manager
  - Senior Product Designers
  - Senior Product Managers
  - Creative Director (Marketing)
  - Senior Software Engineers
Our jobs page (https://www.auditboard.com/jobs/) is not perfectly in line with the above, but for more information, please contact me at rajiv@auditboard.com.

Media4Care | Berlin | Full-Stack or Front-End Engineer | Full-Time | ONSITE

Media4Care is a innovative and fast growing company in the health care / senior care industry. Our products are an expression of our deep wish to improve the joy of life of seniors and people with dementia. Not just for the affected persons, but for all relatives and their caretakers. Our interactive assistance system for seniors we are supplying ~4000 care homes and private homes in Germany. As a next step, we are enabling seniors to communicate with their relatives on a more personal and deeper level.

We're remote until COVID-19 is over, but value personal interaction and a nice work athmosphere and thus are looking for an on-site engineer to complement our small but excellent team in our lovely office at the Kanal between Kreuzberg and Neukölln.

Stack: TypeScript, React, Ionic, GraphQL, Postgres, Postgraphile, AWS, Terraform, Github, CircleCI, Sentry

Please apply online here: https://m4c-jobs.personio.de/job/204363?language=en

Raise.dev | Software Developer Coach | Any of (JavaScript || Python || Ruby) | REMOTE only | Full time or Contract to hire

Raise.dev is a developer-first company, laser focused on creating opportunities for early-career developers to level up.

We are hiring multiple experienced developers who love to teach. You’ll support a group of early-career software developers as they work on applications in your language of expertise. Responsibilities include: 1-on-1 and 1-to-few mentorship, code review, pair programming, and a dash of community building.

The ideal candidate has enough on-the-job problem solving experience to coach early-career developers, have competency with the language, tools, and libraries of their stack, and have strong communication skills. Individuals who are high-empathy, social, and well spoken will thrive in this role. You should be ready to enthusiastically teach and implement best practices of software engineering and remote work.

While you are focused on helping early-career developers, we will be focused on helping you. Our founder has over a decade of industry experience and has an equally long track record of helping their teammates advance in their careers.


You will be responsible for a group of developers working on applications within your domain of knowledge. We are looking for experience in the following areas for each respective stack:

    - General: Git / GitHub, Code Review, Pair Programming, Shell, REST APIs
    - JavaScript: Node, React, Jest, Babel, Eslint,
    - Python: Python 3.6, Django, Flask, Postgresql
    - Ruby: Rails, Rspec, Rubocop, Postgresql
Apply here: https://raise.dev/Apply


I am interested . I have relevant experience in Python , Django, Flask , NodeJs and Postgresql.

Plz let me know if any other info is required.My email id is aditya.khaund51@gmail.com

Coalition | Backend, Frontend, Data Engineers | SF, Austin, Remote | Full-time | https://www.coalitioninc.com/

We're building a full-on cyber risk management platform encompassing not just insurance, but threat intelligence and other cyber security tools to help our customers prevent loss entirely. We're also assembling a team of expert incident responders, threat and malware researchers, and security analysts to protect our customers before, during, and after a cyber incident. As an early-stage company, we have many projects and tasks that you can take on, depending on your preferred area of focus.

We have a few priority roles we are actively hiring for: - Data Engineer

- Engineering Manager

- Tech Lead for Growth

- Front End Software Engineer

- Full Stack Software Engineer

- Senior Backend Engineer

- Test Automation Engineer

If you enjoy the challenge of building large, scalable infrastructure / components from the ground up, apply at https://careers.jobscore.com/careers/coalition/

Applied for the Eng manager role. Thanks for posting!

i am interested for frontend developer.

TestFit | Software Engineer | Dallas, TX | Full-time | Onsite

We design buildings in milliseconds. See it in action here: https://blog.testfit.io/.

If you like managing your own memory, optimizing algorithms to run in under a millisecond, and solving tough spatial problems using 2D vectors and trigonometry, then we might be the company for you. Being prone to ranting about how much RAM Slack uses is also a good sign.

TestFit avoids hype-driven development like the plague. We make desktop software in the age of mobile & web. Our codebase is written entirely in C99. We believe in leveraging human intelligence instead of AI. Our business is customer-funded and reached profitability before raising any outside capital.

The full job description and application link can be found here: https://blog.testfit.io/engineerprogrammer

We're all working from home for now but want to have a team that is local (or willing to become local) once COVID passes.

Knack | Senior Software Engineer | Tampa, FL | ONSITE | https://www.joinknack.com

Knack has a radical mission to completely change the way the education system operates. We allow individuals to further themselves by learning specific skill sets today, that can be applied to the ever-evolving workforce of tomorrow. Today, Knack is a fast growing peer tutoring platform for college students - we focus on student retention, skills development, and workforce readiness. We partner directly with and operate our platform for colleges in the United States. We're a product-driven company backed by preeminent investors, universities, and corporations (Precursor Ventures, Bisk.com, ASU, and many others).

We are looking for talented engineers interested in making an impact across our stack that includes React, React Native, GraphQL, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, AWS, Docker, etc.

Learn more and apply: https://angel.co/knack-2/jobs

Shopify | All R&D Roles | Global | Full-time | Onsite/Remote [All remote for now] Shopify is hiring for all R&D roles! We’re an all-in-one commerce platform building tools to start, grow, market, and manage retail businesses of any size (from your fave local shops to behemoths like GymShark and Allbirds).

We support over 1 million merchants on our global platform. Our current stack is primarily Ruby, Rails, React, React Native, Go, Kafka, GraphQl, etc.

We’re looking for builders who want to solve highly technical problems with really powerful tools.

We have open roles for: Sr/Staff Developers Principal Engineers Technical Leads Developer Managers Sr. Site Reliability Engineer Directors of engineering Backend, FED, Mobile

Check out: https://www.shopify.com/careers/

Here’s one on my team specifically: Staff Developer: https://www.shopify.ca/careers/staff-developer-e99390

Applied for the Engineering Manager roles -- thank you!

ProWritingAid (https://prowritingaid.com) | REMOTE | C# Developers | Full Time

ProWritingAid is a bootstrapped, profitable company with over 100% YoY growth. We’re at the forefront of exploration and innovation within the field of natural language processing.

We use C# for our server-side code and also our natural language processing (NLP). C# is our core programming language, so we're looking for exceptional C# developers. If you don't own a book by Jeffrey Richter then please don't apply.

Where have 2 positions open:

1. C# Server Side Developer

2. C# WPF Frontend Developer

You must have: Excellent English both written and spoken C# Mastery (ASP.Net/Web API or WPF) Resourcefulness Enthusiastic and positive attitude A genuine love of coding

Ideally you will have: An interest in writing Experience of Machine Learning/AI/NLP Experience with Azure/Cloud Experience with distributed systems

You'll be expected to own projects from start-to-finish. You'll be expected to work closely with other team members and mentor junior developers by pair-programming and knowledge sharing — we love doing internal webinars and talks. You must take pride in your work and have keen attention to detail. We're a very meritocratic company and there's no room for toxic people who want to get ahead at the expense of their colleagues.

If you think this is you then we'd love to hear from you. If you'd like to read some more about us then you can here: https://prowritingaid.com/en/Career or contact me directly chris.dinsmore@prowritingaid.com

Amazon Advertising | Front End Engineer | New York, NY | Full-time | VISA | ONSITE (remote for now)


My team owns the campaign building experience for Self-Service Performance Advertising. We meet the demand of worldwide advertisers to reach customers in all aspects of the advertising funnel, both on and off of Amazon.

The ideal candidate will be passionate about quality, consistency, maintainability, performance, security and all the other things that make great software great. They will own the design and implementation of major deliverables end-to-end. This position requires collaboration with fellow engineers, UX designers, product managers, technical program managers, and partner teams, necessitating a comfort-level with ambiguity and a desire to create, iterate and improve.

Contact: benhaas@amazon.com (I'm the SDM for this team, not a recruiter)

Just dropped you a line!

LeapYear | Applications Engineer | SF | www.leapyear.io | VISA At LeapYear we develop a privacy-preserving ML platform that is deployed in production, at multi-petabyte scale, across global 1000 financial institutions, healthcare companies, and insurers.

Looking for a Fullstack Applications Engineer to develop backend services and full-stack applications for data scientists and data security staff.

Primary tech: Typescript, React, GraphQL, Kubernetes, Microservices. Experience with Functional Programming is a big plus.

Company Overview:

- Funding: $38M raised (backed by Bain, Lightspeed, Chairman of Microsoft)

- Customers: Several seven-figure accounts closed, including Fortune 100 healthcare companies and global banks

- Use case: enabling regulated enterprises to analyze and share extremely sensitive data with differential privacy

- Team: Engineers from Google, Palantir & MIT, rapidly growing, based in SF near Bart

More details can be found here: https://leapyear.io/careers/ Or send me a copy of your resume: burke@leapyear.io

Oracle Data Cloud | New York City | ONSITE | Full Time | Software Engineer | https://moat.com/

I lead a team at Moat, we are an analytics company that works in online advertising.

We are a part of Oracle.

I am hiring software engineers for my team, specifically some one with a strong understanding of JavaScript and a few years of experience.

Although this role deals primarily in JavaScript it is not a traditional Front End role. We do not code in React, Angular or Vue and we do not make UIs.

The codebase that we maintain is essentially a library that our clients implement on their websites. Because of this our code runs on multiple sites across the entire internet.

Our stack is JS, Bash, Python and little Go.

If you would like to learn more please apply here:


Tell them you learned about this role on Hacker News!

Hi, I'm an undergraduate who received a verbal offer from Oracle's Fusion Projects Development Team, but I could not get an offer due to a hiring freeze company-wise now. Are there still any summer intern openings?

Memora Health (https://memorahealth.com) | San Francisco, CA | ONSITE | Software Engineer, NLP/ML Engineer

Memora Health (YC W18) is a technology company helping hospitals reduce overhead and scale outpatient communication by automating care management over text message. Memora uses proprietary text classification techniques trained on phone calls, claims reports, and discharge plans to digitize each health care organization’s existing communication workflow.

We care more about the outcome and usage of our product than the technology that accomplishes it, and we're looking for like-minded engineers; we build software that powers interactions like these: [https://www.memorahealth.com/postpartum.html](https://www.me...

We're currently looking for Software Engineers (Full Stack, Frontend, Backend) to build our core product: a dashboard and content creation system and NLP/ML (applied) Engineers to build out the "AI" component of our platform - Felix - with better classifiers, text handling, parsing, etc.

Our stack:

- React/Redux (External)

- Angular (Internal)

- Node/JavaScript (ES6)

- Mongo

- NLTK/PyTorch/Tensorflow

- Python 3

- Docker + Kubernetes (on GCP)

We are company headed towards Series A and backed by top investors. We pay market rate and offer competitive benefits + equity; VISA sponsorship is possible. If any of this interests you get in contact with me (cooper [at] memorahealth [dot] com) and use [HN] in the subject line.

Dropped you a mail a day or two ago

Marker Trax | REMOTE | Engineer | https://www.markertrax.com

## interview process

  - show me your code (github, sourcehut, code wars, etc).

  - talk to me for a bit to see if we get along.

  - do some work, get paid, and we'll go from there.

  - should be about a week in duration.
## project duration

  - it's a well-funded start-up

  - we have contracts for at least the next few years
## remote work disposition

We expect it to be at the candidate's option (currently, remote is required)

## technologies - Rust

  - MySQL

  - Elasticsearch

  - Elm
We are looking for an engineer to help us with our financial tracking application. It is implemented in Rust with a small administration front-end implemented in Elm. Currently we are using MySQL and Elasticsearch as data stores.

We hope to find someone that is excited to learn and build within the Rust ecosystem.

If you are interested, please email me, Nate [ns@markertrax.com]

Pachama | Senior Full-stack Software Engineer | REMOTE

Pachama’s mission is to solve climate change by restoring nature. Climate change requires us to remove carbon from the atmosphere. Forests are the way to do it. We use satellite imaging and machine learning to measure and monitor forests. Like-minded and top investors, such as Saltwater Capital, Chris Sacca, and Paul Graham, back us.

We are building the world‘s first verified forest carbon marketplace. We watch forests, track carbon offsets, and connect buyers to high-quality projects.

We need your help to bring transparency and to increase the use of forests to remove carbon.

We’re looking for a senior full-stack engineer to help build machine-learning services and data infrastructure. Our stack is Python, PostGIS, BigQuery, and React/Redux.

Apply at: https://jobs.lever.co/pachama/70f7cfc4-4d83-46c8-84ae-3f9c67...

Or by email: levi at pachama dot com

Prenosis | Software Engineer, Applied Machine Learning | Full Time | Onsite | Chicago, IL | 90-120k | www.prenosis.com

Prenosis is an early stage molecular diagnostics company specializing in infectious disease and critical care. The basic premise is utilizing the combination of electronic medical record (EMR) data with novel biomarker measurements to make predictions of clinically relevant outcomes. These predictions are then used to ultimately guide treatment decisions.

We're currently hiring a software engineer, ideally with machine learning/data science familiarity or experience to join our team. We are specifically looking for someone who identifies themselves primarily as a software engineer, but has a strong mathematical foundation and interest in ML and data science (so if you're a software engineer looking to get your foot in the door in the ML/data science space, this is a good opportunity).

If interested, send an email to ishan.taneja@prenosis.com


We're tackling exciting difficult challenges and building offerings relevant to interesting real-world problems in a variety of fields. We have particular strengths in dispersed computation, functional programming, cryptography, and deep learning.

We're currently most interested in engineers with solid experience in Rust, Haskell/Idris, or cryptography. We also have openings for enthusiastic developers or researchers who might lack this precise experience but are eager and able to learn. We welcome internship/fellowship interest from postdoctoral scholars or senior graduate students.

We're additionally interested in chatting with people with a scientific or engineering background who are interested in scientific writing.

We do not presently have openings for current/recent undergraduates.

Send your resume to info@onai.com and we'll let you know if there's a potential fit.

Tremendous | Software Engineers and Sales | Full-Time | Remote


We’re a Y Combinator backed payments company. Our mission is to help businesses and governments reward and incentivize behaviors by individuals around the world, easily and instantly, with digital payments.

We’ve grown 300% over the past year, we’re already very profitable, and we're on a financial footing that allows us to ride out economically uncertain times. Some of our notable enterprise clients include Spotify, Atlassian, Pinterest, and IBM.

See a demo of our product here: www.tremendous.com/demo

We're hiring for:

  • Software Engineers - https://cdn.tremendous.com/static/Fullstack-Engineer.pdf
  • Account Executives - https://cdn.tremendous.com/static/Account%20Executive.pdf
If you're looking for a ton of impact / leverage at a startup, while still preserving long term job stability during uncertain times, email jobs@tremendous.com.

FYI - Your demo link took me to the end of what looks like a survey.

pssst -- That's the demo

Everpress | https://everpress.com | London, UK ONSITE or REMOTE | People Manager, Product Designer, Frontend, Backend, Fullstack, and more...

Everpress is a global fashion marketplace that connects consumers to unique & sustainable products from independent designers.

Our mission is to champion creativity, supporting grassroots creators while reducing the waste in fashion. Think ASOS for the new generation.

We have so many problems to solve - changing the way everyone shops for clothes; making one of the most wasteful industries on earth sustainable; supporting creators when their other income streams have all disappeared. There’s lots to do and we need creative developers, designers and managers to help!

See all our roles at https://careers.everpress.com or email gavin@ our domain.

Inpher (https://www.inpher.io/) | New York (USA), Lausanne (Switzerland), Paris (France) | Software Engineers | Full-time | Onsite

At Inpher, we believe that privacy and security are foundational to the future of computing and have built enterprise products to make this vision a reality. We are a small team of veteran founders, world-renowned cryptographers and proven software engineers. We are headquartered in New York City, with satellite offices in San Francisco and Lausanne, Switzerland, and have raised $14M in funding.

Apply at https://www.inpher.io/careers

Or email to me directly at $user@inpher.io, where each ascii character of $user can be obtained by solving for x and converting to base-128,

x = 145767 mod 611939, x = 109572 mod 598463

Flexport (YC W14) | San Francisco, Amsterdam, Shenzhen, Bellevue | Onsite | https://www.flexport.com

Flexport’s mission is to make global trade easy for everyone. We are revolutionizing a huge industry that touches every country on the planet, which means solving complex challenges. We are looking for makers who love learning, are passionate about collaborating, and desire to see the global impact of the solutions they build.

To learn more about who we are, our engineering culture, and whether this is the right place for you, read our Key Values profile: https://www.keyvalues.com/flexport

View all of our jobs here: https://grnh.se/142c08a71

Tech Stack:

- Frontend: React, Relay, Flow, Jest, Enzyme

- Mobile: React Native, Apollo

- Backend: Ruby on Rails, Postgres, GraphQL, Python, RSpec

- CI: GitHub, Buildkite

- Infrastructure: AWS, Python


Currently, Flexport.org is focusing all our resources on getting critical supplies to frontline responders combating COVID-19.

Since launching the Frontline Responders Fund campaign at the end of March, we’ve raised almost $7 million, 71% of which has already been awarded to almost 50 incredible organizations who are equipping frontline responders with PPE and keeping communities safe.

Check it out here:

- https://flexport.org/

- https://www.gofundme.com/f/frontlinerespondersfund

Abine - the online privacy company | REMOTE or BOSTON, MA | PART Time or Full Time | Web application and Full Stack Developers | https://www.abine.com/

We are a small company focused on making better online privacy easy.

We make two products. Blur is a password manager with support for creating alias email addresses, phone numbers, and credit card numbers. DeleteMe is a service for removing private information from data broker sites.

We're looking for strong web application and full-stack developers who are interested in making a difference in the fight for privacy. We are profitable, have been doing this for years, and have millions of users.

Please contact us at jobs at getabine dotcom. Please detail part or full time preference and desired compensation if possible. No recruiters, thanks.

Applied Intuition | Software, Sr. Software, Sr Frontend | Bay Area, Detroit | Onsite, VISA | Full-time

[ACTIVELY HIRING]. Help determine the future of autonomy. Applied Intuition provides the infrastructure to safely develop, test, and deploy autonomous vehicles at scale. We've raised funds from A16Z and General Catalyst.

Applied Intuition equips engineering and product development teams with software that makes it faster, safer, and easier to bring autonomy to market. Headquartered in Silicon Valley with offices in Detroit, Tokyo, and Munich, Applied is composed of software and automotive experts from the top companies in the world (such as Google, Amazon, Apple, Waymo, Tesla, Delphi, GM, and Bosch).

We have a few priority roles we are actively hiring for:

- Frontend - Senior & Mid-level

- Senior SWE - Game Engines

- Sensor Simulation Engineer

- Software Test Engineer

- DevOps Engineer

- Security Engineer

- SWE (Detroit)

- Product Designer

- SWE Generalist (Bay Area)

I am a recent addition to Applied, and have only great things to say about the culture[1], the product, and the team. Our tech stack is cutting edge and a blast to work on, our pace is fast but sane, and our customers love us (and demand a lot from our product). If you're interested in bringing a deep software skillset to autonomous vehicles, Applied is a fantastic place to land in this industry.

Apply online, every application is read: https://www.appliedintuition.com/careers or email me (def + @<company address>) with any questions, but do not send me your resume (please apply instead online).

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vM3-k-g3CV4

Creative Commons | Front End Engineer | REMOTE | Full time

Creative Commons (CC) is looking for a Front End Engineer to help build CC Search (https://search.creativecommons.org) As the sole front end engineer on the project, you own building, testing, and release of new features on the front end, working closely across the tech and product teams, to keep implementing great experiences and interfaces for CC Search’s global user base. You will also be the primary maintainer of the open source code and help build an active community of contributors around it.

CC is a 100% remote organization and this position is open worldwide as long as you can be available within the window of 2 PM and 8 PM UTC. CC Search is built using JavaScript / Vue.js.

Full job post and application instructions: https://creativecommons.org/about/team/opportunities/front-e...

Feel free to email me at kriti@creativecommons.org if you have questions.


About CC

Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that enables the sharing and use of creativity and knowledge through free legal tools. We are a leader in the global movement for free culture and open knowledge with an active global community in over 85 countries. Our free, easy-to-use copyright licenses provide a simple, standardized way to give the public permission to share and use your creative work — from “all rights reserved” to “some rights reserved.” The first phase of CC’s work was about establishing the licenses as standard, and growing the archive. The next phase is building a global movement that will create a more vibrant, usable commons powered by collaboration and gratitude. Today, the global commons stands at over 1.4 billion licensed works, made up of images, video, audio, datasets, open textbooks, research, 3D models, and more.

Akamai | Cambridge, MA | Full time

Principal Engineer (Cryptography + Rust)

Come work with us on building a new best-in-class security product in the zero trust space. Work on distributed systems, authentication protocols, and a wide range of interesting technical challenges. Utilize Akamai’s planetary scale network to reach enterprises, applications, and users around the world.

If you love working on AuthN systems, zero trust, security, cryptographic protocols, and love working with Rust (or interested in learning it) please reach out!

You can reach me directly at <my_hn_username>@akamai.com or through the official job posting here: https://akamaijobs.referrals.selectminds.com/jobs/principal-...

Mediasmart.io | Senior backend developer| Full-time | REMOTE Madrid, Spain

Golang + Node.Js. 5 years of experience. The position is remote friendly and open to candidates living in Spain.

We are an adtech specialized on buying advertisement on programmatic networks such as Google, Twitter, Rubicon and others. We are looking for a person to join our product engineering team. You will maintain our product and develop new functionalities. Your software will be extremely scalable and performant being used to serve millions of requests per second.

We will provide coaching and a career plan. This is a 100% backend position, no web dev involved.

More info and how to apply here:


Volley (YC W18) | San Francisco, CA | INTERNS | ONSITE | Typescript

The Volley Infrastructure team works on internal tooling, processes, and engines that power Volley's voice-powered games and media applications. The work you'll do will be high-impact, facilitating our entire organization to achieve its mission objective: ship voice-applications quickly and easily.

Practically speaking, the work will involve plenty of backend systems engineering, mostly in Typescript, with a strong functional bent, on AWS.

Entry-level NodeJS developers are encouraged to apply, especially those with interest in Haskell, Idris, or other type-heavy languages.

Mention Hacker News when you apply.


Hasura / Haskell Engineer / Remote

Hasura[1] is an open-source[2] tech company focussed on making data-access scalable, secure and easy. The Hasura GraphQL engine provides instant realtime GraphQL APIs and an eventing system on Postgres / GraphQL and REST data sources.

We're hiring senior/experienced Haskell engineers to work on the Hasura GraphQL engine. Specifically, we're excited to bring on Haskell Engineering Managers!

More details at: https://hasura.io/careers

[1] https://hasura.io [2] https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine

Navimize | Full Stack Engineer| Full-Time | New York, Washington DC, Remote| https://navimize.com/

Navimize is a digital health company on a mission to eliminate patient wait time in health systems. We are seeking to bring our first employee with the opportunity to grow into the role of head of engineering. You are a hands-on developer with 7+ years of experience. You can be a hacker when needed but focused on designing and developing a long term sustainable systems with minimal tech debt. You have some experience managing other developers and implementing processes. Some experience with electronic medical records (EMR)/ HL7 is preferred.

To apply, or for more info, email kavita@navimize.com

Sevendof | Electronics / Embedded / Front-End / Back-End / Robotics | Trondheim, Norway | ONSITE, VISA, Full-time | https://www.sevendof.com/

Sevendof is a startup in Trondheim focused on building the drone infrastructure of the future. Our mission is to make drones a safe and positive tool to help solve important problems in a scalable manner.

We are now hiring several new engineers who wish to help us build the future of industrial drones.

Please email careers@sevendof.com to inquire about a position.


Mattermark | Full Stack/Product Engineer | REMOTE | mattermark.com

With information on over 4 million companies and growing each day, Mattermark leverages machine learning, web crawlers, primary sources, and natural language processing to extract data from millions of news articles and websites daily. We're looking for remote generalist engineers to build web applications, APIs, and data infrastructure. The ideal candidate is looking to grow into a position of technical leadership in product development.

Experience with full-stack web development, Python, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Linux is required. Competency or interest in data visualization, UI, UX, and design are desired.

Contact recruiting@mattermark.com if interested

Memrise | Frontend Engineer, Engineering Manager | ONSITE | Full-time | VISA for EM | London (remote for now) | https://www.memrise.com

Come teach the world languages! Memrise is regularly featured on both app stores and has millions of users.

Frontend Engineer: Come join our small, autonomous Web Squad! Lots of work on an exciting language-learning product with a fresh stack (TypeScript, Next.js).

Engineering Manager: We're looking for an engineering manager to lead our mobile engineering team - 10 engineers, iOS and Android.

Apply here: https://www.memrise.com/jobs/

MongoDB -- NYC | Lead Software Engineer, Service Architecture | Full-Time | Base + RSU's We're growing our Service Architecture team, part of our Distributed Systems group, and are looking for a Lead Engineer. In this role, you would lead a team to develop core infrastructure for our distributed database. Your work would range from library design to low-level optimization and more in the newest C++ standards. Any interest? Please reach out to me at lauren.sokal@mongodb.com, or apply directly at https://www.mongodb.com/careers/jobs/2091815

Bibliu.com | Backend Developer | Worldwide Remote | Full-time

BibliU is a London-based startup spun out of the University of Oxford. We have developed a modern eTextbooks platform that integrates fully with library and university systems and we're already working closely with many UK and US universities.

We are looking for backend Node.js engineers to help us scale up our institutional product.

Benefits of working with us:

- Great group of people to work with

- Flexible working hours and location

- 43 days PTO plus paternity/maternity leave

- Annual company & developer retreats

- Health insurance

- Equity

To apply please head to https://bibliu.recruitee.com/o/backend-software-engineer-rem...

Did you guys rebrand from bibliotech? Happen to know Ryan W, if so it's a small world we live in.

Best of luck with the search!

Yeah we did rebrand, very small world indeed

This looks really cool: A 'meaningful' product, good PTO and worldwide remote work. Too bad you are in London timezone... It's very difficult to do remote in more than +5 time difference.

Good luck!

Thanks! We have engineers based in the US, EU/UK and AUS at the moment. Agree that timezones outside of 5 hours is tricky but I think we do a decent job.

10x Genomics | Pleasanton, CA & San Francisco, CA (Embarcadero) | Software Engineers (multiple levels) & Product Managers | Remote (US Only) & Onsite

If you're a software engineer or product manager looking to use your powers for good and improve human health without compromising on cutting-edge technology, reach out and let's chat! We went public last year as the largest healthcare IPO of 2019 (ticker: TXG).

10x Genomics is a rapidly-growing biotech company that develops software, hardware, and chemistry that enables researchers to study disease at an unprecedented resolution. Our products have enabled researchers to write over 700 research papers on discoveries across the life sciences in oncology, immunology, neuroscience, and many other fields.

Recently one of our scientists compiled all of the recent coronavirus-related publications that use our technologies into a webinar. If you would like to learn first-hand about how some of our products are being used, check out this blog post: https://www.10xgenomics.com/blog/crucial-applications-for-in....

Software is an integral part of the 10x Genomics product. We develop software to generate data that scientists can explore programmatically or visually. We utilize Go, React/Redux, Typescript, and Electron to create easy-to-use visualization applications. Our data pipelines are written using Python on the Numpy/Scipy/Pandas stack but we're making increasing use of Rust to accelerate and harden parts of this bioinformatics code.

We've always been remote-friendly and are looking for people all across the stack, from front-end and full-stack engineers to product and project managers. You can see our job listings here: https://www.10xgenomics.com/careers/software. Please feel free to contact me directly at kevin.wu@10xgenomics.com with your resume.

We look forward to hearing from you and good luck on your search!

Taptap Send | New York, NY | Full-time, Onsite | https://www.taptapsend.com

Taptap Send is a remittance app to send money to Africa. We are working towards meeting one of UN's 2030 Sustainable Goals to allow cross-border payments with less than 3% fees. Come join a mission-driven business that helps some of the neediest people in the world.

Tech stack: AWS, Docker, Terraform, Ansible, Kotlin, Spring Boot, Python, JavaScript, React Native

Open Roles:

- Software Engineer: https://taptapsend.recruiterbox.com/jobs/fk03hzf/

Empower | Senior Software Engineer | Bay Area/REMOTE | Through November 2020

Want to improve the performance of the US government? Empower (https://getempower.com/eng) is working to elect sound leadership at state and federal levels by getting more people to vote through friend-to-friend relationships.

* Product/technology is led by a Y Combinator alum.

* Growing fast: here's our core metric: https://imgur.com/a/8OXJFjT

* Approach is backed by random controlled trials

* Funded by some of the most successful people in the Bay Area

Lunchclub | Software Engineer | San Francisco, CA | Full-time Lunchclub's mission is to make meaningful connections between professionals using AI. We spend lots of time solving product problems, running experiments, and optimizing our ML matching algorithm.

We are a small team of engineers, backed by a16z. We have very strong retention, and growing fast.

Our current stack is:

  * React
  * Flask
  * mySQL
  * Docker
  * AWS
  * Tensorflow
We are hiring for engineers across the web stack, as well as ML engineers. Check out https://jobs.lever.co/elliot/

Workday | software engineer | Dublin, Ireland | Mostly on-site (but remote for now)

The team is responsible for all the software that ingests, transcodes, repackages and processes SCORM and video content within the Workday app. Our codebase is mostly Python, with some Kotlin, Scala and Java. Plus (or minus) you get to be my colleague.

More information at https://workday.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/Workday/job/Ireland-Du... or you can ping me directly.

Hazelcast | Fully Remote, European Time Zones | QA/Quality Lead | https://hazelcast.com/

I'm a Director of Engineering at Hazelcast. We build distributed systems at scale. We're looking for QA Leads/Engineers to help test our distributed storage and compute engines. If you want to do exciting work on distributed systems (think jepsen), find consistency and concurrency issues and do performance testing at scale, Hazelcast might be the right fit for you! Contact me directly at can@hazelcast.com

Zencastr.com | Senior Backend Developer | Worldwide Remote | Full-time

Zencastr is taking podcasting into the future using cutting edge technology (webrtc, webaudio, ml/dsp).

We are looking for passionate and ambitious developers with 5+ years of experience in: Building scalable consumer applications, Typescript/Node.js, MongoDB, Unit/Integration testing, SQL, cloud infrastructure (GCP, DO).

Bonus points if you have good dev ops, k8s, or dsp experience.

You can expect:

- Working with world class engineers, Phd's, and designers in a fully distributed team.

- Equity

- Health Insurance

- Unique challenges and the support and talent to solve them

- 4 weeks PTO

- Freedom to work from where you please

Please send your cv/resume to admin@zencastr.com

Summer | New York, NY | Onsite | All work is remote during COVID-19 | https://www.meetsummer.org/

Summer is a mission-driven B Corp using smart technology to become the go-to resource for student loan borrowers across the country. We're hiring for both a Senior Front-End Engineer and a Senior Back-End Engineer.

All job postings here: https://www.meetsummer.org/careers/

Skool | Engineering, Product, Design | Los Angeles (LA) | Full Time | Onsite

Skool is a community platform that’s optimized for learning. Our mission is to democratize education by building Earth’s largest online school for everybody. We’re a small team of two software engineers and one entrepreneur. We’ve built the initial product. We’re in private beta with select communities to get user feedback and bake the product just right. We're looking to hire:

  * Software Engineer - Product (React, Next.js)
  * Software Engineer - Backend (Golang)
  * Product Designer
  * Product Manager
  * Director of Product Engineering
Our CTO has 20 years of intense software engineering experience, has high standards for engineering talent, system design, and code quality. Our CEO has 10 years of experience in the e-learning industry building a company from $0 to $36m. He self-funded Skool with $10m of his own money. We’re well funded, have a cool office in LA, a product users love, huge growth potential, a meaningful mission, and a talented team capable of getting it done. Join us! The stars don’t align like this very often, get in while the teams small, and equity is on the table. Above market salary, full employer-paid benefits, catered lunches, and more...

Interested? Check out our job postings here: https://jobs.lever.co/skool Or, email us fun@skool.com

Know somebody who's a good fit for any of these positions? Refer them and we'll pay you $20,000 cash.

Here's how it works:

1. Share the relevant job posting link with your friend

2. Tell them to put your email address in the "Were you referred by anybody?" field on the application form

3. If we hire them, we'll email you immediately to arrange your $20,000 payment

Software Engineering- Mentor | Bangalore | ONSITE | Full-time employment | 75 paid vacations days | INR100K learning & travel allowance | Competitive compensation | Apply at https://bit.ly/2S9PNVw

If you've ever thought of sharing your programming skills, we want you. MountBlue Technologies (https://www.mountblue.io) is looking for great software engineers to mentor the next generation of coders. Come, contribute towards making India a nation of coders. You have been saying you want to give back- here is your chance

Design, plan and implement a 9-12 weeks intensive programming bootcamp in one of the various streams such as Full-Stack Web development, Android, iOS, front-end intensive, backend intensive etc. Be a coach and a cheer leader. Continuously push, nudge and encourage, trainees to produce their best work.

MountBlue vision is to be an alternative to traditional college education. Currently, MountBlue’s business is running coding bootcamps for entry level programmers on most in-demand web and mobile technologies, with a view of finding them rewarding development careers in startups. Our developers are in some of the most well-known startups in India- from bootstrapped software shops to unicorns. If successful, MountBlue will rewrite the technology education paradigm in the country

CarePaths, Inc | System Admin / Cloud Engineer | REMOTE | https://www.carepaths.com/

Our company is seeking a System Administrator / Cloud Engineer to maintain, upgrade, and manage our software, hardware, and networks. Your goal will be to ensure that our technology infrastructure runs smoothly and efficiently. Candidates should enjoy Linux and be capable of completing projects in a timely manner.


3-5 years of previous experience as a System Administrator, Network Administrator, Cloud Engineer, or other similar role; Experience with databases, networks (LAN, WAN), and patch management; Strong knowledge of systems and networking software, hardware, and networking protocols; Experience with Windows server; Knowledge of system security (e.g. intrusion detection systems) and data backup/recovery.

Ability to create scripts in Bash Ruby or other language; Experience working with GitLab; Familiarity with various operating systems and platforms; Working knowledge of virtualization, VMWare, or equivalent; Experience with scripting and automation tools; Strong knowledge of implementing and effectively developing helpdesk and IT operations best practices, including expert knowledge of security, storage, data protection, and disaster recovery protocols.

If interested/for more info, search on Indeed for this job or send your resume to info@carepaths.com

We are not receiving any additional resumes at this time.


THANK YOU for taking the time to update this. I really appreciate it.

Paige | Software Engineers & More | Full time | NYC & REMOTE

Paige is using AI to improve cancer diagnosis and treatment. We have raised $75M+. Last month Forbes called us one of the top-25 start-ups to watch in 2020. You'll be part of a team of experts in software engineering, AI, and cancer research.

We have multiple roles open, including:

- Senior Platform Engineer: https://grnh.se/b548322c2us

- Senior Software Engineer, Backend Services: https://grnh.se/34f489872

- Senior Front End Engineer: https://grnh.se/ae3328e72us

- Senior Software Engineer, AI: https://grnh.se/603eb8c72us

Many other software engineering positions, legal roles, and financial jobs are also open: https://boards.greenhouse.io/paige?t=676fa8ae2

We provide competitive salaries and stock options to our employees. Help us to save lives and do something that matters.

Learn more at https://paige.ai/

Zenput | Guadalajara, Mexico, San Francisco, CA USA | Full-time | Senior Engineering Manager | ONSITE | Salary + equity (depends on location/role)

We’re changing the way restaurants and other retail chain operators like Dominos, Chipotle, KFC, Jersey Mike’s, and 7-Eleven translate operations strategy into great customer experiences. Today we have customers who are collectively overseeing 40,000 locations across 35+ countries using our mobile platform to drive operations excellence across all their stores.

We're looking to expand our team of experienced software engineers and managers to help us bring a number of new capabilities to market from advanced prediction to IoT and computer vision by expanding our management team. Our stack is based on a service oriented architecture, so we have a number of different technologies at play. You'll be leading (a) team(s) working with Python (Django), JS/Typescript (React) as well as many other tools.

Love to chat, so if you're interested - reach out!

More about us: https://www.zenput.com

If you're interested, email me at timols(at )zenput( dot)com and/or apply directly at https://jobs.lever.co/zenput/2b289d6c-db30-474a-9b00-e360385.... Recruiters will be ignored, so please no recruiters.

Lambda | Senior Software Engineer | San Francisco, CA (Dogpatch) | Onsite | Full Time

We're looking for a software engineer who wants to write code at our Deep Learning workstation and server company. You will:

* Be responsible for the full stack

* Build reliable, scalable, highly available systems

Required Experience:

* Bachelor's degree in technical field (CS, Physics, EE, Math, etc.)

* Extremely comfortable in a Linux/Unix shell


We're located in San Francisco 5 minutes away from the 22nd street Caltrain. Right now everything is remote!

Apply to:


KBRA | Multiple Positions | Greater Philadelphia Area, PA | Full time | www.kbra.com

KBRA is a global full-service rating agency on a mission to set a standard of excellence and integrity. Established in 2010 as a challenger brand, KBRA remains dedicated to the restoration of trust in credit ratings. KBRA has over 350 employees located across the United States (in New York, Pennsylvania and Maryland) and in Dublin, Ireland and London, England.

Our challenge is to provide applications as KBRA continues to grow and expand its client base in the financial services industry. Each department has a number of different needs, but there is also some overlap, so we have to make constant decisions to avoid code duplication, such as creating microservices or authoring libraries.

Our development team believes that code is craft, writing software is a creative endeavor, and that the work we do is part of what makes our organization successful. We believe that small, empowered teams can do amazing things. We also believe in always picking the right tool for the job instead of using something "because that's what we've always done."

We are hiring for the following positions:

- Database Administrator - https://grnh.se/9b1f4b562us - Platform Engineer - https://grnh.se/a7ee86732us

Oaktree Technologies | Hamburg, Germany | Software Engineer - Full Stack | Full-Time, REMOTE | https://www.oak.tt

We're building a platform of products in the logistics & manufacturing space, among other things.

We're looking for independent, curious problem solvers with a "Theory Y"-mindset.

Existing skills in Kotlin, MongoDB, React a plus.

We also have an open E2E Testing position, https://www.oak.tt/jobs

CloudSEK | REMOTE | https://cloudsek.com

CloudSEK's XVigil is an AI-driven Digital Risk Management platform. XVigil monitors millions of internet sources across the Surface Web, Deep Web and Dark Web to detect cyber threats, data leaks, brand infringements, and identity thefts.

CloudSEK XVigil has been helping organizations by providing timely, specific and actionable intelligence, thereby providing and attackers perspective about your organization.

* Threat Intelligence Lead - https://cloudsek.com/job/senior-threat-intel-lead-manager-ba...

* DevOps Engineer - https://cloudsek.com/job/devops-engineer/

* Senior PHP developer - https://cloudsek.com/job/php-developer/

* Cybersecurity Analyst - https://cloudsek.com/job/cybersecurity-analyst/

See further details in postings. More jobs here: https://cloudsek.com/jobs

UnifyID | Redwood City, CA | Full-time | Onsite | Competitive | https://unify.id/

UnifyID is building a revolutionary identity platform based on implicit authentication. Our solution allows people to identify themselves in a unique way that is extremely difficult to forge or crack. Best of all, we are doing it in a way that respects user privacy.

Latest Announcements - https://unify.id/press.html - SXSW Security & Privacy 2017 Winner - RSA Innovation Sandbox Unanimous 2017 Winner - TechCrunch Disrupt SF Battlefield 2016 Runner-Up - Stanford StartX S15

Roles: - Senior Full Stack Engineer: http://bit.ly/2o6BRhw - Machine Learning Engineer: http://bit.ly/31NAqmF - Senior iOS Engineer: http://bit.ly/2Iqn08x - Android Lead Engineer: http://bit.ly/2o67LL5

Excellent team, comprehensive benefits, great light-filled office, visa sponsorship, exciting growth, and meaningful impact at this early-stage VC funded startup.

Email: careers@unify.id

JW Player | Senior Full Stack Engineer, Mobile SDK and Video Product Managers | New York (NYC), NY | REMOTE currently, ONSITE likely | Full-time

JW Player pioneered video on the web over a decade ago and continues to innovate as the world’s largest network-independent platform for video delivery and intelligence. Media companies including Fox, VICE, Business Insider, and Univision, in addition to hundreds of thousands of creators of all types and sizes, rely on JW Player to deliver and monetize their content across all devices.

JW Player’s massive global footprint of over 2 billion unique devices creates a powerful data graph of unique consumer insights and generates billions of incremental video views.

JW Player also started as and continues to be the most popular open-source video player: https://github.com/jwplayer/jwplayer

All our openings can be found here: https://www.jwplayer.com/company/careers/

We are looking for a Full Stack Engineer for our Platform team, as well as PMs for our Mobile SDKs and Video Management products.

Overall, we are seeing record video traffic over the past month, and with that comes a ton of great challenges to work on at a huge scale.

If interested in any of these roles, please email me at pgodzin@jwplayer.com

Celonis (Unicorn) | Munich, NY, Pristina | Full-Time

Celonis is a German tech startup with a >2.5BN valuation and the global leader in the process mining technology. We mine data from SAP and many other enterprise systems (ERP, Oracle, Salesforce, Happyfox...) to tell our customers how they could improve their practices and save money. We are in hyper-growth mode and now going after workflow automation and improving operations.

  Tech Stack
  - Kubernetes, Bamboo, Argo CD, Hadoop
  - AWS, Azure, GCP, AliCloud
  - Big Data ETL
  - Bash, Ruby, Python/ML/DL, Typescript, C#
  - Java, Spring Boot, Scala
  - Proprietary C++ Database Engine

  Open Roles
  - Senior Data Engineer (ML/AI) to push sequential pattern mining (bonus: Deep Learning, NLP, Bioinformatics)
  - C++ Engineer to advance the Celonis Database Engine (PQL)
  - Java Cloud/Full-Stack Engineer (Java, Spring Boot, 
  - Full Stack Cloud Engineer (Bash, Ruby, Python, Java, 
  - C# and Java Engineer to advance Desktop Software for Event Collection
  - Product Manager Real Time Data Integrations
For more details, check https://www.celonis.com/careers/

Reach out directly to recruiting: jobs@celonis.com Or to me personally: A.Plieninger at companyname dot com

Happy to answer any question you might have!

[edited formatting]

First time I saw Pristina on here :) good luck

Pliops | Director, Product Management or Solutions Architect | FULL TIME | ONSITE | San Jose, CA or Ramat Gan, Israel | pliops.com

The pioneering Pliops storage processor accelerates data center infrastructure, dramatically lowers cost of services and enables greater scalability. At its core, the storage processor is a hardware accelerated KV store with both a block interface for near universal application compatibility and a native KV interface for highest performance and efficiency. For operational database/analytics workloads, increases operations by up to 10x, increases data stored on an SSD by up to 6x. DRAM-like performance for Redis with SSD-like costs, and always on persistence.

Backed by Intel, SoftBank, WD, Xilinx, Mellanox.

We are hiring: - Product Manager to define the next generation product, with large cloud/web companies planning revenue later this year. - Solutions Architect to align our product value to customer needs.

We are a team with strong backgrounds from Amazon, Intel, Apple, Microsoft, Samsung.

We are recruiting highly motivated and accomplished team players. You will be employee ~50, reporting to the President/Chief Business Officer. We all wear many hats, waking up every day to improve the way data centers scale for the next decade.

Read about open positions at https://pliops.com/careers/. If you are interested, please send a note to info@pliops.com.

Excellent opportunity to join a highly talented team that is addressing the long standing inefficiencies with databases using flash storage

Lumen5 | Frontend (React), and Javascript | Vancouver, BC | Fulltime, Onsite | https://lumen5.com

We're a startup (32 people so far) that is growing quickly! We're writing software that uses machine learning to automate the creative process of producing video content. We've found that what we're building is very attractive to marketing and communications teams from lots of different organizations and we've got tons of interesting search, NLP, artificial intelligence, video rendering, and web scaling technical challenges. Right now, we're hiring:

Frontend Engineer: Contribute to our large, beautiful single-page app, using React, Redux, ImmutableJS, and more! https://lumen5.com/careers/opportunity/?gh_jid=4040744003

Javascript Engineer: We're building a powerful javascript library that handles all of our video rendering (in webgl), and we need the testing, toolkit, architecture and data structures expertise to continue to make it awesome. Posting here: https://lumen5.com/careers/opportunity/?gh_jid=4040741003

CAMEO | https://www.cameo.com | Engineers and Product Managers | Los Angeles / Chicago | Full Time | REMOTE OK

We are the marketplace for personalized video shoutouts from your favorite athletes, influencers, musicians, and celebrities. We've helped create over 500,000 moments for our customers and built a marketplace for over 20,000 talent to connect with their biggest fans.

Cameo is one of LinkedIn’s Top 50 Startups to Work For, recognized on TIME Magazine's 50 Most Genius Companies list, and listed as the 2nd fastest growing marketplace in the country by Andreessen Horowitz’ Marketplace 100. We are a global company, headquartered in Chicago, IL in the Fulton Market neighborhood and HQ2 in Venice, CA.

Here are our open roles:

  * Senior Software Engineer

  * Senior Product Manager

  * Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)

  * DevSecOps / Security Engineer
Tech Stack: TypeScript, React/Redux, Node.js, React-Native If you are interested in applying, please visit our careers page at https://www.cameo.com/jobs and mention HN

To learn more about our overall engineering culture, visit: https://www.keyvalues.com/cameo

Common Wealth | Server Software Engineer (Java) | Toronto, ON, Canada | Full time | ONSITE (currently working from home) | https://cwretirement.com

Common Wealth’s mission is to improve people’s retirement by providing high-quality retirement plans through workplace communities like unions, associations, and groups of employers. We’re dedicated to helping to close the retirement security gap for the tens of millions of people who lack access to a good workplace retirement plan.

Our software helps members save better by putting their focus on income in retirement (rather than how much they’ve saved) and by encouraging change in their saving behaviours. It also helps members deploy their savings to their best advantage when they reach retirement. Our community-based plans offer better value for money via lower-cost investments and longevity risk-pooling for annuities, and are designed for portability when members change jobs.

Our founders have a long track record and have been working together for more than 10 years. We’re a small team but have signed big deals with enterprise organizations and have a solid balance sheet. We’re looking for backend engineers who can help us make the right technology decisions for our product; stack highlights are Java, ECS Fargate, Aurora.

Read more and apply at our posting https://bit.ly/2z0hpE5

Or email me directly, email is in my profile.

SO1 | Onsite (or remote onboarding) (Berlin, Germany)| Full-time | https://www.so1.ai/

SO1 is building AdTech solutions to hyper-personalize retail experiences at scale. Our AI core deeply understands every individual customer's shopping behavior and improves their experience just from recent shopping data. Our technology is already being implemented by several major FMCG retailers across Europe and the US and we are continuously scaling up.

We are looking for:

* Senior Machine Learning Engineers https://www.so1.ai/join-us/#op-387037-senior-machine-learnin...

* Senior DevOps Engineers https://www.so1.ai/join-us/#op-381527-senior-devops-engineer...

* Data Engineers https://www.so1.ai/join-us/#op-387040-data-engineer-mfx

* Senior Product Managers https://www.so1.ai/join-us/#op-382115-senior-product-manager...

Techstack: Python, Golang, Docker, Kubernetes, Azure, Terraform, Spark, Argo

Sourcegraph (https://sourcegraph.com) | Software Engineer, Engineering Manager, Security Engineer, Product Manager, Product Designer | ALL REMOTE

Sourcegraph is building Universal Code Search so developers can focus on solving problems instead of struggling to find and understand code. Read our master plan to learn more about what we’re building, and why it matters: https://sourcegraph.com/plan

With Sourcegraph, you can instantly search across both your company’s private code and public open-source code with inline code intelligence providing go-to-definition and find-references. Developers at Uber, Lyft, Yelp, and many other companies use Sourcegraph regularly every day.

We just raised a $23M Series B and are growing our team to keep up with customer demand. If you are passionate about making the world better through software, come join us!

Sourcegraph is an equal opportunity workplace; we embrace diversity and welcome people from all backgrounds and communities.

Technologies that we use: Go, TypeScript, React, RxJS, GraphQL, Postgres, Docker, Kubernetes

We’re hiring for many different roles. Apply here: https://github.com/sourcegraph/careers/

Wagz | Senior iOS Engineer | REMOTE, US Only, New Hampshire / Massachusetts Preferred | Full Time | https://wagz.com

Do you want to help improve the lives of pets and their families while working on cool technology? Come join the Wagz team!

Founded in 2015, Wagz is a pet-technology IOT company aiming to better the lives of pets and their families with innovative technologies. Our vision is a fully-connected pet lifestyle with a suite of devices that give owners complete insight into their pet's lives.

We are currently looking for a Senior IOS Engineer. You should:

- Have senior-level experience working in IOS using Swift, bringing apps from start to production - Have a deep understanding of IOS design patterns - Know or be willing to learn how to design user interfaces without storyboarding - Possess an understanding of Continuous Delivery / Continuous Integration, including automated testing, beta testing, and app store deployments - Have an understanding of Bluetooth, multimedia, and related technologies - Be a self-starter, motivated, and able to work remotely effectively

Wagz is located in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, but we are willing to consider remote candidates in the United States. We do not offer sponsorship. No agencies or organizations. This is a full-time salaried position.

Wagz provides great benefits and the opportunity to grow and lead within the company. Interested? Send your resume to engineering-recruiting@wagz.com !

Amazon Alexa | Senior Backend, Data, and Full-Stack Engineers and Technical Program Managers | Los Angeles, Seattle | Full-time | VISA | ONSITE (remote for now) | https://www.amazon.jobs/en/jobs/1099175/software-development...

We own the Alexa App customer facing experience, responsible for delighting hundreds of millions of customers and forging out into uncharted voice assistant territory. We’re working hard, having fun, making history; come join us!

We are looking for passionate, hard-working, and talented Software Engineers and Technical Program Managers who have experience building innovative, mission critical, high volume applications that customers love. You will have an enormous opportunity to make a large impact on the design, architecture, and implementation of cutting edge products used every day, by people you know.

As a member of the team you will be responsible for leading the development and launch of core product features. You will have significant influence on our overall strategy by helping define these product features, drive the system architecture, and spearhead the best practices that enable a quality product.

Contact: felgallo@amazon.com (I am not a recruiter, I manage hiring managers)

JustWatch | Berlin, Germany | FULLTIME, ONSITE | https://www.justwatch.com/us/talent JustWatch is the world's leading movie and TV show streaming guide.

We are mainly looking for talent for these specific roles:

• Head of Data Partnerships and Content Operations

• Product Manager

• Fullstack Engineer (Go, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, ES).

JustWatch promotes a culture of learning with a high degree of autonomy and room for personal growth. We work on hard problems, with low politics, clear focus and great context. We don't have any non-technical product management and like it that way. Our development philosophy balances fast hacking with a solid architectural foundation. We are a self-funded and profitable start-up, founded in 2014 in Berlin and currently employing around 50 great people. If you're into great code architecture, good naming, like to (continuously) deliver production code and actually help build a product bringing value to tens of millions monthly users already, let us know. For more on how we work, our culture, values and engineering practices, be sure to check out our blog.

Are you interested? Great, we'd love to hear from you. Just send us an email at talent@justwatch.com. We don’t believe perfect CVs exist, we just want to know who you are and who you want to become.

Tecton | UI, Data-Viz, Backend, Data Infra | San Francisco & New York City | Onsite


At Tecton, we are building a new kind of AI infrastructure that is transforming the way companies solve real-world problems with machine learning at scale. Our founding team created Uber's Michelangelo ML Platform (https://eng.uber.com/michelangelo/), which has become the blueprint for modern ML platforms in large organizations. We are well funded by Andreessen Horowitz and Sequoia, have paying enterprise customers, and have excellent engineering teams in SF and NYC. We have years of experience building and operating business-critical machine learning systems at scale at places like Uber, Google, Facebook, Quora, and AdRoll.

We’re growing our engineering team and are looking for top UI, data-viz, backend, and data infrastructure (especially Spark and streaming systems) engineers.

Prior experience with machine learning is not required. We are looking for exceptional software engineers who are driven to find simple solutions to complex problems and who are excited to stretch themselves as part of a growing team at the intersection of systems, data, and machine learning.

Software Engineer (Gainesville + Remote-EST) | SharpSpring | Gainesville, FL | Full-Time | Gainesville: https://jobs.lever.co/sharpspring/33c28193-2c09-4a53-8f39-80... Remote (East Coast): https://jobs.lever.co/sharpspring/4c80e4a1-150d-46e8-ae3c-0e... SharpSpring is seeking talented Software Engineers for our team in Gainesville and for remote employees located on the East Coast. We're looking for Software Engineers with significant real-world experience working in at least a few areas of our technology stack and a high level of enthusiasm for learning other technology we use. Candidates should be able to demonstrate examples of at least one public-facing or commercial application they have made significant contributions toward developing — ideally an app powered by a modern TypeScript or JavaScript framework with an API backend. We compensate based upon merit and skill level with a strong basis on practical skill sets, so existing projects are helpful in establishing experience. careers@sharpspring.com

Would you consider candidates in MST, willing to work EST times?

Truework | Senior Software Engineer | San Francisco, CA | Full time | Onsite | https://www.truework.com

Truework is reshaping the way personal information is exchanged online by giving back control to consumers. We are currently handling thousands of deep-identity verifications per month and are growing fast. These transactions are enabling billions of dollars in loans to be approved as well as make sure that the background check is successful.

As one of the engineers at Truework, you'll be working on systems that allow critical information to be exchanged between parties. You'll make sure that only authorized entities can access private information and enable consumers to own their data and control the flow of information truly.

If you're interested or want to know more, please email careers@truework.com or victor [at] truework.com directly

Technologies used:

Django / React (Typescript) / Celery / AWS Lambda /And more :-)

More information here https://www.forbes.com/sites/monicamelton/2019/07/30/truewor...

Feel free to reach out to me directly, info on my profile

HackerRank | Bangalore, India | Fulltime | Senior/Lead Devops Engineer| ONSITE/remote(covid) | www.hackerrank.com

HackerRank is a Y Combinator alumnus backed by tier one Silicon Valley VCs. We are a skills-based hiring platform that helps companies evaluate technical skills, better. We’re driving a new paradigm shift by eliminating resumes and creating opportunities for hundreds of thousands of programmers worldwide. We have a community of 5M+ developers and 1,000+ customers across industries, and the best part is we are just getting started. Our customers - including VMware, Twitter, Capital One and many other Fortune 100 companies - rely on HackerRank to build strong engineering teams.

We're hiring across engineering for the following roles:

- Sr/Lead Devops engineers

Good pay with following benefits:

- Insurance to all Employees (term life, personal accident, medical, gratuity) along with insurance to their dependents(medical).

- Employee stock options, flexible work hours and time off.

- Tech talks every week.

- Onsite gym, telephone, internet etc. Our pantry is stocked with healthy snacks, fruits, Coffee and free catered lunch every day.

- Ping pong, hoverboard, foosball, PS4 and many office celebrations like Mafia games, outings, movie evenings to name a few!

Please send an email to anil@hackerrank.com with "WHOISHIRING" in the subject line, with your resume/CV, and a little bit about yourself and relevant experience.

BetterUp | Technical Product Manager | https://www.betterup.com/en-us/about-us/careers?gh_jid=74703... | SF | Full time

BetterUp is a mobile-based human transformation platform that brings personalized professional coaching to employees at all levels. We help managers lead better, teams perform better, and employees thrive personally and inspire professionally. Our mission is to help professionals everywhere pursue their lives with greater clarity, purpose, and passion.

My team is looking for a Technical Product Manager. Do you have 8+ years of experience with an Engineering/Technical background? Are you interested in leading, inspiring, and coaching a team of engineers to set the technical foundation for the rest of the org?

I've been part of this team since the past year and it has been a blast! We have taken on some exciting challenges related to infrastructure and internal tooling.

Curious to learn more? Find out about the role, company, team and how you'll drive impact at BetterUp -- https://www.slideshare.net/KathrynStewart24/betterup-technic...

Simple.org | Remote | Full-time | Back-end engineer / Ruby / Rails

Simple (https://simple.org) is hiring a full-time senior Rails developer to work on the open source Simple.org project. This is a remote job from selected countries (see below) for EST to IST timezones.

Simple is a free, open source app developed by Resolve to Save Lives (https://resolvetosavelives.org/) and is used by nurses, doctors, and population health experts to improve treatment for patients with high blood pressure.

Simple is currently used in several states of India as well as in Bangladesh. It is used to manage over 200,000 patients in about 600 hospitals, with plans for deployment in additional program focus countries in 2020. Our goal is to save 100 million lives from heart attacks and strokes (The Lancet).

Our team spans the US east coast (EST) and India time zones (IST). You must be legally able to work in one of these countries:

* US * France * Switzerland * Nigeria * Ethiopia * India

See the full job post for more details at https://medium.com/simple-dot-org/hiring-senior-rails-develo....

Klue (recently acquired by Medtronic) | Full Stack Mobile Engineers | ONSITE in San Jose, CA or Northridge, CA | Full-time | https://goklue.com/

We are a digital health start-up developing wearable-based eating and drinking detection system. We were acquired by Medtronic in September 2019 and have an ambitious roadmap ahead to combine our technology with Medtronic’s systems to help millions of patients around the world.

Klue’s automatic meal detection capabilities hold great promise for improving the quality of life and health for individuals living with diabetes. Automatic meal detection paves the way for a fully autonomous closed loop artificial pancreas system, delivering insulin at the start of a meal without user intervention. Furthermore, Klue’s mealtime bolus (insulin injection) reminder module helps people with insulin-dependent diabetes improve their medication adherence and glycemic control.

We're looking for a capable Principal Full Stack Mobile Engineer to join our team. You should think about joining us if you care about having a lasting impact on people with diabetes and other chronic conditions, and if you are passionate about developing high quality software and delivering best-in-class user experiences across a wide range of mobile and wearable platforms.

Apply here https://jobs.medtronic.com/jobs/pr-full-stack-mobile-enginee... or email me at harry@goklue.com

The Wonderful Company | Engineering Manager - Front End | Los Angeles, Ca | Onsite (Remote during safer at home) | Full Time

The Software Engineering team is seeking a very hands-on Engineering Manager to help take our Front End Engineering standards and practices to the next level. We are a React shop transitioning to a service-oriented architecture. Our infrastructure makes heavy use of internal services and e-commerce. We value performance, accessibility, reproducibility, and refinement. We've laid the foundations and are now looking to build out a solid and sustainable engineering practice.

You should have worked with a number of front end technologies and settled into React. You will have experience in DevOps, team leadership, isomorphic rendering, build optimization, and component design all while keeping security in mind. We are looking for somebody to help put us at the forefront of e-commerce, which means testing, documentation, and process are your forte. In this role, you will serve as a technical thought leader on a team created to increase efficiency in our organization.


Front | San Francisco, CA + Paris, France | Engineering, Product, Sales | Full-time | https://frontapp.com/jobs Email is the universal communication tool for work. It’s where you discuss work, answer questions, and talk to all of your customers, vendors, and partners. But email wasn’t made for business and hasn’t evolved to help you work with a team. So you’re dropping the ball, missing important context, and relying on many siloed apps that make you less productive as a whole.

With more than 5,000 customers and $79 million in funding from Sequoia, Threshold (formerly DFJ), and others, Front is reinventing the inbox so people can accomplish more together. We’ve created one place where you communicate internally and externally, gain context about customers and projects, and access all your other tools so you can be more efficient, more fulfilled, and ultimately happier at work.

We are looking for experienced individuals to help us extend and promote Front and bring collaboration beyond email.

We're growing rapidly, and would love to meet you. Take a look at our open roles here - https://jobs.lever.co/frontapp?lever-via=1C01dbPRMX

NiceDay | Web Engineer, React Native Android Engineer | Netherlands (Visa + Relocation), Indonesia, Remote We are a team of 50+ people, changing the way mental health care works in the Netherlands by organising a new way of providing care. We have partnered with the biggest mental health institution of the Netherlands and have built a web and mobile app that is actively used by thousands of therapists and patients.


We have had immense growth recently and our customer base has grown 20x in 2 weeks! Join us for working with a team of passionate engineers and therapists, working tightly together to help define a new way to provide care for people who need help the most.

We are actively looking at new React and React Native developers to join our team. You can get some insight about how we work at our blog: https://medium.com/niceday-dev

Skills and expertise - Normalized for keyword search, but this is not the only thing we look for in candidates :)

React / React Native / Typescript / Javascript / CSS / Android

Remote is welcome as long as you can overlap enough hours with the Dutch and Indonesia time and are also willing to fly to the Netherlands/Indonesia from time to time :)


ATHOS | Multiple Positions | Redwood City, CA | Full time | Competitive Salary + Benefits | www.liveathos.com

At Athos our mission is to build better athletes by helping coaches and athletes personalize their training and make better performance decisions. Our training system is used by many of the best sports programs in the country.

Since we started, Athos has been translating EMG into a simple and powerful training system. From cueing how you use your muscles, evaluating movement progression and monitoring when you are at risk of injury throughout your training. By giving athletes and coaches this unprecedented insight into muscle performance, they better understand what the body is actually doing in the days, weeks, and months of preparation for the performances that matter most. We are helping athletes reach their highest potential and are used by many of the best sports programs in the country.

Interested in joining the team? We're always looking for highly-motivated employees who will help us stay on the cutting edge of creativity and innovation.

We are hiring for the following positions:

Senior Firmware Engineer - https://athos.applytojob.com/apply/sy3NQXLdvt/Senior-Firmwar...

SMX | Clojure / Big Data Developer | Auckland, New Zealand | Onsite | Full-time SMX have been NZ's email specialists for more than 10 years and are now taking our products global.

We have a bespoke big data and analytics infrastructure built in Clojure and utilising Kafka and Cassandra that requires another senior developer. You will have verifiable experience in some or the above or related technologies, as well as in building secure, highly available systems.

Respond to colin.taylor smxemail.com

Abricto Security | Senior Security Consultant | Atlanta | REMOTE Full-time

Want to lead a team of penetration testers and security practitioners? This is the job for you. Abricto Security is an information security consulting firm specializing in penetration testing and cloud security. We’re based just North of Atlanta in Peachtree Corners, but we’re a remote first company, meaning we only come together once a month for an all-hands meeting to share ideas and build comradery. Otherwise the only travel required would be for client kick-off meetings and the occasional in-person debrief. Total travel is roughly 15 – 20% but mostly day trips so you’ll be home for dinner with your family.

This role will be responsible for delivering a broad range of penetration tests including wireless, web app, mobile app, network, IoT and more. More importantly, this person needs to be a solid mentor capable of training and collaborating with other security consultants. Conference speaking is a big plus, and we’re looking for at least 5 years of prior penetration testing consulting experience.

Full description and application: https://abrictosecurity.com/careers/senior-security-consulta...

Hello Cjdupreez, would you mind pinging me here so i can ask you a few questions: benjaminkirschx@gmail.com

The Farmer's Dog | Software Engineer | New York, NY | https://www.thefarmersdog.com/

The Farmer’s Dog was created to radically improve the $90 billion global pet food industry — starting with a subscription service that sends freshly-made food directly to customers’ doors. Long term, our aim is to simplify every part of pet care, bettering the lives of the animals who make our lives better. We recently raised our Series B and are backed by early investors of Warby Parker, Dollar Shave Club, Sweetgreen, and Glossier.

We're building our subscription-based e-commerce platform from the ground up. Our aim is to offer a seamless subscription experience through on-time production, customized products, and best in class customer support.

We're working with a modern stack that includes React, Node, Postgres, TerraForm, Docker and AWS.

Staff Software Engineer https://boards.greenhouse.io/thefarmersdog/jobs/4715252002

Full Stack Engineer (mid/senior) https://boards.greenhouse.io/thefarmersdog/jobs/4700144002

QA Engineer https://boards.greenhouse.io/thefarmersdog/jobs/4725273002

Data Scientist | Equitable Life of Canada (https://www.equitable.ca) | Waterloo, ON | Full-time | Onsite or Remote (within South-Western Ontario)

Equitable Life is a small mutual life insurance company (~700 people) based in Waterloo, Ontario. We're hiring our first data scientist to help found the data science team. As of right now, the team consists of my manager and myself (data/ml engineer).

This data scientist role is a foundational one; you'll need to help define our methodology, tooling and data strategy. The data scientist will act as an internal consultant within the organization and will help various teams optimize their processes through the application of predictive models. This is a great opportunity for someone with a couple years of experience under their belt.

We are primarily a Windows shop with all infrastructure managed on-premise and most development is waterfall. However, the company is actively working towards being cloud-friendly (Azure) and rethinking its development processes (eg. embracing devops tech, agile).

As this is a foundational role, we're looking for someone with either a masters or PhD in a quantitative discipline and a minimum of a couple years of experience in developing predictive models (preference for supervised learning).

Apply here: https://canr57.dayforcehcm.com/CandidatePortal/en-US/equitab...

Jane | Santa Cruz, CA | Onsite | https://www.iheartjane.com | Will relocate

Jane Technologies, Inc. has developed the cannabis industry's first real-time marketplace, where consumers can discover and order cannabis online. We believe in the cannabis industry's ability to bring well-being, health, and love into this world, and it is our mission to bring confidence to the cannabis shopping experience.

To learn more about who we are, our engineering culture, and whether this is the right place for you, read our Key Values profile: https://www.keyvalues.com/jane

We're currently hiring:

* Senior Full Stack Engineer: https://boards.greenhouse.io/janetechnologies/jobs/471672000...

* Technical Lead: https://boards.greenhouse.io/janetechnologies/jobs/469587900...

* Senior Product Visual Designer: https://boards.greenhouse.io/janetechnologies/jobs/469964100...

Tech Stack: Backend: Ruby on Rails. Frontend: ReactJS + Typescript.

Loop54 | Frontend/Fullstack Engineer | Stockholm, Sweden | ONSITE

Loop54 is a search/relevance engine as-a-service, marketed primarily toward the small–medium–large segment of the e-commerce market. We can probably achieve the most relevant results in the world for our client base right now, through what's fundamentally pretty basic AI techniques[1]. We have the ability to tailor result pages specifically to individual users.

What is currently one of the bottlenecks is that we have no useful feedback loop to the e-commerce stores that use us. To them, the search engine is a black box that does AI magic. We are working on an analytics portal where we can present information on the decisions made by the engine, as well as some basic levers and knobs for the managers to operate.

However, we want this to turn out really good, and for that we need someone willing to be an authority on front-end web development, from concept through design to implementation.

As long as you are intelligent, nice, a good cultural fit, and most importantly, either experienced or at least want to grow and learn in the web frontend area, don't hesitate to reach out if you're interested.

Apply here: https://careers.loop54.com/jobs/799962-front-end-or-full-sta...

[1]: What the AI does for us is let us generalize over visitor behaviour, such that each individual action is less important, and the general sentiment of the users is what counts.

Kalepa | Senior Backend, Data, and Full-Stack Engineers | New York, NY & Remote | Full-time | VISA https://angel.co/company/kalepa

Kalepa is a New York based, VC backed, startup building software to transform and disrupt the $1T commercial insurance market.

Engineers and designers at Kalepa are solving interesting and challenging problems at the intersection of big data pipelines, cutting-edge machine learning models, intuitive frontend apps, and robust infrastructure. You will be working in a small team building technology from the ground up with the latest stack.

One trillion dollars are spent globally each year on commercial insurance. However, the process for estimating the risk associated with a given business across various perils is still reliant on inefficient and inaccurate forms and research. This information asymmetry leads to a broken set of incentives and a poor experience for both businesses and insurers alike. By combining cutting edge data science, enterprise software, and insurance expertise, Kalepa is delivering precision underwriting at scale. Kalepa is turning real-world data into a complete understanding of risk.

Kalepa's team members have worked at Facebook, Google, Amazon, ClassPass, APT (acquired by Mastercard), the Israel Defense Forces, MIT, Berkeley, and UPenn. We are backed by IA Ventures.


Contact: paul.monasterio@kalepa.co

Avalara.com | Seattle, USA| Full-time | Software Engineer | Onsite | https://www.avalara.com/


I actually have 2 positions open.

C#, Python, MySQL

About Avalara

Avalara helps businesses of all sizes achieve compliance with transaction taxes, including sales and use, VAT, excise, communications, and other tax types. The company delivers comprehensive, automated, cloud-based solutions designed to be fast, accurate, and easy to use. The Avalara Compliance Cloud® platform helps customers manage complicated and burdensome tax compliance obligations imposed by state, local, and other taxing authorities throughout the world.

Avalara offers more than 600 pre-built connectors into leading accounting, ERP, ecommerce and other business applications, making the integration of tax and compliance solutions easy for customers. Each year, the company processes billions of indirect tax transactions for customers and users, files more than a million tax returns, and manages millions of tax exemption certificates and other compliance documents.

Monadical.com | Senior Full-Stack Engineer / Product Manager / Partner | Full-Time | Montreal / Colombia| REMOTE

We're a full-stack consultancy building software that outlasts us. We have a wide variety of interesting projects such as building unified data formats for neuroscience labs to share datasets, developing custom medical software for doctors, creating platforms for real estate agencies, and more.

We're growing quickly and we’re short on senior management and engineering talent. We're looking to hire senior full-stack engineers with strong Python and/or JS experience, knowledge in electronic health record (EHR) systems, who are driven and want to play a partner-level role in growing an exciting company. We have dedicated time for self-improvement, blogging, talks, and contribution to FOSS. Our goal is to be a workplace with a strong focus on learning, where the client projects provide a base of capital for us to all work on dream projects of our own.

We have an inclusive, transparent culture with a public company principles handbook. See more info and apply here: https://monadical.com/team.html

If you have any questions drop us an email to apply@monadical.com

Hi All,

This is in reference to the "Senior Full-Stack Engineer/Product Manager/Partner" opening as advertised on "https://remote4me.com/remote-python-jobs".

Interested in this opportunity, for details please email me to forward the resume.

Looking for response at the earliest.


Syed Habeeb Ullah Quadri +917483793763 shuq007@gmail.com

VC4A | PHP Developer | Netherlands (Remote) |

Join our international team building VC4A.com as a platform and online resource for emerging market entrepreneurs. Our target is founders building high growth high impact ventures. Our mission is to support quality entrepreneurs from all corners of the globe and to connect them to growth opportunities and capital resources.

As an experienced PHP Developer, you are hands-on with the VC4A.com platform and are instrumental in determining what happens next with this beautiful project! Our only limitation is our imagination.

- You have at least 5 years of professional experience as a Software Developer.

- PHP is your native language, but you’re not bound by it.

- You familiar with autoload and PSRs.

- You’re capable of using accepted best practices and principles, such as SOLID and design patterns.

- You’re experienced in writing high-performance code for a large high volume platform.

- Experience with writing custom code for WordPress is a big plus.

- Experience with other technologies like Elastic search, GraphQL, and VueJS is a plus.

- You are familiar with using package managers such as Composer and Yarn.

- You don’t get scared when you have to write a bit of JavaScript.

Please share the opportunity or apply directly to this position via the VC4A.com website ->


Qualia | Full-Stack Software Engineers & Engineering Manager (Infrastructure) | San Francisco, CA | Onsite (remote during shelter-in-place) | Full-time, Salary + Options

Qualia (qualia.com) is a startup making web applications for real estate professionals. We just raised our series C and we're growing fast! We're looking for full-stack software engineers at all levels, as well as an Engineering Manager for our Infrastructure team.

Our engineering culture is collaborative and friendly, and we make beautiful products that our customers love to use. We're looking for engineers who want to be generalists: our engineering team does everything from the user interface design to the data syncing across our distributed systems. For our engineering managers, we are looking for experienced leadership with an extensive engineering background. Our managers are engineers first, who know how to deliver great product, develop people, build teams, and foster a culture of growth.

Prior experience in the real estate industry isn't required, but you can expect to learn all about it! We offer daily catered lunches in our downtown SF office (naturally, only when the office is open).

Our goal is to make it possible to buy a house completely online. Solving the real estate coordination problem makes for some really fun engineering and design challenges, and opportunities to make the process better for everyone involved. With the COVID-19/Shelter-in-place order, bringing the entire real estate transaction process online has never been more critical. Come be a part of the solution!

Contact Gabriel at gabriel<at>qualia.com!

Hello Community! Glovo is hiring for the Tech team! Co-Vid 19 has made our Grocery section have a HYPERGROWTH!

We need great Tech Team members to provide the best experience and SOLUTION to the world! We are super flexible, start dates can be moved and you can start remote to then move to Sunny Barcelona Office + New Tech Hub in Warsaw Poland! (WFH, full flexibility but Fulltime, full relocation + Sponsorship)

At the moment Glovo is the fastest-growing generation 2 (this means that we have our own logistics platform) delivery startup in the world and becoming one of the best Tech Product Start-ups in Spain.

Tech Challenges: Project Valkyrie: Related to the number of deployments per day. Project Darwin: Going from a Monolithic to a Microservices architecture. Better efficiency with Machine Learning.

Tech Stack: Java , Python, Spring Boot, Redis, Python, NodeJS, AWS (SQS, Kinesis, Aurora,EC2, Lambda,Cloudwatch, Jenkins, Terraform, Ansible, Github Actions, Spinnaker, DataDog Mobile: Java, Kotlin, Swift Frontend: JavaScript, Vue.js

Key Job Openings: Engineering Manager, Senior ML Engineer, Senior Backend Engineers, Senior iOS Engineers, Site Reliability Engineers, SDET, Senior Backend Engineers - Platform Services


If you write to me I will guide you through the process faster!


I’m attaching our corporate video: https://youtu.be/1lnZ8xsx9bE ;)

Uploan | Senior Software Engineer / Tech Lead | MANILA, Philippines | ONSITE

We're building an ethical financial services company in the Philippines, working hard to transform the lives of working people without stable access to financial services. We'll be advancing our suite of products to allow people to save for their first home, or understand the key elements of a financially healthy situation.

We, of course, need good people. For what it's worth I truly do think we're trying to do the right thing here and it takes honest, kind, patient people to do it. Having technical skills at the Senior/Lead level is important but we want mature and deliberate thinkers. In return we'll do everything to give you space to think, design, and develop your best work with a laser focus on transparency and honesty. Developer happiness is a topic close to my heart and this isn't just lip service.

For what it's worth we work on React, are keen on introducing Typescript for the front-end. We use Java microservices on the back-end and are keen to experiment a little bit on that side. Come and help us make the right choices.

I'm the new Head of Engineering so we'll be working closely together, please do get in touch: jack.turnbull@uploan.ph

Amazon Advertising Security | Software Development Engineer / Machine Learning Scientist | Edinburgh, UK | Full-time | VISA | ONSITE (remote for now)

- https://www.amazon.jobs/en/jobs/1126429/senior-software-deve...

- https://www.amazon.jobs/en/jobs/1048395/software-development...

- https://www.amazon.jobs/en/jobs/1015077/software-development...

- https://www.amazon.jobs/en/jobs/919727/machine-learning-scie...

My team owns enforcement of the technical security across Amazon’s advertisement portfolio. This is a fast moving and adversarial space. We're looking for people who are passionate about making the internet a better place by stopping bad actors. If building highly scalable systems and reverse engineering malicious Javascript sounds like fun to you, please get in touch. Prior security related experience is a plus but not a requirement.

Contact: martrob @at amazon.com (I'm an SDE for this team, not a recruiter)

Full Stack Ruby Developer with 5+ Yrs Exp - Power Home Remodeling is seeking a full stack Ruby developer with 5+ years of experience to join the team at our headquarters, just outside of Philadelphia, PA. We are reinventing the home remodeling industry and to do that, we need a web application platform that supports our people, our ingenuity, and our growth. At Power, you will have the opportunity to work on challenging technology problems and design solutions that are lasting, sustainable and positive. You will be part of a cross-functional Scrum team and get to work alongside other top talent, including our growing team of application architects, UX designers, engineers, and awesome developers. Each person on the team is empowered to make decisions and enjoys great latitude in choosing the right tools and methods for the job. As part of the team, you will be responsible for the design, development and support of highly visible products. Visit https://apply.workatpower.com/jobs/ea7f11123ebf874d790217a35...

App Annie (www.appannie.com) | Vancouver, BC, Canada | Full-time | ONSITE (after Covid19)

App Annie is the largest app intelligence platform, delivering powerful market data and insights to succeed in the app economy (mobile and web). App Annie can help you and your company better understand the app market, how customers interact with your app and market opportunities. The Vancouver team is building a new product that will go beyond the data and will be a set of tools for companies to better reach their customers and users.

Our stack - Python, Java and React on AWS.

Opportunities - - Senior Frontend (5+ years React experience) - Staff Frontend (7+ years React experience) - Senior DevOps (5+ years DevOps experience) - Senior Staff Engineer (10+ years software development exp. + technical leadership exp)

Job board and descriptions here - https://www.appannie.com/en/about/careers/vancouver/#careers...

We pay market rate and offer competitive benefits + equity; VISA sponsorship is NOT possible. If any of this interests you get in contact with me (jmelbourne-ext [at] appannie [dot] com) and use [HN] in the subject line.

Data Engineer, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Skills - Java, Python, Distributed platforms, Containers, Cloud Native, CI/CD

Looking for a Data Engineer who can help to modernize our Data Platform to unleash the data towards better Care and Cure for our Patients.


Vanta (YC W18) | San Francisco, CA | Onsite (eng, product design) | https://vanta.com

Vanta is security-in-a-box for technology companies, covering everything from laptops to infrastructure, and using a suite of simple, effective, and easy-to-deploy tools. We're profitable, onboard new teams every week (250+ customers to date), and work with software companies you'd recognize.

Help us secure the internet, increase trust in software companies, and keep consumer data safe.

To learn more about who we are, our engineering culture, and whether this is the right place for you, read our Key Values profile: https://www.keyvalues.com/vanta

Here are our open roles:

* Software Engineer: https://vanta.com/jobs/software-engineer

* Product Designer: https://vanta.com/jobs/product-designer

You can apply directly to the job posts, or by emailing our Head of Recruiting, Alex (alex@vanta.com)

Tech Stack: Node.js, TypeScript, React, GraphQL, Docker, Terraform, Go, AWS

Co—Star Astrology | Full-time | On-site | New York | $130-150k + equity


Co-Star is bringing astrology into the 21st century with a social, personalized experience that helps people reflect and connect in real, meaningful ways. We recently raised $5m from the people behind companies like Glossier, Rent the Runway, eBay, Periscope, and Everlane.

We’re looking for iOS, Android, and full-stack software developers to join our twelve-person team in Chinatown, NYC.

We want your help:

  • Transforming NASA data into astrological patterns that astrologers can write and map copy to
  • Using TB of data to define and create personalized, emotionally resonant content
  • Developing internal tools to give our writers superpowers
  • Shipping new features & A/B tests in our Apple-lauded iOS app
  • Scaling our backend infrastructure to millions of daily users
Our stack includes

  • Haskell for our backend
  • Swift and Android Native (Kotlin) for our mobile apps
  • React and TypeScript on the web (costarastrology.com + internal tools)
  • AWS to host our infrastructure
  • PostgreSQL
Competitive comp, $0 deductible fully-covered health care, unlimited vacation (min 4 weeks), conference/book/whatever budget

Read more details here -> https://www.costarastrology.com/jobs + feel free to email directly with questions -> tim (at-squiggle) costarastrology.com

SpaceX|Software Engineering| Los Angeles, CA | ONSITE

SpaceX was founded under the belief that a future where humanity is out exploring the stars is fundamentally more exciting than one where we are not. Today SpaceX is actively developing the technologies to make this possible, with the ultimate goal of enabling human life on Mars. SpaceX is looking for world-class talent ready to tackle challenging projects that will ultimately enable life on other planets. SpaceX is an equal opportunity employer offering competitive salaries, comprehensive health benefits and equity packages.

Check out our open roles here:

Starlink SWE: https://grnh.se/16e38b442us

FPGA: https://grnh.se/6a35dc4f2us

Senior Software Engineer (Platform): https://grnh.se/4f8aa9892us

Site Reliability Engineer: https://grnh.se/f4c174022us

Sr. Network DevOps Engineer (Starlink): https://grnh.se/a6c6a2bf2us

"To conform to U.S. Government space technology export regulations, including the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) you must be a U.S. citizen, lawful permanent resident of the U.S., protected individual as defined by 8 U.S.C. 1324b(a)(3), or eligible to obtain the required authorizations from the U.S. Department of State. Learn more about the ITAR here."

The "here" is a broken link. How can one find out whether they are "eligible to obtain the required authorizations from the U.S. Department of State"?

DRW | Chicago, IL | Onsite | Full-Time | drw.com

DRW is a technology-driven, diversified principal trading firm. We trade our own capital at our own risk, across a broad range of asset classes, instruments and strategies, in financial markets around the world. As the markets have evolved over the past 25 years, so has DRW – maximizing opportunities to include real estate, cryptoassets and venture capital. With over 1,000 employees at our Chicago headquarters and offices around the world, we work together to solve complex problems, challenge consensus and deliver meaningful results. It’s a place of high expectations, deep curiosity and thoughtful collaboration.

We are hiring for the following roles:

Senior Software Engineer, Treasury: https://grnh.se/0e7191e51

Research Developer: https://grnh.se/b3c1eba11

Linux Systems Engineer: https://grnh.se/83ca61981

Senior FPGA Engineer: https://grnh.se/69f84fd81

Senior Database Administrator: https://grnh.se/ec755c7a1

Senior Linux Engineer (Austin): https://grnh.se/07b753951us

Please visit our website for more roles and information: www.drw.com.

Partoo | Full-Stack Engineer / Tech Lead | Paris, France | Full-time | Onsite | https://www.partoo.co/en/

We keep synchronized and up to date your business information on all major online platforms as Google + Google Maps, Facebook, Apple Maps, Foursquare, etc.. For example, those past weeks we helped tens of thousands of business updating their opening times regarding coronavirus. Like this, we avoided people doing unnecessary trips to a closed business.

We're looking for several Full-Stack Engineers, from junior to experienced level. We're also looking for a Tech Lead for a new team that'll be created.

Being able to speak and understand french, even if not perfectly, is required. Sorry :(

Our stack is mostly in Python & React, and we're in AWS. We're growing rapidly while being profitable, and there are plenty of opportunities to leave a mark in the company.

To know more about us : https://www.welcometothejungle.com/fr/companies/partoo (in French)

If you're interested, send me an email at jonas@partoo.fr :)

SCRUFF | Product Manager; Remote iOS & Android Developer | https://www.scruff.com/en/careers | New York and remote | Full time | Onsite and Remote

Perry Street Software, publisher of SCRUFF and Jack'd, two of the world's largest GBTQ+ social apps, is hiring an experienced Product Manager to join our team. We also have openings for remote iOS and Android developers.

As a Product Manager, you are a passionate, customer-facing and hands-on team member who will help define the future of Jack’d and SCRUFF. You are a problem solver who is happy collaborating with a team to help grow and transform our products. You get excited by new and existing technologies on your phone. You conceptualize how this will empower our community to better connect with each other and how to enable users to better express their authentic self. You enjoy working with other people and are motivated by the current and potential power of our platform.

Existing experience in consumer software is required. In this role, you will work with developers, designers, marketing and product to define and launch new and improved features. Using the agile process you manage and guide change by participating in daily standup meetings, retrospectives, iteration planning meetings, and story acceptance/rejection. You’ll work collaboratively with engineering during the development, launch and continuing refinement of Jack’d and SCRUFF. Work collaboratively on internal initiatives; maintaining backlogs, driving feature completion, reporting to senior management on progress and prioritization.

Check out our website for more info!

I sent an email last month regarding an Android position, and followed up a couple weeks after; should I assume it's been decided I'm not a fit?

Email address in profile.

Hi, I am looking to join in your team. I have 9 years experience in android development.

What’s the culture like there?

Patronage | Product intern or Development Intern | https://www.patronage.org | Remote | INTERNS

Patronage is an all-remote startup founded in 2013 on the belief that technology can be a force for good. We partner with local and national organizations taking on big challenges. From advocating for major reforms and accountability in government to making information and services more accessible to advancing high-profile presidential, congressional, and gubernatorial campaigns, we've seen a lot.

As a developer on our team, you'll quickly get up to speed and join us in our work as we build out the next phase of web and tech infrastructure in a critical election year. Working knowledge of HTML and CSS is a must. Other helpful areas of awareness and skill include, but are not limited to: WordPress, JavaScript and jQuery, PHP, Twig, Liquid, Nunjucks, React, Angular, Python, and more.

As a product manager on our team, you'll assist with research, development, and marketing as we build out the next phase of web and tech infrastructure in a critical election year. You must have excellent written and verbal communication skills and be a strong cross-functional team collaborator. You must be very organized and have the ability to remain flexible but focused in an agile environment. Have interest (or experience) in market and user research, product design and/or engineering

Salary: $4,000 to $6,000 per month for full time interns, depending on qualifications


looks interesting. just sent an application your way.

Audi | Multiple Positions | Full-Time | ONSITE | Ingolstadt, Germany | https://www.audi.com

Currently a team of several hundreds of developers and engineers of all levels, we are working on automated driving/autonomous driving (up to level 4 autonomy) and shaping the mobility of the future.

We are searching for developers and engineers who are up to the challenge and want to experience how hardware and software components are designed, built and deployed to a massive fleet of cars in a series way (like DevOps but people are driving the servers ;). Amongst the topics are data management (scaling and managing up to petabytes/day), scenario modelling, embedded software testing and development, regulations,laws and more.

Amongst technologies we use are Kubernetes, Docker, Kafka, Terraform, Packer, C++, Python, Scala, IOT and a whole lot more. (we also do Front-End :))

The project is massive and we are actively hiring and searching for people who want to be part of this adventure.

Speaking german is a plus but is not mandatory. Solid English skills are mandatory.

Don't hestitate to get in touch with me, my email is in my profile and I'm personally involved in the hiring process.

* Is remote an option? (e.g. from other cities in Bavaria, like Munich?)

* What kind of contract is it? (e.g. IG Metall? or if not, what's the pay range?).

Joinmassive.com / remote / full time / pre series A and growing fast / GPU / C/C++

We re looking for a C++ macOS & Windows developer for our Computing Monetization project who can work on low level / especially GPU across platforms (windows / MAC)a plus if you have experience in crypto mining

MASSIVE is a fully distributed company headquartered in the USA. MASSIVE is a well-funded startup with founders, advisors, and investors that have been successful on many other, well-known projects (ask for more info by email)

The MASSIVE SDK is an ethical alternative to current online monetization. The SDK lets developers charge their users for premium services and in-app items with a little bit of their unused computing resources, rather than money or ads. We can generate up to $0.50 per user per month. The SDK works by analyzing available resources across Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android devices and making that supply accessible to computing needs on the demand side, including scientific calculations, cryptocurrency mining, monte carlo simulations, bandwidth sharing, and IP address in an intelligent way (almost invisible / realtime load balancing)

Job requirement Experience with GPU programming, we re looking to optimize our code / Experience with GPU cryptocurrency mining would be ideal but we re open to anyone who is passionate about high performance computing at a low level and who can work across platforms

Communications are online mostly, we re a dev heavy startup (no useless meetings) English is needed. Our team is in north and South America as long as Europe so far.

For more info contact me at franck[at]joinmassive.com

Snowplow Analytics | Site Reliability Engineer | Full-time | REMOTE Europe | https://snowplowanalytics.com/

Snowplow is the ideal platform for data teams who want to manage their data in real-time and in their own cloud. We collect, validate, enrich and load up to 5 billion events for our customers each day and help them on their data journey through our management console.

We are looking for an SRE to join our team. Experience in infrastructure automation and supporting high volume, highly available platforms on AWS or GCP is required. Any experience in doing this via the HashiCorp stack would be a bonus.

This is a super-interesting challenge. We're finding ways to deploy, tune, support and update extremely complex and distributed infrastructure centrally, and rapidly! We have a top team working on this that we're wanting to grow.

More information, and other open roles, are on our careers page: https://snowplowanalytics.com/company/careers/

Please note we're not hiring in the US for this particular role.

CareEvolution | REMOTE | Full-time Software Developers and Operations Personnel Come and do something that actually matters.

CareEvolution’s software platform is helping to solve some of the most pressing problems in patient care and public health.

Our mobile and web applications are used by clinicians, researchers, and patients. For example, our MyDataHelps app (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/mydatahelps/id1286789190) supports research like the Scripps Research Institute's DETECT Health Study (https://detectstudy.org/), whose objective to identify early warning signs for viral illness — including COVID-19.


- Remote-only is possible and 2/3 of us are fully remote

- Outstanding colleagues

- Real, urgent, and important problems to solve

- Competitive pay

- Flat, politics-free organization

Check out our StackOverflow listing at https://stackoverflow.com/jobs/379348/software-developers-an....

Send resumes to resume@careevolution.com

I wonder if these threads are less busy on months (like this one) where the 1st is a Friday. For many of us, when this is posted it's already the weekend.

I wonder if it can shift to first Monday. I'm concerned it's the current economic state

That's not a bad idea. We could do "first Monday of the month", unless it's Jan 1. Any other standard exceptions? I feel like May 1 probably would have counted at one time, but no longer. (It's May 1 today of course.)

I wonder that too. The trouble with changing the rules to try to adapt to that is that each change adds new complexity, which will then cause other people to miss the threads.

It was posted 25 minutes ago.

Yes. 5pm Friday in much of Europe, and later than that almost everywhere else except the Americas.


Back is a young software company from Berlin with the mission to enable companies to focus on what matters. We’re building a collaboration and automation platform to untangle repetitive questions and workflows around the workplace.

We have a modern stack: Golang, Python, gRPC, Protobuf, React, GraphQL and Typescript.

Our office is in the heart of Kreuzberg, Berlin Germany.

To see what it’s like to work at Back and who your future colleagues would be, go have a look at http://bit.ly/working-at-Back

We’re hiring:

- Senior Backend Engineer: http://bit.ly/back-senior-backend-engineer - Machine Learning Engineer: http://bit.ly/back-machine-learning-engineer - Head of Marketing: https://jobs.lever.co/back/b009bc3a-d6a7-4d9f-a398-ceec6bd64... - Product Marketing Manager: https://jobs.lever.co/back/417bded6-3e6a-4703-be32-f03bc265c...

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

James - CTO @ Back https://www.backhq.com

Can "Machine Learning Engineer" positions be remote for 2020? (can fly in to meetings ~twice a month or so, but for personal reasons + covid I'm only looking for remote or Bucharest, RO this year)

Lead Engineer | New York, NY | https://grnh.se/ea38166a1

Senior Backend/SRE Engineer | New York, NY | https://grnh.se/ea38166a1

Senior Database Engineer | New York, NY | https://grnh.se/ea38166a1

Senior Software Engineer | New York, NY | https://grnh.se/ea38166a1

Client Support Engineer | London, UK | https://grnh.se/ea38166a1

Client Support Engineer | Nashville, TN | https://grnh.se/ea38166a1

Sailthru is one of the fastest-growing SaaS companies in NYC. Our retail and publishing customers are among the largest organizations worldwide and they use our platform to provide a connected customer experience across email, web and mobile.

We're a technology team that...

...is composed of small collaborative teams across engineering, data science, data platforms, and ops

...solves challenges that make a real impact on the day-to-day operations of our customers

...scales our platforms to handle billions of monthly inbound and outbound messages

...and uses data science to drive predictive marketing

If interested, please email: mwhitman+hackernews@sailthru.com

Flourish | Senior Developer | Full-time | REMOTE (UK) | https://flourish.studio/jobs/senior-developer

Flourish is an online tool for creating beautiful data graphics, presentations and other interactive content without coding. Launched in 2018, we have grown quickly and are used by some of the world’s largest companies and news organisations.

We’re looking for a senior developer to join our team, reporting to the head of software development. You'll be developing new features for Flourish; maintaining standards for web performance, security and accessibility; building automated tests and improving the observability of the codebase; mentoring and supporting more junior developers.

Some of the technologies we use include Node.js, Express; Postgres, Redis; Handlebars, Sass; AWS; Cypress; GitHub, CircleCI, Sentry. We don’t expect you to have worked with all of these, but any you have are a plus.

More details here: https://flourish.studio/jobs/senior-developer/

Faithlife | Senior Fullstack, Senior Backend, Payments, Engineering Managers | Bellingham, WA or Chandler, AZ | Fulltime | Onsite or Remote Faithlife is a tech company committed to the church. We build the world’s premier Bible study software (Logos Bible Software), along with an entire line of resources for Christian living: Faithlife.com (an online church management and communication platform), Proclaim (a cloud-based church presentation tool), Faithlife TV (video streaming service), the Faithlife Giving (online donation platform), Faithlife Sites (Church website builder), and more. Faithlife is looking for an experienced engineers and engineering managers with the knowledge and skills to help build products that serve the church.

Technologies: C#/.NET, JavaScript, React

Where we can hire (we just added 13 new states): https://faithlife.com/careers/remote

Apply online or email devjobs@faithlife.com

Streaming Video Engineering Manager: https://fl.vu/tvengmgr

Senior Fullstack: https://fl.vu/srfullstack

Senior Backend: https://fl.vu/srbackend

Communication Platform Engineering Manager: https://fl.vu/engmgr

Payments Engineer: https://fl.vu/payeng

Viaduct | ML Engineer, Data Engineer, Software Engineer | SF | Fulltime

At Viaduct, we are developing an end-to-end machine learning platform to empower automakers to build safer, more intelligent, and personalized vehicles. Our platform increases the accessibility and actionability of connected vehicle data for automakers and their end-customers. We are a small, diverse team motivated to solve the hardest problems in the automotive industry and are looking for thoughtful and driven engineers to join us!

To get a sense of our engineering culture, check out the open-source projects, we've created or maintain:

- https://github.com/viaduct-ai/kustomize-sops

- https://github.com/viaduct-ai/hybridcontents

- https://github.com/jupyter-incubator/sparkmagic

Reach out at recruiting@viaduct.ai


Administrate | Senior Software Engineer(s), Software Engineer(s) | Edinburgh, UK OR Beirut, Lebanon OR Remote | https://www.getadministrate.com

Administrate's vision is to be the platform for education. We provide an EdTech solution that helps training departments and training companies manage their entire operation and plug into the rest of their corporate tech stack. We're looking for smart engineers who get things done with Javascript, React, Python, and our GraphQL API. Our engineers normally work from our offices in Edinburgh, Beirut, or remotely across Europe.

We're one of the UK's fastest growing B2B SaaS companies.

We 4 Day, 32 hour workweek but you get paid for 5 days. You can read more about that here: https://techcrunch.com/2015/12/21/four-day-week/

Check out our positions here: https://www.getadministrate.com/careers/

Cloudflare | Software/Systems Engineer | Full-time | Austin, TX USA or Lisbon, Portugal | Onsite | https://g.co/kgs/t6N2jb

I work on Argo Tunnel at Cloudflare. It lets you run servers on localhost and route traffic to them through Cloudflare, using a long-lived outgoing connection. Like "enterprise ngrok". It powers a lot of "Cloudflare for Teams" and we've seen a huuuuge increase in traffic because people use it to replace their VPN and access their business' software even while WFH.

We work in Go and Rust and manage a distributed system over Cloudflare's huuuuge edge network. At our scale anything that can go wrong will eventually go wrong. We're working on making the system more resilient, by slowly removing dependencies from our core user flows. And working on new features to support the rest of Cloudflare for Teams. It's a challenging environment but I've been here for 2 years and learned a ton about networking, distributed systems, concurrency, databases and Rust.

Apply at the link or DM me on twitter: @adam_chal

Next Matter | Senior Software Engineer (Frontend or Fullstack) | Full-time | REMOTE | Europe, Berlin, Helsinki, Paris, Vienna | https://nextmatter.com

Next Matter is a remote-first software company distributed across Europe and headquartered in Berlin, Germany. We are a small, experienced team of technology and business professionals building a new operating system for companies (see more details at https://nextmatter.com).

To complete our team we are searching for a Senior Software Engineer (Frontend or Fullstack; React & Redux proficiency is a must; Fullstack experience with Python & Django is a plus).

Our tech stack:

* React & Redux

* Python, Django & Postgres

* Docker, Terraform & AWS

Beyond the opportunity to build a product and company hands-on from the very early days, we offer a flexible, remote working environment and a competitive compensation package including stock options.

Please apply via https://nextmatter.com/careers/ or by email to jan (at) nextmatter.com.

Looking forward to meeting you!

Clay (https://clay.run) | New York, NY | ONSITE, Full-time | Visa Sponsorship Available

The Spreadsheet That Fills Itself

Learn More About Life @ Clay Here: http://bit.ly/3b5bVX7 Want to help give the power of programming to an order of magnitude more people? Clay is the spreadsheet that fills itself - the first live-spreadsheet that brings together the best parts of spreadsheets, coding & simple automation. There are only ~20 million developers in the world, but over 1 billion spreadsheet users - come help us build the bridge that lets that much larger group tap into “programming” superpowers.

We’ve raised a Series A from the top investors in the world, and are a small, tight-knit group that is now building out our core-engineering and product teams in NYC. If you want to design and implement novel types of interfaces, and happen to be interested in Brett Victor, no/low-code tools and the history of computing - let’s chat!

Tech Stack: NodeJS, React, Redux, Typescript, PostgreSQL, Redis, Elastic Search, AWS, Serverless & Lambda, Terraform & more...

Open Roles:

- Designer https://jobs.lever.co/clay/456b9e54-99be-4289-9529-6fca06786...

- Software Engineer https://jobs.lever.co/clay/d1cb19b1-88ab-4bea-9c78-6ac10c689...

Or write us an email at jobs@clay.run

Aerolase | Electrical Engineers, Optical Engineers, Assembly Engineers, Mechanical Engineers | Mid level, Senior | Onsite Tarrytown, NY | Full-time | https://aerolase.com/

We are a medical device company specializing in high power medical lasers with applications in psoriasis, acne, and aesthetics. Our products give faster results to patients, with no side effects, and cheaper than conventional pharmaceutical interventions. Commercial stage (start up) company with customers in Dermatology and Aesthetics across US and internationally. All R&D and manufacturing done in house. We are looking to scale up manufacturing as well as finish the development of a number of platforms that already have FDA approval. Management team is headed by a physicist and engineer.

We are looking for folks with experience in solving difficult electronics, interconnect and integration challenges, with a special emphasis on:

- Electrical and electronics design

- Power conversion engineering

- Mechanical/electrical packaging and interface

- Circuit card design and layout

- Thermal analysis and modeling

- Designing to spec

Interested? Email me Art (Director Process Optimization) via ae@aerolase.com

Duolingo | Mobile, Backend, Web, Distributed Systems | Pittsburgh, New York City, Bellevue

We're changing how people around the world learn new languages. We're a multilingual, diverse group of people who work in small, cross-functional teams to help change the world, one word at a time. We're learners first, and we specialize in making learning fun.

We have several roles open - check out all of them here: duolingo.com/careers

Android Engineer - NYC: https://grnh.se/4e9462842

Android Engineer - PIT: https://grnh.se/2c3c620f2

iOS Engineer - PIT: https://grnh.se/267c898c2

Duolingo English Test - Security Engineer - PIT: https://grnh.se/076125c22

Reach out to jcarberry@duolingo.com if you have questions or want to talk to a human!

University Students can learn more at https://university.duolingo.com/

Coursera | Instructor (project instructor in machine learning, computer science, and business) | Remote, Part-time, Global | https://teach.coursera.org/

Become a Guided Project instructor at Coursera and share your expertise with millions of learners. Access an instructor community and support team that will give you all the tools and resources needed to create a high-quality project. Earn income remotely on a per-project basis as soon as your project is reviewed and approved. Impact lives of learners around the world by sharing skills they can apply immediately to their careers.

What is a Guided Project? Guided Projects on Coursera are interactive projects that enable learners to gain a job-relevant skill in under two hours. A side-by-side interface allows learners to watch visual instructions on one side of the screen while following-along on the other side of the screen. Guided Projects are for anyone who is looking to get hands-on learning and get practice applying a skill or using a tool in a real-world scenario. Every Guided Project includes everything learners need directly in their browser and step-by-step visual instructions so they can get started without any software installation or prior experience.

Guided Projects are focused on enabling learners to practice and apply skills in computer science, data science, and business software using a broad variety of real-world tools such as TensorFlow, Google Spreadsheets, Tableau, Canva, etc.

If you’re excited to create hands-on, Guided Projects and want to become a project instructor on Coursera, please apply at https://teach.coursera.org/

Patriot Software | Canton, OH | Full-time | REMOTE currently, ideally ONSITE eventually (not strictly required)

Looking for:

- Senior Engineers - Product Designers - Product Managers - DevOps - Network Engineers

Patriot Software is a midweset technology company building accounting, payroll, and time and attendance software that's trusted by over 29,000 businesses in all 50 states. We've been around 30+ years but have a startup mindset. We're hiring across the board. Lots of need, since we're growing.

We offer: lots of autonomy and ownership, chance to impact small business success all across the country, and flexibility in how to work. We're still a small company (100 total, ~ 50 are product/engineering), so lots of opportunity to make an impact and lead.

Our core stack is C#/.NET (Core, too)/PostgreSQL/docker, but we're actively pursuing many different AWS-powered infra options which means we have experiments in lots of different languages and tech to see what sticks.

All openings can be found here: https://apply.workable.com/patriot-software/

Prenscia Engineering Solutions | Multiple Roles | Southfield, MI or Starkville, MS | ONSITE | Full Time | https://www.hbmprenscia.com/

Prenscia Engineering Solutions leverages Prenscia’s ReliaSoft and nCode software, together with subject matter expertise and other software packages, to develop, configure and deliver innovative software systems and digital solutions to help customers understand and predict reliability, availability, maintainability and deterioration of assets and deliver actionable information to stakeholders to help improve product and asset performance for a wide range of applications. HBM nCode Federal LLC/Prenscia Engineering Solutions is part of HBK (Hottinger Brüel & Kjær).

Some of our tech stack includes: Kafka, Spark, MondoDB, InfluxDB, Hadoop, Grafana, Postgres

Some languages we use: C/C++, VB/C#, Python, R, Java/Scala/Kotlin, Node.js/JavaScript/TypeScript

Currently open roles

* DevOps Engineer (Southfield, MI or Patuxent River, MD)

* Senior Software Engineer (Southfield, MI or Starkville, MS)

* Software Engineer (Southfield, MI or Starkville, MS)

* Software Testing & QA Engineer (Southfield, MI or Starkville, MS)

Please note that U.S. CITIZENSHIP IS REQUIRED for all roles

To view role details please go to our careers page at https://www.hbmprenscia.com/about/careers

If you apply, please mention that you were referred to the role from Hacker News.

ObieCRE (YC S19) | Senior Product Engineer | Chicago | Full-time | REMOTE currently, ideally ONSITE eventually (not strictly required)

We're looking for our engineer #3 to help build our product, our team, and our company. A small pivot has led to great product-market fit, and we now have acres of green field that need designing & coding.

How we make money: If you own a building that leases to office or commercial tenants, you need insurance. This is true if the economy is growing or crumbling. And as a result of this mandatory nature, this industry has not evolved to use modern technology. Workflows are manual. Communication is messy and time-consuming. People often don’t know what they’re buying or why. Obie sells commercial real estate insurance in a new way, one which emphasizes transparency and human-centric automation.

Our stack is Typescript, Node, GraphQL, and React. You should have ample experience in at least one of these technologies. Several years in overall coding experience is preferred, although the quality of this experience will be valued more highly than its duration.

To apply (or if you're just curious) please email careers@obiecre.com.

SiteSpect | Various - Full Stack Engineer, Linux Operations Engineer, IT Systems Engineer, Front-End Customer Success Developer | Boston/Newton, MA | ONSITE | https://www.sitespect.com

SiteSpect is a digital optimization platform that lets you test or target your web traffic without having to change any code on your side. Under the hood, SiteSpect is a reverse proxy. Requests from end users are routed to an appropriate backend and SiteSpect modifies the response based on what tests the user is assigned to and then delivers those changes back to the end user.

We're looking to fill a variety of roles, including seeking client and non client facing front-end or full-stack developers, optimization specialists, release engineers, operations engineers and more to build out our (angular) control panel, proxy engines, help our clients use our tools to test and modify their websites, and advise clients on how best to test and optimize their customer experience.

Open Technical Roles:

Full Stack Engineer - http://app.jobvite.com/m?3igMZlw9

Front-End Solutions Developer (Customer Success) - http://app.jobvite.com/m?3lgMZlwc

Linux Release Engineer / IT Systems Engineer - http://app.jobvite.com/m?3egMZlw5

Linux Operations Engineer - http://app.jobvite.com/m?3fgMZlw6

Coinbase (YC S12) | San Francisco, New York, London | Onsite | https://www.coinbase.com

Digital currency will bring about more innovation, efficiency, and equality of opportunity in the world by creating an open financial system. We can use this new technology to help good ideas spread faster, reduce the inefficiencies that legacy payment networks impose on the world, and provide access to financial services to several billion people in the developing world.

I've personally been here for 3 years and love it. Tons of autonomy, lots of really challenging problems, and a super mission aligned employee group.

We're particularly interested in folks who are interested in building a world-class Javascript platform across React and React Native.

See all our open roles at Coinbase here: https://coinbase.com/careers

Tech Stack: Go, Ruby Rails, React (web), Swift (iOS), Kotlin & React Native (Android)

If you're interested in chatting more, feel free to shoot me an email at jpollak@coinbase.com. Looking forward to talking!

Carta | ONSITE (WFH for now) | Full-time | https://carta.com | NYC - New York City, NY

Carta is building the network graph of asset ownership. We help 10k+ privately held companies and a growing number of public companies track who owns what. We're a series E company and offer very competitive benefits packages (equity, free lunch, 401K, fully subsidized personal healthcare, transportation and cell phone allowances, etc). Specifically, the Enterprise team creates products to satisfy the needs of large private and publicly traded companies, such as equity management, foreign/domestic money movement, and brokerage (trading stock) services to name a few. Carta has over 800 employees and our last funding round (Series E) valued us at 1.7B. Our NYC office is located in 1 World Trade Center.


Senior Full Stack Engineers



* Minimum 4+ years professional software development experience

* Experience writing unit tests

* Experience with web applications/frameworks (frontend & backend)


* Experience with Python and Django

* Experience with React

Drop a note to robert.balousek+may20 [at] carta [dot] com for more info.

Kraken Digital Asset Exchange | Engineers | Product Managers | Onsite or Remote | https://jobs.lever.co/kraken

Kraken was founded in 2011, being a pioneer exchange in the crypto market. Kraken is in rapid expansion of its development and Product teams. At Kraken we have a remote global team, allowing our employees to have more freedom in choosing how to organize their routine and balance work and personal life.

May Highlights:

- Backend Engineer, Data Processing - Rust | Remote

- Backend Engineer, Kraken Futures - Rust | Onsite - London or Remote

We’re also hiring software engineers with the following skillsets: Backend (Rust/Go/Typescript/PHP), Frontend (React/Flux/Redux/Sass/Less/PHP) and many more.

Please apply directly to our Lever careers page at https://jobs.lever.co/kraken. Once you have completed your application to which role/roles you feel you fit best, please email me a confirmation at leon@kraken.com and I will make sure your profile is reviewed by our hiring team.

Gradescope | Oakland, CA | Software Engineers | https://www.gradescope.com

Gradescope is an online grading and assessment platform that uses cutting-edge technology and features like flexible autograders and AI-assisted answer grouping to make grading easier, faster, and more equitable. We're a small, collaborative team who are passionate about improving assessment in higher education. We care deeply about our users and work proactively to deliver new value for them. We iterate often, wear multiple hats, and take pride in building reliable, high-quality software. Gradescope was founded in 2014 at UC Berkeley and joined Turnitin, a leading provider of educational technology for academic integrity, in 2018.

We're looking for experienced Ruby on Rails developers to join us in expanding and scaling Gradescope:

- Software Engineer, Full Stack: https://smrtr.io/3-GGh

- Software Engineer, Growth: https://smrtr.io/424VR

Sunrise Integration | Junior Growth Hacker / Marketing & Sales Intern | Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA | Part-time | Remote | https://www.sunriseintegration.com

We are SaaS app developers, specialized in enterprise data integrations for e-commerce and logistics but branching out a bit. Data integrations are our business, but we are truly a full-service dev shop and have a very nimble team, great developer-centric culture, with a high bar for engineering ability and creativity. We also own, develop and operate our own suite of enterprise SaaS products.

Sunrise Integration's sweet spot right now is developing Shopify applications & middleware layers for logistics companies and enterprise-focused SaaS startups. We have built solutions for FreshBooks, DHL, Live Nation, Pitney Bowes and incubated many startups.

This is a very informal one, as I don't have a job description to hire for these roles yet. (Going a bit rogue here and haven't fully cleared with my team..) We are beefing up our marketing and sales depts and could use some junior extra hands for market research, landing pages, A/B testing, content writing, ad tech, pitching in on bid proposals and other types of assistance for sales and marketing. Looking for junior talent or even an intern.

Our team is in Hollywood in Los Angeles. We are all on-site normally but obviously remote now. Need to be within a 3 hour time difference of USA Pacific time and can take phone calls during USA work hours.

Interested? Email me at ron@sunriseintegration.com

Please mention HN in your email subject and give me a resume or at least some details of who you are and what you are looking for.

Hundreds of YC companies | Software engineers, designers, PMs and more | Everywhere, though mostly in the US | Both remote & onsite, onboarding remotely | Full-time and intern

Y Combinator runs workatastartup.com, which is a simple way to apply to all YC companies at the same time. It's mostly for software engineers, and there are a number of non-technical roles there too. Founders browse based on their needs, and reach out to you; you only have to create a single profile. We designed it so it's a lot easier for you to engage with founders about open opportunities.

We recently built a page with the most actively hiring YC companies here:


It seems to be working pretty well -- many of the people who post a profile get more than a dozen company founders reaching out to them. A good number have gotten jobs through it already.

We'd love if you filled out a profile, and gave me feedback. And if you shoot me an email I'll try point you in the direction of companies that might be a good fit -- ryan@ycombinator.com.

WR digital GmbH (https://www.footstock.com) | Europe | Full/Part-Time | remote-only

Footstock ist the worlds first fantasy football trading app. We are fully licensed in the UK and completed a 250k IGG in April 2019. Since then we improved the product and went viral 2 weeks ago. Our metrics exploded and we are looking for seasoned engineers to join our cause! In 2020 are looking to triple our headcount and raise Series A.

The platform is built with Java, Spring, Hibernate, Postgres and hosted on AWS. Frontend runs mobile first on Ionic, but we are currently closing in on our redesign and will start developing from scratch (web and mobile). If you have a track record of delivering on mobile/web you can lead this field with a tech of your choice.

We offer competitive EU salary, bonus payments, equity, flexible working time and challenging engineering problems! Our systems process up to £1m daily, are highly data driven and performance intense.

We are looking for motivated and self-organized people in all variations; Frontend, Backend, Full-Stack and Ops.

contact: jobs@footstock.com

MBition | Embedded/Backend/App Software Engineers, Architects, Product Owners, DevOps, various roles | Berlin & Stuttgart, Germany | Full-time | ONSITE (mobile office possible and currently used by everyone due to COVID-19), REMOTE for special cases possible

MBition is a 100% subsidiary of Mercedes-Benz RD. Traditionally focussing on infotainment software (in-car, smartphone apps, cloud backend), we are extending our focus to other domains in the car gradually, e.g. ADAS (advanced driver-assistance systems). We have many cool projects going on and generally we try to bring state-of-the-art modern professional software development paradigms to the automotive world. Our shareholders/mothership put big trust and money on us. We are a product development and delivery team.

Our stack contains (among others) C++, C, Qt, Yocto, Linux, QNX, AWS, Jenkins, Gitlab.

Checkout our website https://mbition.io/ and our job openings https://mbition.io/jobs/

Qualia | Infrastructure Manager | San Francisco, CA | Onsite (remote during shelter-in-place) | Full-time, Salary + Options Qualia (qualia.com) is a startup making web applications for real estate professionals. We just raised our series C and are actively hiring Engineers. We are looking for an Infrastructure Leader that still has a developers mindset.

We have a strong engineering culture that is collaborative and friendly, who are fundamentally transforming the Real Estate closing process. We have built a platform that brings everyone involved in the closing process – lenders, realtors, title agents, home buyers, and sellers – onto one shared, secure, mobile system of record.

About US: - Well funded with years of runway - Own 15% of a 40 Billion dollar industry - Personal and Career Growth opportunities - 5X revenue Growth last 18 months - All 3 Founders are Forbes 30 Under 30 Award recipients - Recently named as one of the best startup employers in 2020.

We are also hiring Fullstack web developers (Mid and Senior levels), a UX Designer and Product Manager (B2B SaaS startup experience)

Contact David at David.Suniga<at>qualia.com!

UP42 | Senior Frontend / Junior Backend | Berlin, Germany | Full-time | ONSITE | https://up42.com/company/careers/

We are creating a developer’s platform for geospatial data and satellite imagery. Think a plug-and-play CI/CD pipeline for geospatial data. We provide the infrastructure and data to users, where they solely have to focus on implementing their models instead of the machinery behind it. The startup is well-funded by Airbus.

We are looking for: 1) Senior Frontend Engineer with JavaScript, VueJS/ReactJS -> apply here: https://up42gmbh.recruitee.com/o/senior-frontend-engineer-mf... 2) (Junior) Backend Engineer with Java, SpringBoot -> apply here: https://up42gmbh.recruitee.com/o/junior-backend-engineer-mfx

Senior Software Engineer | Zenysis (YC W16) | Remote (especially Europe/Africa) or Onsite (SF) | Fulltime

Zenysis is building a product that helps governments make data-driven public health decisions. Our work is used in developing countries to support healthcare and emergency responses for hundreds of millions of people. In the past year, we've helped governments fight epidemic outbreaks, respond to natural disasters, and allocate hundreds of millions of dollars in healthcare spending. Now we are 100% focused on helping low and middle-income countries fight COVID.

Our core product is a data integration pipeline and analytics tool. On top of this, we help build early warning systems for outbreaks, tools to flag low-quality data, and other ways to identify and visualize the most effective health interventions across entire countries.

We're looking for other mission-focused engineers who care about seeing their impact in the world and are comfortable building complex, critical systems.

Apply here: https://www.zenysis.com/#careers

William Hill US | Functional Programmer | Jersey City, NJ, USA | ONSITE | Full Time The thing that distinguishes our team (and the reason I chose to work here) is that our CIO is a functional programming evangelist who understands that you can't just hire a team of FP enthusiasts - rather, you hire great engineers interested in being challenged and train them to become FP enthusiasts. We have a formal training program ("Scala U") that will show you basic scala syntax but its real purpose is to train people in how to become functional programmers with a combination of mentorship, pairing, classroom, exercises, and books. He's easy to talk to and super-enthusiastic, and I personally have learned a lot from him.

Here is the job description: https://www.williamhill.com/us/careers/?gh_jid=4465782002

We also have openings in devops, front end, and iOS, and other technical and non-technical roles.

Feel free to send me questions: My hackernews username at gmail.

Educative | Bellevue, WA | Part-Time | Contract | AWS | Azure | Coding Instructors, Machine Learning, Data Science Web Development | REMOTE | https://www.educative.io

Educative is an interactive learning platform for software engineers that provides pre-configured developer environments. Instructors create lessons using Educative's course builder. Students learn using coding playgrounds, embedded web applications, coding challenges, etc. without the need to install anything on their machines.

We are looking for experts in the following domains:

AWS, Azure, GCP, Machine Learning - Data Science - Web Development(Node, React, Vue, Angular, Typescript, etc.)

We are also looking for courses on topics that help engineers grow further e.g. designing large scale applications, security, compliance, code-reviews, etc.

If you can want to write on a topic that's relevant to software engineers, we should talk.

We work with engineers/instructors with a knack for writing, Bootcamp instructors, university professors, and students who have taken advanced CS courses.

Contact me at fahim {at} educative.io.

Framework | Senior Backend Engineer | Full-time | ONSITE in Burlingame, CA preferred, but REMOTE possible | https://frame.work

At Framework, we're fixing consumer electronics. We know products can be better for you and for the environment. Unlike most devices, ours are open for you to repair and upgrade.

Our team is made up of folks from previous successful consumer electronics startups, including the founding team of Oculus. We're early stage, but funded to deliver on our mission.

We're hiring a Senior Backend Engineer to own development of the e-commerce platform for our products. We're looking for someone with strong experience with Ruby and Ruby on Rails development, ideally with prior expertise in e-commerce frameworks like Spree and Solidus. Apply here: https://jobs.lever.co/framework/6935fb47-2921-49df-b94c-e45c...

One Medical | San Francisco, CA | Full-time | https://www.onemedical.com/careers/ One Medical is the fastest-growing primary care system in the country with over 80+ locations in major cities nationwide. You’ll find our clinics in Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Phoenix, Seattle, the San Francisco Bay Area, Washington, DC, San Diego, Portland and most recently, Austin. Here are some of our core technologies, that largely depends on your department: Angular, Python, AWS, Spark, Ruby, MySQL, Android, GraphQL, REST, Java, Cypress, Hadoop, PySpark, Tensorflow, AI/ML

- Engineering jobs - https://www.onemedical.com/careers/engineering/

- Clinical/IT/Doctors/Legal/Marketing/Operations/Sales/etc - https://www.onemedical.com/careers/all-departments/

We are heavily involved in the effort to help people during this covid crisis. We've been doing telemedicine for years, covid testing for several months, and as of last week we now offer anti-body testing.

For a better understanding of One Medical, please check out our Instagram https://www.instagram.com/onemedical, reach out to our Recruiting team or me.


FanDuel | Software Engineers | Edinburgh (UK), Glasgow (UK), New York (US) | ONSITE https://fanduel.com/careers https://grnh.se/6f664f3b1

Hiring for Java, Python, JavaScript/React, iOS Engineers.

FanDuel Group has a presence across 45 US states and 8 million customers. Users love our products and the growth of our company means a constant need for great people.

We've got two flagship products in the US market:

1. The original FanDuel product, our Daily Fantasy Sports app created a brand new industry.

2. We also operate the number one sports betting app in the US. This is a new and exciting market, growing at an incredible rate.

FanDuel is a modern workplace. We keep flexible hours and vacation scheduling. We provide the latest tech and equipment, and keep a well-stocked supply of snacks and refreshments.

You can find all open positions and apply directly using my referral link here: https://grnh.se/6f664f3b1

Specto | [https://jobs.specto.dev/](https://jobs.specto.dev/) | jobs@specto.dev | North America & Europe (remote) | Full-time | Backend (Python)

We're building the next generation app performance monitoring platform (APM) for the mobile era.

For the backend position we're looking for engineers passionate about performance that have experience building complex systems that can handle large quantities of data. We're using mainly Python and we deploy to Google Cloud.

We're a team of ex. Facebook, Twitter, Yelp, Airbnb and Mozilla engineers that have extensive experience in mobile platforms and tooling. We have also managed infrastructure teams at Facebook.

We're very well funded by a few infrastructure-focused investors. We're looking for remote engineers out of North America or Europe only to keep time zones in check. For Europe based engineers we will strongly favor candidates who can overlap with the PST timezone for a few hours every day.

would you consider someone with a Java professional experience and python college experience?I haven't use python in a while but would have no issue using it if given the opportunity.

Your angel.co job listing only allows remote in North America.

Memphis Meats | Berkeley, CA | Onsite | Sr. Software Engineer | https://www.memphismeats.com

Memphis Meats's mission is to produce real meat without slaughtering animals. We are a start-up biotech that just raised the largest funding round in the cell-based meat industry ($161M), and we are using that to build out our first manufacturing pilot plant.

We are looking to fill our first software engineering hire; this will be a senior person who will build our LIMS from scratch and ultimately be the tech lead for our engineering team. You should be the kind of person who can design and build enterprise-quality applications. One key requirement is experience building software that interacts with humans in the physical world (think robots and humans in a manufacturing floor or lab environment).

Read more and apply at https://jobs.lever.co/memphismeats/4c722e8c-3b68-4cde-960f-f...

GoodRx | Backend and Frontend Engineers (Senior/Staff) | Full-Time | On-site (Santa Monica - CA, St. Louis - MO, or San Fransisco, CA) + Remote (US ONLY)

GoodRx is looking for several senior engineers to complement our growing team of engineers.

At GoodRx, we believe that all Americans should have access to convenient and affordable healthcare. As a nation, we spend about $3.5 trillion annually on our healthcare, but too many Americans don't get the care they need, and prices just keep rising. We started with prescriptions, and we've helped over 100 million Americans save over $15 billion to date. Now, we're aiming to tackle all of healthcare. GoodRx is a profitable business funded by top-tier investors; we're based in Santa Monica with additional offices around the country.

Tech Stack:

(Backend) Python (Pyramid/GRPC) & Go (GRPC)

(Cache) Memcached/Redis

(Databases) Postgres/MySQL

(Frontend) React+Typescript

(Mobile) Swift/Kotlin

(Infra) Ansible + Spinnaker on AWS

Please apply online - https://hire.withgoogle.com/public/jobs/goodrxcom

All open roles are here: https://hire.withgoogle.com/public/jobs/goodrxcom

For questions about GoodRx engineering practices or what it's like to work here please feel free to contact me (Brian Weisbart) at bweisbart (at) goodrx.com (candidates only, no recruiters). I am not the hiring manager for any of these roles.

The website makes is appear that roles are only onsite. Are all of them potentially remote?

Grainite | Santa Clara | Full-time

What we do:

Application complexity is shooting through the roof, and a large part of the reason is obsolescence of underlying data platforms that were built for centralized and simpler workloads. We are building the next generation data fabric for cloud native applications - where data mobility and portability is a central theme. This vision is matched by the passion of the founding team (with experience at Google, Facebook, and other internet scale companies), and we are recruiting our first engineers that will help establish the direction for the platform and establish the culture for the company.

What you'll do:

As a Founding Engineer, you will design, implement, and deploy highly distributed, large-scale services. You will translate complex functional and technical requirements into detailed architecture and design. You will be very hands on, and work with others on the engineering team to manage day-to-day development activities, and participate in designs, design reviews, code reviews, and implementation. Our ideal candidate will be passionate about delivering high quality solutions to complex engineering problems, while working within a team.

Required Qualifications:

--BS or MS in Computer Science or a similar field (PhD a -plus)

--Track record of successfully shipping systems or infrastructure software

--Experience with lower level systems programming in C or C++

Bonus Qualifications:

--Previous experience building distributed databases or storage software

--Experience with cloud-based technologies

If you're interested in our tech or joining our team, please send your resume to jnguyen@grainite.com (:

Hiya | Seattle, WA, USA | full-time | ONSITE

Hiya is on a mission to make your mobile calling experience smarter and more relevant. We work with mobile phone makers and mobile carriers to bring this innovation to over 100+ million global subscribers and growing.

Our current open positions include:

Senior Software Engineer, API https://grnh.se/5a8803e13us

HyperCube | Software Engineer | New York, NY (NYC) & San Francisco Bay Area, CA (SF) & Tel Aviv, Israel | Full-time | https://grnh.se/8cc92a153us

Do you want to work on challenging machine learning and distributed systems problems? HyperCube is a real-time serving engine for deep learning retrieval applications.

Required experience

- We are looking for software engineers with at least 2 years of experience

- At least one scripting language, such as Python, Scala, etc.

- At least one compiled language, such as C++, Go, Java, etc.

Preferred experience, 2 or more of the following:

- At least one deep learning framework, such as Tensorflow, PyTorch, MXNet, etc.

- Building web-scale services and/or distributed systems

- Productionizing machine learning models and applications

- Embeddings and nearest-neighbor search algorithms

- Information retrieval (i.e. Lucene, Elasticsearch, database internals, etc.)

- Hardware acceleration (CPU, GPU, TPU, FPGA, etc.)

Our current tech stack: AWS, Kubernetes, Python, C++.

HyperCube is a distributed team with offices in New York, NY, San Mateo, CA, and Tel Aviv, Israel. Our team includes world-class scientists and engineers who built large scale ML applications and platforms (including Amazon SageMaker) at leading companies and cloud providers. We are passionate about building great solutions by pushing the boundaries of science and technology.

Apply here: https://grnh.se/8cc92a153us

Vanilla | Front-End/Software/Product Engineer | Los Angeles, CA | Fully Remote | Full-Time

- ReactJS / Familiarity and interest in modern React ecosystem

- GraphQL / Apollo

- Design / UI Focused

- Familiarity with Figma/Storybook/modern design tools

- Rails/Full Stack is a plus

- 5+ Years Experience in Digital Product or Agency Setting Preferred

Job is fully remote but HQ'd in Los Angeles - This is early stage and in the Legal/Financial Tech World.

Write me at info@keiyasui.com

Full Stack Developer | H+M Industrial EPC | Houston, Texas or REMOTE| Full-Time | www.hm-ec.com

H+M Industrial EPC is seeking a Full Stack Developer to build intuitive, high-quality, high-performance web applications that enhance the effectiveness and performance of our project teams and client interface. This position will be responsible for UI/UX design and development, server-side coding and data modeling. Incumbent will also be responsible for troubleshooting end user issues. This is an integral position that will impact key business initiatives and support the effectiveness of H+M’s infrastructure.

H+M is an engineering and construction company providing innovative and essential services to some of the biggest names in the Chemicals and Energy industries. Our project services influence client operations through facility innovation, operational improvements and efficiencies.

APPLY HERE: https://bit.ly/2WlmYVo

What you will be doing:

-Proposing technical solutions to leadership for identified business needs.

-Develop applications around the core concepts of business processes and necessary content management.

-Participate in requirements analysis and develop solutions for all tiers of the application: user interface, middle-tier business components and database layer.

-Design and development of Business Intelligence dashboards.

-Experience with project collaboration through GitHub.

-Responsive with high value on customer service.

View full job posting on our careers site here: https://hm-ec.com/careers/

What is your company's back and front-end stack?

Hi There - Front end stack : ReactJS, Firebase, TypeScript Back end stack : .NET, C#, Entity Framework

Zipari | Backend Python Web Developer | New York City, NYC, Brooklyn | Full Time | Remote USA | https://jobs.lever.co/zipari

Zipari is the premier technology platform for health insurers. We're growing fast and need talented back-end Python engineers with a firm grasp of how the web works.

You'll be:

-Designing and developing cloud based software products conforming to industry best practices.

-Designing and implementing RESTful APIs using Python.

-Supporting and maintaining existing software products, applications and interfaces.

-Participating in architectural design sessions and product discussions.

Flask/Django experience is a strong plus! Full job description here: https://jobs.lever.co/zipari/465bc3bd-772e-46b8-9789-5a29e80...

Competitive compensation, great team, fast-paced work environment, ample opportunity for career growth. Unlimited craft beer fridge! Email us at recruiting]at]zipari.com and be sure to mention Hacker News.

https://emailoctopus.com/careers | UK / LONDON | ONSITE OR REMOTE We're looking for:

- Backend engineers

- PHP Developers

- Senior PHP Developers

Since 2014 we've been making email marketing simpler, more intuitive and better value, to help anyone with an audience grow. We're sending over 100 million emails a week and processing a huge amount of associated data – 10 TB and counting! Doing this affordably (fair pricing is one of our core values) brings some unique and fun challenges.

You should apply if:

- You're excited by our technical challenges

- You have the right to work in the UK, but enjoy working flexibly from anywhere in the world

- You have 2+ years experience in PHP and its web frameworks, like Symfony/Laravel

- You're passionate about writing clean, well-tested and maintainable code

- You like the idea of working for a small company and having a big impact, and you have the ability to work with a high degree of self-motivation and limited supervision

Apply here: https://emailoctopus.com/careers

Horizon technologies | Remote (Preferable India) | Part-Time | Python | Javascript | https://horizontech.dev/ Horizon Technologies is one of the leading student accelerators in India. Currently, looking for mentors who have experience building realtime applications in Python or Javascript for more than 2+ years.

1. Horizon started in 2009 and trained 5000+ students. 2. Our ideal mentors are someone who is focused more on giving to the community and have a passion for learning. 3. Mentorship includes code review (mostly Python, Django, Javascript (preferred)), designing projects/problem statements, conducting classes occasionally to students, helping 1:1 (using slack or zoom)

Checkout https://horizontech.dev | https://github.com/HorizonTechnologies for more info and reach out to admin [at] horizontech.dev

HP Inc | DevOps | REMOTE (UK) | FT Contract

HP’s Graphics Solutions Business (GSB) works to deliver large scale cloud solutions that manage the production workflow for print shops around the world. GSB helps Print Service Providers streamline the manufacture of books, business cards, packaging, photos, posters, signage and almost anything else that can be printed.

On a technical level it’s an AWS / Kubernetes shop with an emphasis on Terraform & Helm for config-managing all of the things. Workloads range from maintaining a huge throughput of batch processing jobs to large databases and the API layers that front them.

We’re looking for a senior, UK-based devops engineer to help maintain and develop the platform. You’ll need to demonstrate experience building software as well as infrastructure (there’s a ‘dev’ in devops!), excellent communication skills, a strong interest in keeping things secure and a near-obsessive level of attention to detail.

UK working hours & remote is fine so long as you can visit the London office a couple of days a month.

CVs to hn-2020-05@mbird.biz. No agencies please.

Akselos | Devops, Frontend | Boston/Houston | Partially Onsite | https://akselos.com

Akselos has unique technology to perform large-scale, physics-based simulations. One of our focuses is creating digital twins of critical infrastructure. As a recent example, we were part of a team that received a grant to develop digital twins of floating wind turbines[1].

We're a growing company and we're looking for a devops engineer to help develop and maintain our cloud servers (Python/GCP/Slurm/Linux). We also have room for help with our desktop application (Python/Qt/QML/OpenGL), and our web-based application (Javascript/React).

Let us know what your skills and interests are and we can see if you're a fit. Email info@akselos.com .

[1] https://www.rechargenews.com/wind/principle-power-wins-us-3-...

Cookie.AI | Remote | Full time

Cookie.AI, Inc. is a stealth startup based in the Silicon Valley / Bay Area. We are building a SaaS- based data security platform for the dynamic world of cybersecurity. We are well-funded and backed by top-tier VCs and CEOs as our angel investors. The founders and early team have very strong entrepreneurial experiences in the full 0-to-1 journey, late stage startups, and big companies. We are looking for our early engineers (backend system engineers, distributed systems, DevOps engineers, and UI/UX engineers) with strong interests in machine learning / security / SaaS. You will play a critical role in building products that customers will love and gain hands-on experience with cutting-edge technologies (Presto, Kafka, Golang, Docker, K8s, etc.) and many others from the open-source world. We are looking for characteristics such as ambition, commitment to build a company, passion to build products, and intellectual curiosity to innovate! Please reach out: hello AT cookie.ai

Illumina | San Diego, CA | Full-Time | Software Engineer

Illumina’s mission is to improve human health by unlocking the power of the genome.

The Commercial Analytics group at Illumina is looking for a Software Engineer to play a key role in enhancing Illumina’s unparalleled customer support and commercial analytics by overseeing the design, build and enhancements of cloud-based applications. The position is intended to produce meaningful machine data visualizations and enable analytics to drive improved commercial outcomes. This Commercial Analytics, Software Engineer will work closely with other functions such as data scientists, software development, and IT Operations to integrate cloud based applications with business systems and data sources.


Contact for more information: ckeshav@illumina.com

Inc-Query | Operations | Full-time | REMOTE (US/Canada only) | https://inc-query.com

Bootstrapped, profitable, very rapidly growing B2B tech company. We program surveys insanely fast for private equity and management consulting clients.

If you enjoy dealing with very smart clients in a somewhat technical and fast-paced environment, this role may be for you. The Survey Director exercises 3 different skill sets:

1. Client management/communication skills: Interact with clients all the time

2. Business acumen: Learn about different industries/niches and transfer learning across projects

3. Technical skills: Never-ending supply of short coding puzzles (think <10 lines)

This is not a software engineering role, but some coding familiarity is required. It's a tough role, but super interesting work!

If you're interested in learning more, shoot me (the founder) a note with either your resume and/or LinkedIn: hn@inc-query.com. You'd be joining a bunch of other HNers who work here.

PS: Yes I put this up every month because we are growing like crazy!

Shoot meant to say US/Canada/Europe!

ProcedureFlow | Junior/Intermediate .NET Developer | Saint John, NB, Canada | ONSITE | REMOTE in Eastern Canada | Full-Time | https://procedureflow.com

ProcedureFlow allows you to turn your company's procedures and expert information into small, hyperlinked flowcharts that are easy to follow and maintain. We're like GitHub but for visual procedures.

ProcedureFlow has a lot of great paying customers that consider us vital to their business. We're growing our development team as we start to scale. We've more than doubled our revenue and staff in the last year and we recently raised $2.9 million in Series A funding.

Our technology stack includes: ASP.NET MVC, C#, Postgres, Redis, Node, Terraform, and AWS.

We're looking for someone who has:

  • Experience building cloud-based web apps in ASP.NET MVC/C#.
  • Experience as a generalist working on both the frontend, backend, and anything it takes to solve problems and delight users.
  • Pride in working on projects to successful completion involving a wide variety of technologies and systems.
  • The ability to stitch together many different services and processes together even if they have not worked with them before.
  • Empathy with their users and are stewards of crafting great experiences.
  • Skills for upholding best practices in engineering, security, and design.
Interested? Email us your resume, GitHub profile, or anything you'd like to showcase: https://jobs.procedureflow.com/o/juniorintermediate-net-deve...

I'm a co-founder and the VP of Engineering. Happy to answer any questions!

Metaview | Seed Stage | San Francisco | Full-time - Onsite or Remote | Software Engineer - Full-Stack

Metaview is a stealth, SF based team building the next-gen, gaming-centric video content platform founded by former Twitch and Xbox leaders. We’re funded and backed by a multi-billion dollar strategic investor and an exclusive group of executive angels from various current and former leadership ranks of AAA game publishers, talent agencies and multiple content / streaming video services.

We’re looking for our first full-stack engineer to take lead on our external website and internal content management system (and of course grow the company alongside us!). Our web applications are currently Node/Express + Firebase.

For more information on the role, company, and vision, check out the JD here:


If interested, feel free to apply on Hitmarker or email me directly at ben@metaview.gg

At Offchain Labs, we’re building a platform to unlock the full potential of smart contracts, making them private, affordable, and easy for developers. Our working prototype of Arbitrum runs on top of Ethereum and interoperates with native Ethereum contracts and tokens. We make smart contracts easier to develop at scale, with production level security. Our developer tools do the heavy lifting to add a flexible second layer to decentralized application architecture so our clients can focus on business logic and user experience.

We're looking for Senior Software Engineers that are excited to learn and develop blockchain technology and possess production experience with Backend Engineering (C/C++, Go, or Rust). Experience with compiler construction and architecture, and security engineering on large-scale systems is a plus.

Click here to apply!


At Offchain Labs, we are building a platform to unlock the full potential of smart contracts, making them private, affordable, and easy for developers. Our working prototype of Arbitrum runs on top of Ethereum and interoperates with native Ethereum contracts and tokens. We make smart contracts easier to develop at scale, with production level security. Our developer tools do the heavy lifting to add a flexible second layer to decentralized application architecture so our clients can focus on business logic and user experience.

We are looking for full stack engineers that are active members of the blockchain community and possess strong experience with frontend engineering skills (React, CSS, TypeScript and JavaScript). Prior experience with Ethereum development with JS (Truffle, Ethers, Web3, Solidity) is preferred. We are always looking for the best and brightest to help us continue to drive innovation with decentralized technology. If you are interested in developing state of the art blockchain technology in a collaborative, fun and hardworking team, then this is the job for you!

Click here to apply!


Layer | REMOTE | Core Platform (Spark/Scala) Engineers/Backend Engineers/Full-Stack Engineers/SRE Lead/UX Designer/VP of Design - Experienced/Senior Candidates | https://layer.co

Layer is an end to end data operating system which provides a unified data layer to perform data science through a simplified, collaborative, and automated platform. Layer makes data science accessible to companies of all sizes by enabling them to trust, collaborate on, and leverage their data for impactful insights and data-driven business logic and decisions.

We are founded by a serial entrepreneur, who most recently sold his startup ($100M+ EBITDA run rate) The founding team also a partner at a top European VC and an ex-Google/Palantir engineer. We are bootstrapped so far and might consider a $3-5M seed round in the near future before a sizeable Series A planned in the next 12 months.

We have an all-remote culture as we aspire to work with the best talent, no matter where they live. We hope to assemble a world-class team and hire about ~15 people in the next few months. Initially, we are looking to hire within the GMT-1 to GMT+5 time zones but we are happy to make exceptions for truly exceptional candidates (if you are a Spark guru/committer, for instance) We pay competitive salaries (around Google/Facebook UK base salaries) and give stock options, among other perks.

Our tech stack is React/TypeScript on the frontend, Python at the backend, Spark as the underlying computation engine. We are currently looking for experienced candidates. Prior startup experience or being a prolific open source contributor is a plus.

Feel free to apply at http://layer.co/job-list.html

Please note that we are looking for full-time employees, not contractors/part-time employees at this stage.

76 Software Engineering Group | Oklahoma City, OK | FULL-TIME | ONSITE | U.S. CITIZENSHIP REQUIRED

76 SWEG is a majority-civilian software engineering organization operating under the United States Air Force. We are hundreds of (civilian) scientists and engineers that provide software, hardware, and engineering support solutions to a variety of Air Force and military platforms. We are located on Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma City, OK. We often operate like a contractor to other parts of the military and federal government by providing independent engineering services without seeking a profit. We have dozens of active projects using C/C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, LabVIEW, Visual Basic, Assembly, Ada, Fortran, and other more esoteric languages. We have immediate opportunities available to hire candidates with degrees in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, or closely-related fields.

If you are interested in learning more, please e-mail 76SMXG.Tinker.Careers@us.af.mil and tell them Jake sent you.

3Box | Software Engineers, Full Stack | NYC or Berlin | Full Time

Want to build a web without silos? 3Box is building a distributed network for that unlocks interoperability across the web by moving metadata from siloed app servers to a shared information graph. Users have more control, data is secure, and developers can build faster, lighter and more powerful products.

We're a small, highly technical, product-focused team in NYC and Berlin at the center of the web3 ecosystem. We are extremely intentional, impact-driven, community focused, and driven by nonstop learning and growth. We have a lot of fun while we work and travel to amazing places for regular retreats.

We're hiring for a -technical product manager to craft an incredible developer experience and ecosystem -software engineers to drive our SDKs, libraries and components forward (JS mostly, some Rust) -a full stack engineer focused on our core infra and network


Theorem LLC | Theorem.co | REMOTE | Full-time | Experienced Engineers, Product Managers, Engagement Managers

Theorem is Hiring! We are a is a Remote first technology consulting company with a focus on how we do the work as a means to achieve great results.

Backend - C# .NETCore: http://bit.ly/36Rj2PG iOS Engineer: https://bit.ly/2zX3miS Technical Business Analyst: https://bit.ly/2W6UOib Product Manager - https://bit.ly/2R1pUVB Engagement Manager - https://bit.ly/3ccST0Y

Visit Theorem.co/careers to learn more about our team and all open opportunities in UX, Product and Sales

Please email me directly with any questions Kristen.Williams@Theorem.co

Beam | Technical Lead | REMOTE (based in NY, NJ) | https://www.beam.health 70% (630M) of the 900M doctors' appointments in the US can be done virtually. Because of this, vertically integrated practices, such as American Well, Teladoc, & Ro have seen a lot of success, raising billions of dollars over the last five years. If you believe this adoption will increase over time, then you agree a billion-dollar marketplace will be formed around this capability. At Beam, we’re the first to build this marketplace, consolidating a distribution network of both brick & mortar and telemedicine clinics under one roof. We’re well funded and backed by some great investors, including the founders of Komodo Health. COVID-19 has accelerated our growth & we’re looking for strong product-minded engineers to help us scale.

If interested, you can email me directly at sas@beamhealthgroup.com. I’m the CEO/co-founder of the company.

Powerful Python | Global | REMOTE | https://powerfulpython.com

Python Developers: Do you have a PASSION for teaching? For pushing others to their greatest potential?

Powerful Python teaches IT professionals how to successfully write high-quality software in Python.

Our vision is "The Python 1%"... helping our clients reach the top 1% level of developers on the PLANET, with the most important language in the history.

We do not teach beginners; our students are already in the workforce. Our "secret" is

1) World-class communication skills

2) Applied cognitive psychology

3) Relentless devotion to excellence in software engineering

We'll train you in #1 and #2. You bring #3.


1) Fluent written & spoken English. You don't have to be a native, but you must be close.

2) Experience writing complex software systems in real-world production environments, under budget and/or time pressure.

3) Experience teaching or public speaking

We're a distributed company based in the USA with global ambitions. Roles:

1) Half-time mentor/trainer

2) Staff developer + trainer. Just like #1, except you're also working half time developing software for Powerful Python

For #1, we expect that you are regularly writing significant code. We don't need people who don't practice what they're teaching.

This is NOT for everyone. Is it for you?

If so, send CV/resume to service@powerfulpython.com with the subject "Python Trainer - <your name>".

Stream.io (https://getstream.io) | Software engineers | Amsterdam | Onsite | Visa | Full time

Stream is an API platform that powers feeds and chat for over 500 million end-users, who access Stream via a blazing fast, highly-available and simple to use API service.

We are an ambitious startup that is looking for:

- Backend software engineers (Go)

- Site Reliability Engineer

Stream has a casual social culture and offers a competitive salary and great benefits. When it comes to software engineering, ownership and quality are key: our goal is to deliver stable software. Our talented team is diverse, highly technical and collaborative, which makes Stream a great place to learn and improve your skills.

Our tech stack:

- Go, Python, NodeJS

- RocksDB, Postgresql, RabbitMQ

- Django, Celery

- AWS, Puppet, CloudFormation, Vagrant

- Grafana, Graphite, ELK

- Redis, Memcached

Want to join an excellent team and build great products used by millions of users? If what we do sounds interesting, email me on merel@getstream.io or head over to https://getstream.io/team/

DoubleVerify | Ghent (Belgium), Tel Aviv (Israel), New York (US) | Full-time, Onsite

Belgium: https://doubleverify.gent/careers?gh_src=221704c02 Worldwide: https://www.doubleverify.com/careers/?gh_src=221704c02

DoubleVerify improves the impression quality and audience impact of digital advertising. We ensure ad viewability, brand safety, and fraud protection for hundreds of Fortune 500 companies.

My team in Belgium optimizes hundreds of thousands of video ads per minute. We also do a fair amount of data science. We're a full-stack JavaScript team, but we focus on computer science fundamentals rather than specific tech. In fact, many of our top engineers started out without any JavaScript experience!

If Belgium's not your thing, we're also hiring talented engineers at our offices in New York and Tel Aviv!

GRASSHOPPER | https://grasshopperasia.com/ | C++ developer | Full Time | REMOTE No | Visa No (Open for Vietnamese only)

What you can expect working at Grasshopper

At Grasshopper, you will be working in a diverse and dynamic environment with a flat hierarchy. With more than 15 nationalities working in an open office, communication is essential to performance. To remain as the “small giant” of proprietary trading, we give employees a high level of autonomy and encourage them to get creative, take risks, make mistakes and learn from them.


As part of the Software Development team, you will:

 Build applications and components across various parts of our trading systems

 Continuously enhance our systems to meet evolving trading needs

 Ensure the smooth running of our systems

Who we are looking for

We are looking for team-players who are creative in their approach to problem solving. They take the initiative to explore different ways to resolve an issue, and systematically find the most efficient and effective way to do it.

Skills and Knowledge Requirements

As a software developer, you should:

 Be highly proficient with coding in C++, in a Linux environment

 Have a strong understanding of core concepts in operating systems and distributed systems

 Be able to explore and learn about new technologies fast

 Be fluent with best practices related to software testing, peer code reviews, continuous integration etc

Please kindly send your CV to Sarah. Email: sarah.tran@grasshopperasia.com

Headway | Full-Stack Software Engineer | NYC | Full-time Onsite | https://headway.co

Headway is a managed marketplace startup solving mental health’s affordability crisis. We get people access to affordable care by taking care of insurance on behalf of our network of therapists.

We launched last April and are growing rapidly — already facilitating thousands of appointments for people who otherwise wouldn’t have been able to afford mental healthcare.

To fuel our mission we're backed by the nation’s preeminent VCs (backers of Facebook, LinkedIn, Slack, Uber, Oscar), as well as the nation’s most innovative healthcare entrepreneurs (founders of One Medical, Flatiron, and Clover, plus the founders of Seamless and Giphy).

Our current stack is primarily Python, React, and Postgres, all hosted on AWS.


Blueface | Dublin, Ireland | VISA | ONSITE (Remote Covid) | Full-time Contract

Blueface, a Comcast Business Company, is a leading Unified Communications-as-a-Service Technology Provider to Businesses, Enterprises and Carriers/Service Providers Blueface embraces the best in unified communications features across cloud voice, unified communications, messaging, conferencing, contact center, global services, workforce mobility and a suite of cloud-based business applications. Full list: https://my.hirehive.io/blueface

Project Manager | VoIP Software Engineer | Mobile App Developer Android | Mobile App Developer iOS | Software Development Manager | Software Architect | Business Analyst | Technical Writer | Senior Angular Developer | Senior Network & VoIP Engineer | Senior Python Developer

All jobs listed here: https://my.hirehive.io/blueface

Sygnum Bank AG | (Senior) Site Reliability Engineer | Zurich, Switzerland | www.sygnum.com

Sygnum Bank (world's first regulated digital assets bank) is growing its SRE team.

About you:

•You have several years of backend software development experience in any of the following languages: TypeScript, NodeJS, Java, Bash or Go;

•You have significant knowledge of architecting, building and securely maintaining infrastructure running on AWS, Azure or GCP in an immutable (declarative) fashion;

•You’re familiar with DevOps practices and can advance them among peers;

•You have solid experience with Docker and orchestrators such as Kubernetes, OpenShift or ECS;

•Experience with designing, building and maintaining CI/CD pipelines (preferably with GitLab);

•Experience with DevSecOps practices and with building/adhering to a Secure SDLC;

•Experience with meeting strict SLOs (of up-to 99.999%) in production services;

More information on https://sygnum.join.com/jobs/1034647-site-reliability-engine...

FIVETRAN (https://www.fivetran.com)| OAKLAND, CA | FULL-TIME| ONSITE (remote during shelter-in-place) Fivetran replicates all applications, databases, events, and files into a high-performance data warehouse. Our data connectors free companies to focus on insights instead of fixing data leaks. Now more than ever, companies rely on data to get to critical decisions; Fivetran makes this happen. Good products for good or bad times. Made by good people. Our core values make us who we are: https://fivetran.com/culture


Senior Software Engineers (backend dev) - https://jobs.lever.co/fivetran/85a46418-dcaa-4158-abb4-5c4f8...

Staff Software Engineers (backend dev) - https://jobs.lever.co/fivetran/7b676939-d445-4a5b-928b-e5657...

Engineering Manager - https://jobs.lever.co/fivetran/ec158de8-ebfa-4f2a-87f4-b242f...

Product Manager, Databases - https://jobs.lever.co/fivetran/8df9a02e-138a-4921-972b-43fad...

Some of our stack: Java, Postgres, Kubernetes, AWS, GCP, CircleCI

Interview process includes a coding test and HM interview prior to (virtual) onsite for tech roles.

Want to learn more? Contact Angeline@fivetran.com

Josh.ai | Full-time | Onsite | Denver, CO & Santa Monica, CA | https://josh.ai

With a focus on voice control, Josh.ai offers exciting and challenging home automation problems to tackle in the fields of AI, IoT, embedded software design, mobile development, and more. We've just recently closed an $11M funding round, and are excited about ramping up hiring!



We're currently hiring for:

- C++ Systems Developers

- Full Stack

- Android

- QA

- Tech Support

Along with other non-engineering positions. Find out more and apply at https://josh.ai/jobs

TheyDo | Amsterdam | JavaScript Engineer Node/Vue | REMOTE TheyDo is world's first customer journey mapping platform to help businesses prioritise what to do next and know why. Our mission is to enable customer-centric innovation in any organisation, because innovation is a lot easier when you put your customer in the center.

Mission for this role:

- Strategic: help shape a scalable front-end and back-end architecture.

- Process: Maintaining and extending our tech stack: Node, Koa, Apollo, GraphQL, Vue, Postgres, TypeScript, GSAP, websockets, Cypress, Jest, Heroku.

- Product: Make sure new features for our platform are well documented and bug-free (yes we know, it's a mission not a result).

- Roadmap: Collaborate directly with the founders improve our product. Our roadmap has a strong focus on realtime collaboration features.

Read more and apply here: https://www.notion.so/Remote-JavaScript-Engineer-a513312e93b....

Eleventh Hour | Frontend Engineer | Singapore | ONSITE / REMOTE | Part-time/Full-time

Eleventh Hour is an early-stage startup striving to make doing good, easy. We’re the next generation B2B marketplace for commercial and industrial sustainable products and services. https://eleventhhour.global

We’re looking for an experienced software engineer to oversee the design and implementation of the platform’s frontend technology. Specifically, you will work closely with the core team to transition our proof of concept into a fully mature and scalable service.


1. Strong understanding of React/Redux/TypeScript. Knowledge of advanced Redux is a plus.

2. Prior experience managing a team of engineers to ship product features in a timely manner.

3. Excellent written and verbal English communication skills to coordinate deliverables, roadmaps, and requirements.

4. An intellectual curiosity to learn and master new technologies.

If interested, please email jobs@eleventhhour.global with your resume/CV.

Nightfall AI | Backend, Systems, Machine Learning, Full Stack, DevOps | San Francisco, CA or Lehi, UT | ONSITE, REMOTE | https://nightfall.ai

Nightfall is a data security startup dedicated to helping enterprises discover, classify, and protect sensitive data across their cloud footprint - their corporate SaaS, data infrastructure, and APIs - via machine learning.

- We’re looking for folks passionate about working at the intersection of deep learning, information security, and distributed systems.

- Tech Stack: Go, Node.js, React, Python, Cassandra, Redis, Terraform, Docker, Kubernetes.

- Raised $20M+ from top-tier VC investors who have invested in, operated at, taken public/exited major cybersecurity & SaaS companies.

Apply & view detailed roles here: https://www.nightfall.ai/careers

We would love to hear from you - please reach out to us at careers@nightfall.ai with any questions you may have.

Doximity is transforming the healthcare industry, now more than ever. Our products allow physicians and their teams to function efficiently and safely, to find trusted medical news and updates, and to collaborate with fellow docs in their field and around the country. We are hiring to keep up with the growing needs of the medical community, especially during Covid-19 - apply today!

Mobile Software Engineer, iOS (Swift)-REMOTE US - https://grnh.se/wld8j31 Software Engineer, Security -REMOTE US- https://grnh.se/06e125551us Data Analyst -REMOTE US - https://grnh.se/598aa85a1us Program Manager, Ads - REMOTE US- https://grnh.se/c346c2081us

PostHog | REMOTE (anywhere) | Dev-ops engineer

PostHog is developer-friendly, open-source product analytics. Graduated YC W20, we were the most popular b2b software HN launch since 2012 [0]. Our GitHub repo [1] has 2k stars and a growing and active community.

We're looking for a dev-ops/backend-y engineer. Someone who's comfortable with k8s, AWS, Google Cloud, helm charts and various databases. We expect this person to contribute to our main product (backend and maybe even a bit of frontend), and help scale PostHog instances to > 10 million events/day. You'll be the third hire.

Our investors include Solomon Hykes (founder Docker) and David Cramer (founder Sentry.io).

Email me at tim@posthog.com to see if we're a good fit!

[0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22376732 [1] https://github.com/posthog/posthog

BOMBORA | Reno | Onsite or Remote | https://bombora.com/about/bombora-careers/

Bombora is a global B2B intent data platform, processing billions of content interactions daily to detect intent signals from companies around the world. We practice agile development, with over 30 applications created and supported internally. We are polyglot, primarily using C#, Java, and Python. Substantial portions of our workload are containerized or serverless, and we are continually evaluating and adopting new tools and practices.

We are currently looking for an experienced software engineering manager and a senior software engineer.

Amazing team, generous learning stipends, comprehensive benefits, growth potential and meaningful impact. Learn more at https://bombora.com/about/bombora-careers

Fueled | NYC, LONDON & NOIDA | Full-Time | https://fueled.com/jobs Please email christine@fueled.com with questions

-- Who We Are --

An award winning mobile app dev agency.

-- Where You Fit In --

You know how to create jaw-dropping websites and web/mobile applications.

-- Open Roles --

Product Managers | NYC | https://grnh.se/203ee3c01us Product Managers | LONDON | https://grnh.se/ac18af7a1us

Lead User Researcher | NYC | https://grnh.se/203ee3c01us

Senior Android Engineer| Noida | https://grnh.se/cb369d691us

Senior/Lead Product Designer | London or REMOTE | https://grnh.se/ac80b9df1us

Tempus Ex | tempus-ex.com | San Francisco, CA | Onsite | Full Time

Tempus Ex is an Andreessen Horowitz backed startup bringing advances in real-time image recognition to sports. We’re leveraging this new data to create interactive live consumer experiences and fantasy sports.

At our San Francisco lab we are building a team of top-caliber engineers who are passionate about solving hard problems and want to be a part of the future of media. The core competency of the engineering team will be similar to that of autonomous driving - with the benefits of having a more complete data set and being able to ship products quickly.


* Backend Engineer (https://boards.greenhouse.io/txm/jobs/4000075003)

* Game/Mobile iOS Developer (https://boards.greenhouse.io/txm/jobs/4051290003)

* iOS SceneKit Engineer (https://boards.greenhouse.io/txm/jobs/4047147003)

* Machine Learning Engineer (https://boards.greenhouse.io/txm/jobs/4003692003)

* Senior Backend Engineer (https://boards.greenhouse.io/txm/jobs/4000069003)

Contact: recruiting+hn@tempus-ex.com

More info: https://tempus-ex.com/careers

Arachnys | Sr Engineers, Product Designer| London | Remote during pandemic, then onsite/flexible

Arachnys is a data gateway to capture, curate and connect the information needed to make good decisions about risk. This helps banks to manage know-your-customer checks and anti-money laundering (KYC/AML). It's perhaps what's most broken about banks today and we're helping to fix it. Our customers are tier-1 financial institutions and large multinationals.

At the moment we're looking for senior engineers working mainly in Python and JavaScript, as well as a Product Designer. Check out our github - https://github.com/arachnys.

Email anais.marsac@arachnys.com or click https://www.arachnys.com/careers to apply, linking to your GitHub, some other code or a portfolio that tells a good story about you.

FormAssembly.com | Software Engineer | REMOTE | Full-Time

Hello! Are you interested in a unique opportunity to join a team in a 100% remote company, and help build the next generation of an Enterprise Data Collection platform used by some of the largest and most well known organizations in the world?

We are a team of collaborators that are passionate about providing the very best that we can to our customers. We are travelers, artists, athletes, animal lovers, optimists and adventurers creating an incredibly strong, fully remote team and providing amazing service, no matter where we are. We’re problem solvers, and continuous learners never afraid of a challenge, and we’re looking to add another amazing Software Engineer to our Engineering team. Please visit our job page to apply: https://apply.workable.com/formassembly/j/88FE3DE20F/

DNSFilter.com | Linux System Administrator | REMOTE | Full Time | https://www.dnsfilter.com/careers/

We're looking for a Linux System Administrator to help us manage our hundreds of virtual and dedicated servers around the globe, outside traditional cloud hosting providers.

We wish to have improved monitoring, automated processes through ansible which handle updates. We're looking to have consolidated local dev, dev, staging, and production environments using our docker/kubernetes setup.

We need a candidate with DEEP background in networking stack, understanding of DNS, capable of troubleshooting networking issues with traceroute, mtr and ping, and idealy BGP knowledge or experience to work with our hosting providers to troubleshoot issues.

We're seeking a candidate with a sysadmin background, not a development background, and our CI/CD needs are already met with existing staff.

Synergy Sports Technology | REMOTE (European time zone) | Full Time | https://www.synergysportstech.com/

We're a fully remote team building the next-gen Sports video analytics platform for professional teams. Our clients are pro scouting and coaching teams in the NBA, FIBA and MLB.

The platform is massive (currently 10 petabytes) and we're scaling rapidly, so imagine our scalability challenges require top engineering teams to solve them. The company is 250 people globally which is large enough to work on a massive scale platform but at the same time, small enough so that engineers have a massive impact in their day to day jobs.

Our Engineers work in a variety of projects including:

• Creating internal and external APIs to support both data and video • Building complex data models supporting the business rules of sports • Developing algorithms that ingesting and transforming multiple streams of data and collapsing the data into a single event structure • Scaling out current systems to support new sports • Building build and test automation systems • Building complex reporting data structures for analytical systems

We’re looking for someone with really strong experience in C#, .Net Core and NoSQL database (MongoDB Preferred) that can help us build the sports platform of the future. The team always look for very experienced people who's not only very proficient with C# but can also have experience architecting systems.

Have a look at the job description here https://apply.workable.com/synergysports/j/9C8F6BC28F/ and apply if you are interested.

Note: Please, mention on the application form that you've seen this post on HN.

Hive.one | Remote (Europe) | Full Time | Algorithm Architect: https://hive.one/jobs/algorithm-architect/

We are building an influence algorithm. In other words, we are trying to find ways to describe groups of people mathematically. Many tried and failed before. But we think we can make it work.

Our core hypothesis is that influence can be quantified by tracking attention flows. In order to do that, we ingest data streams from multiple sources (we started with Twitter and are now indexing podcasts and soon more). We then cross-reference these datasets in an attempt to continuously improve the accuracy.

The accuracy of our work is being verified by members of the groups that we aim to describe. We publish our results in real-time and there are thousands of people already using our scores. It is hard to verify when we are right. But it is very easy to tell when we are wrong. This short feedback loop puts us in a unique position to work on problems that might be much harder or impossible to solve somewhere else.

About this role You will be working on the core algorithm. This means that you will look for creative, but methodically robust ways of identifying groups in various streams of data (e.g. Twitter, Podcast RSS feeds, meetups, Reddit, GitHub etc.). You will design and execute experiments closely following the scientific method.

You should be able to design and perform experiments independently. We have a dev team that’s responsible for engineering of the data streams. You need to be able to code up experiments from A to Z and give clear instructions to the devs what data streams you need.

You will work directly with the founder, who is also working on the algorithm. You will be responsible for implementing the new algorithms and will be taking the lead in shipping these into production along with our dev team. You will make sure that all changes are properly documented. You will also be responsible for making sure that there are robust tests put in place to ensure data correctness. You will often communicate with engineers on our dev team and you will be able to request resources from this team.

You will have plenty of flexibility and you will be encouraged to try new things and think outside of the box. The only requirement is that you have to be able to defend the logic behind these ideas and provide a falsifiable methodology.

Helm | Calgary, Alberta Canada | Onsite or remote | Senior Full Stack Developer

Helm is a powerful cash management platform for accountants, bookkeepers and small businesses, giving them a visual understanding of their cash flow. Intuitive and simple, Helm automates everything that is slow, painful and costly.

At Helm, we are striving to build a team that truly gives a expletive about contributing to our journey from start-up to a leader in cloud accounting, automation, and AI.

Full Stack Developers at Helm are involved in every aspect of development, from planning and conceptualizing, to prototyping, building, and launching. They work across the backend (Django) and frontend (Vue.js) parts of our application.

Check out the full job post here: https://www.takethehelm.app/careers/senior-full-stack-develo...

Interested in applying? You can email us at careers@takethehelm.app

Nuna (https://www.nuna.com) | San Francisco | Full-time | ONSITE | Visa Transfer

We build data and analytics solutions that will help shift the US healthcare system to one based on value and quality. Our technical challenges are complex and compelling, and the work we do has the potential to impact millions of lives. We partner with healthcare plans, providers, and the government.

Data can be a powerful driver of change—but only when it’s acted upon with empathy. Our technology, data, and analytics solutions help healthcare payers, and providers get the answers they need to make quality care more affordable for millions of people.

Open positions include:

* Senior Software Engineer - Web Engineering (SF)

* Senior Software Engineer - Data Infrastructure (SF)

* Senior Product Manager, Enterprise (SF)

* Data Scientist (SF)

We also have some remote friendly positions on the government services arm of our company:

Nuna Government Services (https://www.nuna.com) | San Francisco / DC, Maryland, Virginia | Full-time | ONSITE or REMOTE

* Infrastructure Engineering Manager, Government Services - Washington DC, MD, VA

* Sr. Software Engineer, Government Services - Baltimore, MD or Washington DC preferred

Jobs Board: https://bit.ly/nuna-jobs

Backend Tech Stack: AWS/GCP, Java, Spark, Scala, R, Python, Bash, Go

Web Tech Stack: Python backend (Django), React, Typescript

Compensation: market salary & equity. We are well funded. Questions? Contact via email: recruiting+hn@( our domain )

Percona | REMOTE (WORLDWIDE) | Full-Time | https://www.percona.com/

Percona is a leader in providing best-of-breed enterprise-class support, consulting, managed services, training and software for MySQL®, MariaDB®, MongoDB®, PostgreSQL® and other open source databases in on-premises and cloud environments.

We are looking for a Golang Developer who knows how open source databases should run in Kubernetes and who can help us to build high availability clusters

Apply here: https://www.percona.com/about-percona/careers/golang-softwar...

Also Database Engineers are very welcome to join our team! Jobs here: https://www.percona.com/about-percona/careers

Contextual Genomics | Vancouver, BC, Canada | On-Site | Software Developer & Devops Engineer

We partner clinics and hospitals, offering a cancer diagnosis and treatment recommendation platform, helping to democratize better access to better outcomes for cancer patients. Our assays can work from blood samples, making them very suited to these times when patients may not have the ability to go to hospital. Our installed base is growing and there is a lot to do to make our product and bioinformatics pipeline ever better!

Our tech is largely open-stack, with a lot of Python, Javascript, Django, AWS EC2, Ansible, Docker...

Our team is small so there is the chance to make a big impact and improving outcomes for people out there suffering from Cancer! Check the roles and apply here: https://contextualgenomics.com/careers

Or send me (Olivier) questions by writing to thibauto (at contextualgenomics.com)


We are a FinTech/RegTech company based in London using modern technologies to develop cutting edge software for regulatory reporting and compliance. We’ve had some notable achievements this year including being selected as part of the FinTech 50 for the third year in a row as well as being recognised by the World Economic Forum as a Technology Pioneer which is a huge honour. other notable examples of past Pioneers including Google (2001), Twitter (2009), Palantir Technologies (2010) and Dropbox (2011). We are always looking to hire talented individuals and we currently have the following vacancies: Backend Developer Front-End Picasso Regtech Engineer Linux Orchestrator Please find the links to our job descriptions https://suade.org/journal/#lead To apply, please send your CV to suadecvs@suade.org

FormAssembly.com | Software Architect | REMOTE | Full-Time

Hello! Are you interested in a unique opportunity to join a team in a 100% remote company, and help build the next generation of an Enterprise Data Collection platform used by some of the largest and most well known organizations in the world?

We are a team of collaborators that are passionate about providing the very best that we can to our customers. We are travelers, artists, athletes, animal lovers, optimists and adventurers creating an incredibly strong, fully remote team and providing amazing service, no matter where we are. We’re problem solvers, and continuous learners never afraid of a challenge, and we’re looking to add an amazing Software Architect to our Engineering team.

Please visit our job page to apply: https://apply.workable.com/formassembly/j/F98147DB06/

TrialScope | Remote (ET) or Jersey City, NJ | Full Time | Backend & web frontend

TrialScope is hiring a mid-level (or higher) developer familiar with TypeScript/React and one of: Ruby/Rails or C#/.NET. The role is fully remote, working roughly eastern time, with the option of working from our Jersey City, NJ headquarters.

The role is for a team whose software aids clinical trial recruitment, allowing trial sponsors to recruit quickly. Our hope is that this will allow pharmaceutical companies to bring high quality drugs to market faster than they can currently.

We’re a small team (4 full-time across product/eng) inside of a larger, established company. We would love to hire someone who is interested in contributing to the product & culture, as well as the engineering efforts. The interviewing process is practical, with no algorithms, trivia, or whiteboards involved.

Must be a US Citizen or Green Card holder. Contact me at the address in profile.

Drive Commerce (https://drivecommerce.com) | Full-time | REMOTE - US ONLY | Front-end JavaScript

We are looking for a talented, detail-oriented Front-end JavaScript developer who enjoys building beautiful, highly creative, and interactive user experiences.

At Drive Commerce, we support global retailers with guided shopping, product audit, and product customization software solutions. Our goal is to build tools that decrease time to market, automate the mundane, and increase consistency and repeatability.

You will work closely with the core product team to help with implementations and platform development of our products:

- Build highly visual and interactive product configurators and customizers;

- Work with clients and designers to create guided shopping experiences — quizzes and product recommenders.

Some other notes:

- We use VueJS and Vuex for a lot of projects;

- And also good old jQuery

- Ecommerce experience is nice to have

- Coming from the design background? We love that experience!

Apply at careers@drivecommerce.com

Haven Connect | Software Engineer | Full-time | ONSITE | Denver, CO


Haven Connect is a newly seeded startup (2.4M) that aims to streamline the affordable housing application process to reduce costs for property managers and help applicants get into housing faster.

Founder and CEO Caroline Caselli is a former social worker turned entrepreneur who personally changed California state policy to help make it easier for people to apply for affordable housing electronically.

We're looking for talented full stack software engineers to fill out our small team. Here's a quick look at our stack. We are willing to teach Elixir to candidates with an aptitude for functional programming.

- Single-page application frontend written with TypeScript using React, GraphQL (Apollo), and CSS modules.

- API server written with Elixir using Phoenix and Absinthe to serve data to the frontend over GraphQL.

- Postgres database.

email us at engineering@havenconnect.com

Hy-Vee - https://hy-vee.com | West Des Moines, IA | Full-Stack Software Engineer | QA Automation Engineer | Full Time | ONSITE or REMOTE (US ONLY) | JavaScript, TypeScript, React/React Native, Next.js, Kubernetes, Google Cloud

We are a large retail grocer with 265+ stores in 8 states in the Midwest. We've been in the ecommerce grocery business for 5+ years and successfully compete with the national players in this space. We are focused on making our customer's lives easier, healthier, and happier through our digital products.

Our teams help build the digital products that our customer's use to order groceries for pickup/delivery, refill prescriptions, earn & redeem in loyalty, and order prepared food online.

Our software engineers work in modern stacks including GitHub, TDD, CI/CD, part-time paring, & automated testing. We ship features to a very large, active, and loyal user base on a regular cadence.

We are proud of our teams, our culture, and the products we build & support. If you are an experienced software engineer, are capable of working collaboratively on a product team, and have a passion for software then we'd love to talk with you.

More Info about us: https://innovate.hy-vee.com/

Position Descriptions & Apply Online or send your resume to Amanda at AWittmaack@hy-vee.com

Software Engineer: https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/1606763127/

QA Engineer: https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/1770603845/

The.com | TypeScript Architect | USA/Remote | https://www.the.com

The Dotcom is ruthlessly simple. We are a funded startup working at a granular level to produce amazingly tight and effective solutions. Come join an ambitious growing team in Boulder, Colorado focused on helping small and medium businesses succeed.

The Dotcom Sites™ is a next-generation web site creation platform offering an unparalleled combination of simplicity and power for creative professionals. Our tech stack is 100% TypeScript, with a rich React front-end web site editor and a completely serverless infrastructure leveraging Node.js and Firebase. We release to customers multiple times per day.

Apply here: https://www.the.com/jobs/typescript-architect/ More info email: joinus@the.com

Hey I dropped you guys an email (I tried to apply via AngelList but it didnt let me do it)

AirGrid | https://airgrid.io | London | UK | Contract or Full Time | ONSITE or REMOTE | careers@airgrid.io

Looking for a JS & Python developer who is keen to get involved across the whole platform (data processing, JS SDK, ML microservices).

We are building a privacy preserving ML platform for the web.


I'm coming from a "RemoteLeads" lead. I'm a french computer science engineer that started to work as a freelance web developer about a year ago. I would like to know more about the job description, which SDK/Libraries would be involved. I have 2 years of experience with Javascript (and about 1 year overlapping with Typescript). I also have plenty of experience working on personal python projects, with the typical ML libraries (sklearn) and more recent things (TensorFlow, some Reinforcement Learning Libraries).

I gave a quick look at your project, and it seems pretty interesting. If I understand well, it's aiming to redirect the data necessary for ads towards user's devices storage. This kind of project that aims at improving privacy and ethics in something that I find at the moment abusive (ads and cookie tracking) would really drive me.

You can reach me at luc.cadoret@gmail.com for further details about the application.

Cheers, Luc

101 | Junior/Mid/Lead React Native Engineer | NYC Metro Area ONSITE | FULLTIME

Company size 11-50 people

101 transforms the college STEM lecture hall with a unique active learning platform. We focus on elegant, discipline-specific interactive assessment tools that triumph over traditional and generic multiple choice systems (and we’ve got the data to back it up!). Our first product for college chemistry, Chem101, has been quickly adopted at over 250 higher ed institutions and we’re just getting started. Check out some of our innovative tools here: www.101edu.co.

Tech Stack: • Single codebase React Native app for three platforms: iOS, Android, and web (via React-Native-Web). • Spring backend using MongoDB as our primary database

More details here: https://angel.co/company/101/jobs Feel free to apply directly on angelist, or email igor@101edu.co

Substack (W18) | Full Stack Eng | full time | SF | Onsite (once safe) | https://substack.com

Substack lets writers start their own subscription publication - think paid blog/newsletter - where writers' and readers' incentives are aligned. Over 100k people pay to subscribe to publications, and top writers are making six figures.

We use Node, Express, and Postgres on top of Heroku. React for frontend. Simple & effective so we can focus on solving problems for users. We are 11 people. We raised a series A from a16z and are thoughtfully building our early team. Two of our three founders are technical (the other is a writer) and we're looking for folks to work along side us, shipping things that touch thousands of writers and millions of readers.

Come join us! https://careers.substack.com

Singularity 6 | Software Engineers, Artists, Designers | Los Angeles, CA | Full-Time, Onsite

We're hiring!

Let's get a few details out up front:

For the duration of the health crisis, we've transitioned into a fully remote, work-at-home environment. We can interview, hire and onboard you now. We're stable, with money in the bank and we're not going anywhere. We expect all new hires to onboard and work remotely until it's safe and reasonable to relocate to Los Angeles.

Who are we?

We're a VC funded (a16z) game studio in the westside of LA dedicated to the idea that online games can deliver deeper, more meaningful experiences.

With our first project, we’re exploring new styles of game design and tackling difficult technical problems to create a game that’s beautiful and intricate, delivering far more than superficial entertainment or basic wish fulfillment, an experience that becomes a meaningful part of your life. Our vision is to create a compelling virtual universe filled with rich and diverse gameplay experiences and social interactions that will keep you playing for years, evolving along with you and the rest of the community. We want our players to feel valued as well as a true sense of belonging.

We're currently hiring across the board and specifically seeking:

- Unreal Engine Game Engineers

- Sr. Full Stack Engineers

- SRE / DevOps

To learn more, check out our website and feel free to connect to me directly on LinkedIn (please mention Hacker News!):



Bookarang | NLP/ML Engineer | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | https://www.bookarang.com

Bookarang is an AI startup that is using NLP to build tomorrow's book recommendation technology. Book retailers and libraries use our technology to provide their readers with truly relevant and personal recommendations — not on the basis of popularity or other people’s behaviour, but by using the book’s content and the reader’s personal preferences as a starting point.

We're looking for people with experience in NLP to help us improve our technology. Do you want to work on a large interesting dataset with a lot of room to experiment with the latest technology in NLP, and do you share a love for books? Don't hesitate to contact us!


Specter | REMOTE | Software Engineering Intern (data)

Specter is looking for a software engineering intern to change the way VCs and investment funds use data to invest in startups. Our customers manage $60BN in assets.

You’ll be working remotely directly with our CTO on taking our engineering efforts to the next level, improving our data sourcing, quality assurance, scalability and performance so we can provide the best data to our customers. Ideally you have worked with NodeJS, Python, MongoDB and PostgreSQL although if you know another technology that can be applied to solve our problems please let us know! For us the “who you can become tomorrow” is more important than the “who you are today”.

So if you are a motivated individual, can work independently, you like to wear many hats and it excites you to create great products. Send us your CV and pitch us why you'd love to work with us at javier at tryspecter dot com

Sano Genetics is a platform that connects people with research to power the future of personalised medicine.

Today, the Sano platform helps people connect to relevant research projects including clinical trials which are testing new medicines, and to access personalised reports based on their genetic data.

Data ownership and transparency are core to our mission - everyone who uses Sano has full control of how their data is used and visibility of their impact.

We are a team of 11 people today, so this is an exceptional chance to join early in our journey to help define our culture, and the company’s mission.

In this role, you will have an opportunity to take on new responsibilities and leadership roles, and work closely with other team members in product development, software engineering, and marketing.

The position is UK based

Full description and application at https://sanogenetics.com/careers

Yup | Senior Fullstack Engineer | ONSITE, San Francisco | Fulltime | https://yup.com/careers/apply/?gh_jid=4036603003

Looking for a Fullstack (Vue.js, Rails, Node/AWS Lambdas, Postgres) engineer to take full ownership of multiple user-facing and internal products.

Yup is an education technology company that was founded on a simple yet powerful vision: empower every student to learn. Yup provides remote math tutoring for K-12 students with unlimited, 24/7 access. We believe in equitable access to academic resources, and our product aims to promote long-term academic success. Yup is proudly backed by Stanford University’s StartX and Sesame Street’s VC, Sesame Workshop. Yup has provided academic support to over a million students across the USA, and is available worldwide.

Powertools Technologies | Junior Engineer | Lisbon, Portugal | Full-time | ONSITE

Looking for a junior engineer for work on software related to Electronic Design Automation and/or Software Development. Candidate should at least have (or graduate shortly) a 3 year university degree in engineering. Most suitably Electronic/Computer Engineering or Informatics with good Systems base. Software Developers are welcome to apply.

Site: https://www.powertools-tech.com . Growing a small experienced team with international industrial and academic track, willing to train new hire in fairly uncommon skill set. Candidate should be capable of quality detail work, and have good communication abilities, to provide support to international design teams in fabless semiconductor companies.

Email your interest and CV to contact@powertools-tech.com, please.

byte | New York, San Francisco, Remote (USA) | Full Time | iOS/Android/Golang/OpenGL | https://byte.co

Brought to you by some of the original creators of Vine, byte is an app where creators make short looping videos. Our goals are to democratize creativity and give our audience tools to make creative, interesting, and unique content.

We launched at the end of January and have fundraised enough to get us to our next goal. Our technical stack includes Go, Spanner, and Google Cloud Platform for the backend, and Swift/Kotlin on our iOS/Android apps respectively. We're also exploring the use of OpenGL on our mobile clients.

We're looking for engineers that are thoughtful and excited about helping creators express themselves and building new tools and algorithms to help people browsing the app discover content that suits them.

We offer competitive salary and equity, great benefits, a flexible/remote working environment and fun problems. Come join us!

Android engineers: https://jobs.lever.co/byte-2/8969f10b-e81f-48ff-830a-7c7079f...

iOS engineers: https://jobs.lever.co/byte-2/f4fe0b53-690b-40c4-9c7e-467bdce...

Video graphics engineers: https://jobs.lever.co/byte-2/abab572f-bb53-45a5-8eb2-d112d3c...

Backend engineers: https://jobs.lever.co/byte-2/6eb31ae6-7c44-438c-b406-45cbbc9...

Matrix.org/Riot.im via New Vector | REMOTE | Full-time

Matrix is an open standard for decentralized secure communications. Matrix’s mission is to make messaging as open as email.

Currently, we are especially keen to talk to Mobile developers and people who care a lot about anti-abuse tooling.

However, whatever your background, feel free to contact me via https://riot.im on @neilj:matrix.org I am always keen to chat with engineers of all disciplines about the project.

- Mobile Developer https://apply.workable.com/new-vector/j/4E9E47C166/

- Safety Engineer (London) https://apply.workable.com/new-vector/j/1E79B2C579/

commercetools | Berlin or Munich, Germany | Software Engineer - Scala | Full-Time, Onsite | https://commercetools.com

We're building a cloud-native eCommerce API for large enterprises. We received funding late last year: https://techcrunch.com/2019/10/21/commercetools-raises-145m-...

We're looking for Scala Engineers for several teams. Help us expand our GraphQL and REST APIs, or help us scale our platform to the next level.

We also have open positions for SREs, Frontend Engineers and others: https://commercetools.com/careers

Lodestone | Software Engineer | Menlo Park, Mountain View, SF | Full-Time | Onsite usually, WFH for now

Lodestone is a data quality assurance vendor to large tech companies. Our job is to ensure quality control in their machine learning workflows. We don't do feature/platform development, everything we do is aimed towards supporting existing dev teams. We are generalist problem-solvers, embedded in the teams of other companies to support their development.

Open positions:

-Senior Software Engineer: Highly autonomous and flexible position

-Junior/Mid Software Engineers: dev experience required

-Frontend Engineer: this is the most specific role we have, so you must be experienced in frontend development

-QA Engineer: little to no previous dev experience required, but requires a strong commitment to learn coding, as this position will be writing unit, integration and e2e tests

If you are interested in applying please send your resume to jamie.clinton@lodestoneco.com

University of Oslo | Software Engineers | ONSITE (Oslo, Norway) | Full-time | 741300NOK

Norway's leading university is looking for 2 graduate and/or experienced software engineers to help with development of web related services in a Linux-based production environment. Our projects are based around modern dialects of Java and Javascript that use a mature environment of microservices across the Norwegian higher education sector. We have pretty strict language requirements (must speak norwegian), but these are occasionally waived for exceptional candidates (typically PhDs or postdocs). For more information see -> https://www.jobbnorge.no/ledige-stillinger/stilling/184962/o... or send me a PM here.

Thinkific | Vancouver, Canada | Onsite + Remote | All work is remote during COVID-19 | https://thinkific.com

Thinkific is a software platform that enables entrepreneurs to create, market, and sell online courses. Our powerful all-in-one platform makes it easy for individuals and organizations to share their knowledge, grow their audiences, and scale the businesses they already love. Our 40,000 course creators (with 20 million happy students worldwide!) can feel confident that they’ve got the easiest technology and best support in the business.

We're looking for:

* Senior Full Stack Engineer (onsite or remote)

* Engineering Team Lead (onsite or remote)

* Customer Education Specialist

* Customer Champion (onsite or remote/Canada)

* Director of Demand Generation

* Social Media and Community Manager

* Talent Acquisition Lead

All job postings here: https://grnh.se/92c407832us

DMB Data|Full Stack Engineer|Boston|Full-Time|Onsite(but remote for now...)

DMB Data is a startup led by a Pulitzer Prize-winning former journalist for The New York Times and a former Google and Kensho engineer, in order to make Chinese business structures more transparent to the investment professionals, regulators and anyone who does business with China; or consumes goods made there. Come help us make our data easy to digest as our first full-stack engineer.

Position Overview: We are looking for a Senior Fullstack Engineer to develop our user-facing applications targeting regulators and investment professionals. You will work closely with our data team and reporters to bridge the gap between bits and visuals. This might mean helping massage the data to unblock the BE development. Or it might mean diving into the UX design process.

Responsibilities: * Architecting web apps that can scale beyond the beta user set. * Working with product teams and end users in order to understand user interactions and prototype solutions for improving customer’s workflow and experiences * Influencing the features and direction of our products with your own ideas * Actively contributing to our code review culture Qualifications: * 4+ years of software engineering experience (with at least 2 years at one location) * Proficient knowledge of Javascript and libraries such as ReactJS as well as other frontend development tools * Working knowledge of Python backend technologies such as Django and Flask * Demonstrated experience of building a projects from a completely blank slate * Demonstrated experience of learning and extending an existing code base * Experience in communicating with users, other technical teams, and management to collect requirements, identify tasks, provide estimates and meet production deadlines * Curious about how things work, creative about how to approach problems, and eager to collaborate with others

Interested? Email us your resume and anything else you'd like to showcase at: contact@dmbdata.com

Come work at AllTrails and help people explore the outdoors!

We're hiring a FullStack Engineer that has experience with React and Rails.

More info here: https://jobs.lever.co/alltrails/481d1fb6-94b0-4974-9891-f1f2...

Uken Games | Software Engineers | Toronto | Full-time | https://www.uken.com

Uken is looking for talented Software Engineers to help us build amazing mobile games. In particular, we have positions available for:

Software Engineers, Platform

Help us scale our backend to enable a million concurrent players by creating the infrastructure and services that underly all of our games. Primary tech is Java, AWS, Spark, Scala but you'll be working with many more such as Docker, Redis, NSQ, websockets, Hadoop, and InfluxDB.

Software Engineers, Gameplay

Join one of our game teams to build something that millions of people will play and love. Primary tech is C# & Unity

About Uken

We are one of the largest independent game studios in Canada, with hundreds of thousands of players a day across mobile and Facebook.

More info including full job postings at http://uken.com

Mobile Dev & UI/UX Designer for a Social Workout App | REMOTE | Equity Only | Part/Full-Time |

1. UI/UX Designer: Solid formal academic background in Human-Computer Interaction Design, or related field, or commensurate work experience Design icons, UIX, Mobile Screen and should have experience in designing professional apps using material Design Knowledge of design tools like Adobe XD, sketch, Illustrator

2. Mobile Dev - Flutter & React Native:

8-10 years of experience in software development 6+ years of experience in mobile app development [ios/ android both] 2+ years Hands-On Programming Experience in Dart & Flutter 2+ years Hands on programming with React native Exposure to Mobile SW Domain

3. Full Stack Developer

Excellent Python development experience. 10+ years of experience in javascript and backend development Knowledge of MEAN/ MERN stack Expertise with cloud services, such as AWS

Contact: fazle@healthylimit.com

Thinknum | Site Reliability Engineer | Full-Time | Onsite | Visa Sponsorship | New York

Thinknum creates datasets from a broad array of public online sources, capturing ephemeral information on the products, operating markets and labor markets of 400,000+ global companies across sectors, and provides rich toolsets for extracting intelligence. Last year, we closed a $11.6M round.

Thinknum is looking for an experienced SRE to join the team in our NYC office.


* An obsession for building scalable, performant, and fault tolerant products

* Experience automating cloud infrastructure using tools such as Ansible, AWS Cloudformation, etc.

* Previous experience enforcing standard development processes through a proper CI workflow

* Basic programming skills

* Degree in Computer Science or related preferred

* Knowledge and experience with AWS

Interested? Apply here: https://tinyurl.com/tvfpemm or drop us a line: dominic.scafidi@thinknum.com

Thayer Distribution | Gibbstown, NJ (Philadelphia area) | Full-Time | ONSITE | Web Application Developer


Thayer Distribution is a large scale food distribution company that is able to better connect manufacturers to wholesalers all over the Northeast. Thayer makes a large, fresh, and wide-ranging inventory instantly available to wholesalers to purchase by the case for next day delivery.

We're looking for a web application developer to join our team to continue to build out our customer facing e-commerce application, internal workflow software, and warehouse inventory management software. Primarily, we're looking for someone that is proficient in ReactJs.

Tech Stack: ReactJs, Material-UI, Kendo React, ASP.NET, .NET Core, Oracle Databases

Please email our resume to alexandra@thayerdist.com if interested.

Rocket Communications | Senior Angular Developer | Colorado and/or Remote | Full Time | https://www.rocketcom.com

Rocket Communications is a UX Design agency primarily servicing the Enterprise Space Domain. We are currently looking for Angular developers to work on the front end development of space-based web application. Must have demonstrated experience in enterprise or government development environments an ability to on-board rapidly and work independently within a fast growing organization.

You must be eligible to obtain a security clearance.

Denver/Colorado Springs is preferred, but the job is remote.

Application link: https://jobs.lever.co/rocketcommunications/32ac4196-0f30-48a...

ABN AMRO | Amsterdam, Netherlands | Senior AI Specialist | ONSITE

We're hiring! ABN AMRO is a top 3 Dutch bank and we are expanding the AI team within our central innovation department. We're a small (10 people) team and work on some of the toughest AI challenges in the bank. You'll work on creating central AI capabilities and will be able to work with our innovation ventures (internal start-ups).

We are looking for profiles with broad experience across ML, entrepreneurship and business topics. In other words: Generalists. Also come and talk to us if you have experience in building infrastructure for data exploration and deploying models to production. We're using python and tensorflow for models; Kubernetes, jupyter, CI/CD, etc., for deployment

Reach out to the email in my profile for more information.

Note: Please mention HN in the e-mail. We're require a valid work permit for the EU.

Permutive (YC S14) | Senior Android Engineer | London, UK | Full-time | ONSITE | £90k-£120k

Permutive are developing a next generation data platform for a world with a trillion devices, and we think applying functional programming techniques like compositionality and type-safety is the best way to build these massive distributed systems.

We're looking for a Senior Android Software Engineer to help us change the way organisations process user data on mobile. We’re particularly interested in engineers who have experience developing SDKs for Android, or have felt the pain of deploying analytics or personalization to their apps.

Apply directly here: https://boards.greenhouse.io/permutive/jobs/4510689002

If you have any questions, just drop me an email stevie at permutive.com

Scite | Senior Full-Stack Developer | Remote/NYC | https://scite.ai/jobs

scite is a startup based in Brooklyn, working to help tackle the reproducibility problem in science by mining and analyzing existing literature. For more info on us see https://scite.ai.

We are looking for a senior full-stack developer interested in making a positive impact on a large societal problem. Our team is nearly fully remote so we are looking for individuals that are self-motivated and eager to take on a leading role at a growing startup. Specifically, we are seeking people with experience in any/all of the following:

- JavaScript (ES6)

- React/Redux

- Python

- Postgres

- Elasticsearch

- Docker/Docker Swarm

- Mongo

- Keras/TensorFlow

If you’re interested in applying, please email a short note explaining your interest and background as well as your resume to jobs@scite.ai

Your Super | Venice, CA | Sr. Business Intelligence Manager | Full-time, Onsite | https://g.co/kgs/wDTCFm

Your Super is a direct to consumer packaged goods company selling Vegan Super Food mixes (https://yoursuper.com)

Sr. Data Scientist

RESPONSIBILITIES Develop and maintain core data infrastructure for Your Super, including data warehouse, ETL implementation, and seamless data transfer across servers Work cross functionally to further business strategy within marketing, finance, and supply chain teams Track KPI performance across company and conduct in-depth analysis on business initiatives, including analytics related to website, content, growth, creative level, and across channels Analyze large datasets to help drive business growth, improve efficiencies, and track KPIs across marketing, finance, and supply chain teams Run A/B testing with teams to drive agile decision making as well as determine ways to drive retention across customer segments

SKILLS Bachelor's or Master's degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Statistics or related technical/quantitative field 5+ years of related experience with data querying languages, scripting languages, data visualization or statistical software 5+ years of professional experience in an analytical role involving data extraction, reporting, and analysis Experience with DTC brands and/or fast-growing start-up companies Well-versed in Python and can setup API calls across data sources Experience with Singer ETL, Tableau/Looker, Big Query/Amazon Redshift Organization is key - you’re able to work on multiple projects without missing deadlines or slowing down the team Curiosity - you actively ask questions, follow market trends, and study what other brands are doing in the web and mobile space You are persistent, able to apply feedback, and follow through on projects Self-motivation is key

Hyperscience / Sr. Machine Learning Engineer/ Backend Engineer / NYC and Sofia, Bulgaria REMOTE and VISA

At Hyperscience we develop and deliver intelligent solutions to automate manual document processing for global financial services, insurance, healthcare, and government organizations. Founded in 2014, our solution extracts handwritten, cursive and printed typed text at better-than-human levels of accuracy and automation that get better over time. By streamlining operations and reducing the costs associated with data entry, we enable some of the world’s largest companies to improve customer service and drive new business opportunities.

To learn more visit our site: https://www.hyperscience.com/careers/ or by email at mike.bonora@hyperscience.com

Bridebook (https://bridebook.co.uk/)| Multiple Positions | London, UK | REMOTE | Full-time

Bridebook is an investor-backed technology company serving as the UK's leading wedding planning app and website. Since launching in 2016, we now have 1 in 2 engaged couples planning their wedding on Bridebook. This is a particularly exciting time to join a vibrant and driven team.

Open positions:

- Senior Backend Developer (Remote - EU timezone only). You will be responsible for a key part of our mission, and provide the strongest possible base for accelerating and scaling our product in the near future. See https://bridebookcouk.homerun.co/senior-backend-developer-eu....

Lumosity | Core/Platform/Core Senior Engineers | San Francisco or Remote | Full Time

Lumosity is a world-leading brain training program with over 100 million users and almost 6 billion games played. Our mission is to help people improve and understand their mental abilities. Lumosity is bringing modern mindfulness practices to our large audience.

We are looking for an experienced Platform Engineer who has helped build and scale service backends before to work alongside of a small and very capable team developing and maintaining backend services for our games teams.

This is a mix devops/engineer role.

- Ruby on Rails experience - GRaphQL - Microservices - Kubernetes on AWS (w/ terraform/kapitan/samson/..)

https://jobs.lever.co/lumosity or please email me at ews@folksonomy.com for more info.

Channable - https://www.channable.com | Utrecht, The Netherlands | ONSITE

Join one of the fastest growing scale-ups in the Netherlands. We currently have several open engineering positions to join our team in Utrecht. We are a young company with a strong engineering culture and some unique data problems, that we are solving for our customers. You can read more about the kind of work we do on our blog: https://tech.channable.com/

Our Stack includes: Haskell, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Ember.js, PostgreSQL, Redis, Ansible, Terraform, Nix

We currently process billions of products per day and offer technically interesting and challenging work. We are looking for highly motivated and skilled engineers to join our team in our office in the center of Utrecht.

Open positions:

- Python Software Engineer: https://jobs.channable.com/o/python-software-engineer-utrech...

- Senior Frontend Developer: https://jobs.channable.com/o/senior-frontend-developer

- DevOps Engineer: https://jobs.channable.com/o/devops-engineer

- Haskell Software Engineer: https://jobs.channable.com/o/haskell-software-engineer-utrec...

We also welcome open applications: https://jobs.channable.com/o/open-application

Microsoft MakeCode | Full time, onsite | https://makecode.com

MakeCode is a free, online, open source learn-to-code platform. Users can program the micro:bit, Minecraft, Lego Mindstorm, retro arcade games and more. Most of our targets involve hardware and students can download to microcontroller based devices.

MakeCode started as a research project from Microsoft Research and there is a lot of great technology involved. One example: MakeCode uses a novel TypeScript to ARM assembly compiler that can compile user code and flash hardware devices in seconds all from the browser.


I sent in my application. I am very interest since this position is everything I do and my personal interests/hobbies wrapped up in one.

TrueAccord | San Francisco, CA | Full Time | 7 software engineering jobs



Product and Mission

We've pioneered a new way of helping consumers deal with debt while safeguarding their credit scores. Using ML models to understand our consumers better, we remove the need for aggressive debt collectors completely, and work with consumers to cure their late debts with customized payment plans. TrueAccord has already helped over 11M consumers deal with late debt!



40 full-time engineers, mostly in the SF Bay Area with a few scattered around the country.



- Principal Software Engineer, Back-End

- Senior Software Engineer, Back-End

- Principal Software Engineer, Front-End

- Senior Software Engineer, Front-End

- Software Engineer, Front-End

- Software Engineer, Python

- Staff Software Engineer, Back-End


Tech Stack

AngularJS | Node.js | ReactJS | Scala | Java | Tensorflow | Spark | Jupyter | Kotlin | React Native



WFH-friendly | 401(k) matching | Unlimited PTO | Paid sick days | Catered meals | Flexible working hours | Relocation support | Tuition reimbursement | Comprehensive health benefits | Stock options | Commuter benefits | Paid parental leave | Sabbatical | Visa transfers | Dental and vision benefits


More about the team, CTO, culture, and jobs: https://bit.ly/trueaccordahj

Interview Schedule | Remote (USA) | Full Time | https://interviewschedule.com/careers/

Want to join a lean, ambitious, and fast growing startup? Interview Schedule is changing how teams hire. Our first product streamlines recruiting scheduling and coordination, saving teams hundreds of hours a month. We support fast-growing companies like Gusto, Segment, and Twitch. We have our sights set on making hiring a great experience for recruiters, hiring managers, and candidates. We’re building the platform to engage these key stakeholders and fix the $200 billion per year hiring industry.

We found product-market fit, have strong revenue growth, and are well funded by top tier investors. This is an exceptional opportunity to transform an industry with powerful and easy to use products customers love. We offer competitive bay area salaries no matter where you're located, along with significant equity and full benefits.

Open Roles

- Product Designer: https://hire.withgoogle.com/public/jobs/interviewschedulecom...

What We Offer

- Autonomy, impact, and ownership. As an early employee you’ll shape the product direction and company values.

- Competitive salary and significant equity in a fast growing, early stage startup.

- Remote employment - work where you want, when you want.

- Generous vacation policy - take time whenever you need to recharge. Building a lasting company is a marathon, not a sprint.

- Top-notch healthcare, dental, and vision coverage. Along with life and disability insurance.

- Annual company retreat, generous computer and home office budget, and continuing education allowance.

Edgestream Partners, LP | Princeton, NJ | Full Time | ONSITE | VISA

Edgestream Partners is a quantitative investment advisor, founded and run by scientists with a taste for programming. We build scientific models of market behavior and use them to trade in global markets.

We're seeking highly skilled scientists and engineers to join our Research staff, which invents and implements the quantitative models that drive trading in our funds. There are two open roles:

Research Engineer: https://www.edgestreamlp.com/career/research-engineer Research Scientist: https://www.edgestreamlp.com/career/research-scientist/

Lateral | Berlin, Germany | Onsite | Full-time | https://lateral.io/

Lateral, a machine learning startup, is looking for a front-end developer to join our growing team. We are creating production systems around cutting edge machine learning and deploying them to help a wide range of industries, be it building physical infrastructure or drafting proposals, to optimise existing workflows. We are passionate about UX and design and strive to create the best experience for the users of our tools. We are based on Potsdamer Straße in Berlin with an international team, we have a commitment to a healthy work-life balance and regularly have social team events.

Front-end developer | You will be writing and maintaining production Javascript code that’s deployed to a range of clients, integrating with our custom back-end APIs to create user interfaces, maintaining a shared component library that is used across our ML training interfaces, ensuring the code is functional through testing, collaborating with designers and back-end developers to realise the products goals and working independently but also with supervision and help from the team when needed. Get in touch if you have at least 3 years working in the industry, a passion for programming and a desire to learn and develop your abilities!

What we offer:

- Competitive and equal pay

- Budget for learning and conferences

- Urban Sports Club membership

- A friendly atmosphere

- A great office

- Team events

We are looking for candidates to work with us in Berlin full-time. We do not provide relocation assistance but can help with the visa process.

Lateral is committed to creating a diverse environment and would encourage people of all genders and from all backgrounds to apply for this role.

We look forward to hearing from you :) Just send me an email: heidi at lateral.io

MyMoneyKarma | Mountain View, CA | Front End, Full Stack, Designer | REMOTE

MyMoneyKarma's mission is taking private wealth management to the masses by offering consumers in India unbiased, personalized and algorithm-powered recommendations for choosing financial products that fit their needs. Such services have historically been available through brick and mortar Indian banks that are highly inefficient and lack transparency. MMK already has over a million users and is currently focused on building out the partnerships and integrations with banks for personal loans, home mortgages, and credit cards. If you're passionate about making a meaningful impact to millions of users' lives in partnership with a small, smart, mission-driven team, we're excited to meet.

Tech Stack: React, Typescript, Node.js, Python


Point Card (YC W19) | San Francisco, CA | Onsite | https://www.point.app

Point is a YC-backed startup bringing elite credit card rewards to your everyday debit card.

We are currently in invite-only beta and have already been featured on the top page of the App Store, processed millions of dollars in transactions, and partnered with 20+ brands for our benefits.

To learn more about who we are, our engineering culture, and whether this is the right place for you, read our Key Values profile: https://www.keyvalues.com/point

Here are our open roles:

* Senior Backend Engineer: https://jobs.lever.co/getpoint/11acaae5-2c6f-4cc3-9c6e-9dc63...

* Senior Data Engineer: https://jobs.lever.co/getpoint/8f8a7f2e-d1dd-4dc3-9b91-fce93...

* Senior React Native Engineer: https://jobs.lever.co/getpoint/4cdeaefb-0ee7-44bb-be52-d051a...

Tech Stack: We use whatever tools are appropriate to accomplish the task at hand. The backend stack currently consists of Node.js, Express, GraphQL, PostgreSQL, Docker and Lambda in AWS. We also have a strong bias towards a micro-service architecture.

The frontend stack currently consists of React Native, TypeScript, Expo, Apollo client (GraphQL), and Jest testing framework. We have a mobile app with cross platform support!


FIRM OVERVIEW Robertson Stephens Wealth Management (RSWM) is a San Francisco-based wealth management firm with offices in New York and Sun Valley. The firm serves the financial planning and investment strategy needs of high net worth individuals and family offices. Employees of the firm share a solid work ethic and a drive to innovate within a high-performing firm where clients come first.

POSITION OVERVIEW Opportunity to work within Robertson Stephens’ Investment Office and build out its Investment analysis and reporting infrastructure. Will consider Full time, Part time, and Internship Candidates. The position will be in New York.


RealWork | Full Stack Engineer / Potential Co-Founder | Brooklyn | ONSITE (MAYBE REMOTE) |

RealWork™ gives field workers access to the same kind of productivity tools that the tech industry has been enjoying for years.

80% of the workforce is not sitting at their desks. They are putting up drywall at construction sites, helping customers in retail shops, and stocking shelves in a warehouse.

Yet, only 1% of Silicon Valley investments are allocated to solving the issues these “frontline” employees encounter on a regular basis. Employees working out in the field need tools specifically designed to fit their needs.

We are looking for an active CTO or potentially technical co-founder to join our team. You will be running a team of 5 (1 iOS, 1 Android, 3 Web developers) and will be responsible for architecting and developing the already quite advanced platform.


(NY/Chicago/SF, NY preferred)

Clearstep Health (https://www.clearstep.health) is a patient-facing front door to healthcare. Using the most medically accurate triage protocols, we've built a chatbot that can ask you about your symptoms and direct you to the right care a the right time (home care, primary care, etc. All the way to call 911 now). We help find providers covered by your insurance, estimate the price of a visit, and help you book.

We make money by licensing our solution as a SaSS platform to systems of hospitals, insurance providers, and digital health companies.

We are currently at 6 people and are looking to hire engineer #2, focused primarily on backend and data architecture/visualization.

Contact me for more details: david at clearstep dot health

Veezoo AG | Software Developer Backend | Zurich, Switzerland | 100% | Onsite | INTERN or FULL | https://www.veezoo.com

Veezoo is an ETH Zurich Spin-off providing a conversational AI solution to help sales people make data-driven decisions.

Key Responsibilities

- Develop solutions for real world, large-scale problems with renowned customers

- Designing, programming, documenting, testing and refactoring code

- Collaborating with frontend developers, backend developers and other team members


- Programming experience in general and with Scala (or Java) in particular

- Solid foundation in computer science, with strong competencies in data structures, algorithms, and software design

- Work experience in Software Engineering

- Interest in working in a very agile and flexible environment

- Proficient in English (and preferably German) in writing and speaking

- Solution-oriented and independent worker

- Valid work permit for Switzerland

Email: join@veezoo.com

contact systems (https://www.contactsystems.io/) | REMOTE or Los Angeles | Elixir/Erlang Developer | Full time |

We are a platform that enables game publishers, developers and esports teams to monetize the creation & distribution of gaming assets. We are seeking individuals who are passionate about technology with a strong interest in helping to develop the next generation of gaming.

Contact: jobs@contactsystems.io


- Expertise and proven track-record developing in Erlang or Elixir

- Expertise tuning & inspecting the BEAM vm

- Expertise with GenServer, Supervisors and GenStateMachines

- Familiarity with Elixir/Erlang NIFs (calling C++/Rust functions from Beam)

- Experience with Phoenix


- Build dynamically-supervised backend game servers in Elixir

- Building game logic

- Managing real-time user sessions

- Interface with several databases, messaging queues, and 3’rd party API's

Tried to email, but it bounced.

> We're writing to let you know that the group you tried to contact (jobs) may not exist, or you may not have permission to post messages to the group.

Hey jetpackjoe, sorry about that. It has been fixed and you can post to that email now. I tried it myself with an external email.

Canva | Full-time senior hires | Sydney (post COVID19)| Permanent, Onsite, VISA, Relocation.


We're taking on the world of design and content creation with a product loved by millions around the world. If you're a founder have a look at the tool.

Recruiting across the business - including Frontend, Backend and Fullstack Engineering, UX Design, Digital Design, Product Management, Growth, Data Science and more.

Engineering stacks: Backend = scalable Java services, Frontend = React + TypeScript, iOS = Swift, Android = Java & Kotlin, Data = Python.

Feel free to ping me on crowe [@]Canva[.]com for a referral, any questions on what life here is like, and the cool things we're doing.

Permanent & onsite roles only, full relocation provided.

Cove Markets | Senior Back-End Engineer | Full-Time | Chicago, IL | ONSITE

Our ambition at Cove Markets is to lower the total cost and increase transparency for CRYPTO TRADING in a heavily fragmented market.

We operate CoveTrader, a free "best execution" trading and analytics platform for cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin.


We are a team of 6 experienced engineers and are looking to add a senior back-end engineer to the team. We primarily work in Java. Team is currently working remotely, though plans to move back to our downtown Chicago office once safe to do so.

Please view our job ad and apply at: https://www.covemarkets.com/careers/backend

Tracsis | Remote or On-site | Full-time | Haskell / Functional programmers | Leeds, UK

Tracsis are using Haskell to revolutionise UK rail operations; building high-availability, cloud-hosted systems for UK rail companies to manage everything from timetabling, through planning and on-the-day operations.

If you're passionate about Haskell, or other functional programming languages, and want to make a difference, get in touch - we've got multiple positions available at different levels, and we're always excited to hear from people who share our passion!

Tech stack includes: Haskell (Yesod, Servant), Postgres, Nginx, AWS, Vue

Apply or enquire via email to recruitment@tracsis.com

Open positions: https://tracsisops.com/careers/vacancies/

Koddi is looking for full-time Front-End, DevOps and QA SDET Engineers.

WHO WE ARE: Koddi is a cloud provider of marketing technology for hospitality brands. Our partners leverage the Koddi platform and its fully automated and customizable reporting features to manage marketing investment for tens of thousands of properties globally. Currently, we are hiring to meet the demands of scaling our Koddi Ads product, a native advertising platform. (https://www.koddiads.com/)

LOCATIONS: Fort Worth,TX; New York,NY; Ann Arbor, MI; Austin, TX

All roles can be viewed here (https://koddi.com/careers/), or email tiffany.rogers@koddi.com with resume and cover letter.

Segment is hiring for sales as well as many other roles - https://segment.com/jobs/ Shoot me a note with why you'd be a good fit, and I'll work to get your application prioritized. Cheers!

@gtbcb I'd like to shoot you a note, but there is no contact info. You can reach me at seanfmcdonnell.com

Oddball (https://oddball.io) | Remote (USA), Washington D.C. | full-time

Oddball is a remote-first, service-disabled veteran-owned small business (SDVOSB) dedicated to modernizing federal citizen-centric digital services. Our mission is to transform government digital services. We share this mission as a founding partner of the Digital Services Coalition (https://digitalservicescoalition.org/#/).

Our clients include the Dept. of Veterans Affairs (VA), Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), United States Air Force (USAF) and the Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS).

- Front End Engineer (React) - https://bit.ly/3c242C0

- Full Stack Engineer (Java, React) - https://bit.ly/2L45Gap

- Senior Data Architect - https://bit.ly/2z0rj8I

- Senior Engineer (Rails) - https://bit.ly/2zQ1LeR

--- (non-engineering roles)

- Senior Capture Manager (flex on remote, must be within D.C/DMV metro area) - https://bit.ly/2xrwAWr

- Technical Recruiter - https://bit.ly/3d5AumY


Want to improve how software is done in U.S. Government? Join us!

Find out more and apply at https://oddball.io/jobs/

You can also message or email me for more information.

Postscript.io (YC W19) | REMOTE (PT-ET Timezones) | Full-time Engineers (Full Stack) Postscript is a fully remote team of 20 looking for help in solving complex problems like real-time streaming data (1000's of events per second) on the back end and beautiful, simple ways of interacting with that data on the front end. We help ecommerce companies stay in touch with their customers (marketing, customer service, order management, and other notifications via text messaging).

We're scrappy hackers searching for similarly hungry individuals. We love LEARNING & BUILDING and we want every one of our engineers to leave us ready to start their own company.

Tech stack: Serverless Python / Flask - React - AWS


Kard | Backend/DevOps Egr, VPE | NYC | ONSITE PREFERRED | FULL-TIME Kard (getkard.com) is changing the rewards experience for consumers, merchants, and financial institutions. We've just signed some big partnerships with digital banks, and we're looking to have someone come on to help manage our many integrations. Could be remote for the right person. Stack: Node, React, MongoDB, AWS Currently two engineers on board (team totals 5), so next hires will contribute significantly to both company tech and culture. Looking for a founder mindset to help us take on the big opportunities we have closed! More info here: https://angel.co/company/kard-financial

2Xideas | Full Stack Developer (junior & senior) | Zürich, Switzerland | Remote (EU, CH, US preferred) | 2Xideas.com

2Xideas AG is an independent, partner-owned research and investment firm focused on liquid mid to large cap stocks with the potential to double (a 2X return) over 5 to 7 years. We are dedicated to a long-term, global investment strategy.

We are looking to create a remote development team. It will be responsible for the development of our inhouse CRM and investment tool. Almost every employee (research, investment, sales) is using it for the daily work at 2Xideas.

Tech Stack:

- Frontend: React / Redux / Bootstrap / ...

- Backend: Python / Flask / Pandas / Conda / MySQL / ...

- DevOps is a plus: Gitlab (CI/CD) / Docker / Ansible / Azure / ...

You do not have to be an expert at every tech used.

Contact me at jobs@2Xideas.com (mentioning HN)



To echo this, BitMEX is one of the few organizations that has seen continued growth during the pandemic in the Bay Area across all departments.

In particular, our most urgent openings are on our DevOps team where our SREs, K8s and Delivery engineers work alongside leaders in the space (ex CoreOS and Mesosphere) to ensure our platform can withstand our several billion dollar/day trading volume.

Please feel free to reach out to apply to the position you believe you are best suited for at the link above or contact people@bitmex.com with any questions or inquiries.

We are Aiven—a cloud technology startup launched in 2016. We create managed cloud services from the best open source technologies that take the infrastructure worries away from our customers. Our products are used daily by hundreds of customers across the globe to power their next-gen event streaming and analytics applications with more joining every single day. Backed by Europe's leading investors, we’re now looking for top talent to join us in our headquarters in Helsinki and our new offices in Boston, Berlin and Sydney.

We are looking for experienced Backend Engineers, SREs, SW Developers in multiple programming languages.

For more information please check our career page:


Parabol | Remote | Full-time | https://parabol.co

Get paid to write customer-facing, open-source software that helps teams work from home.

As a team of 6, we've built an app with 40,000 active users and plenty of VC funding.

Tech stack: K8S, NodeJS, Typescript, GraphQL, React

Two-minute Demo: https://parabol.co/retro-demo

Repo: https://github.com/ParabolInc/parabol


- Senior Frontend Developer: https://www.parabol.co/join/senior-frontend-developer

- Senior Backend Developer: