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One thing I find astounding about this project is the breakneck pace of development. I keep up with the weekly changelogs and subscribe to the nightly builds. Its genuinely impressive how much this project has achieved and the rate of new features being produced.

Thinking back to some of the RLS blogposts about the need for something like rust-analyser from about a year ago I'm pretty sure nrc (Nick Cameron) said it would take about 2-3 years to reach this point. However, I'd say rust-analyser has been usable and better than RLS for many months now.

I think that year comparison doesn't work super well; some of the work done in the compiler over the past 2-3 years contributed here. rust-analyzer (in my mind) would not have been possible in the same way at the time the rls was built. It would have needed to do a lot of the work that's been ongoing in the background since.

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