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1. Have you ever used Terraform? If so, how does Pulumi compare?

2. What language do you use with Pulumi?

3. What is the learning curve like for Pulumi?

4. What specific actions do you use Pulumi for with GCP?

4a. What have been some hurdles or roadblocks you have faced using Pulumi with GCP?

5. Which Pulumi plan (cloud hosted, self hosted, etc.) and how is that working for you?

1. Yes, not as long professionally. More experience with CloudFormation and pyplates. Pulumi has libraries that wrap around Terraform providers for some of its integrations such as Google Cloud Platform.

Terraform pro:

* Simple deployments are fairly easy to grok, the base language is simple to understand

Terraform con:

* Advanced deployments, using templates, modules, functions is nontrivial to teach and error-prone.

For my use case, we have multiple environments - as most folks do - and we also have several "micro-service" like services deployed each with its own configuration. It's very easy to write a function that generates these variations:

    function someResource(args, additionalOptions, etc.) { }
This is much easier to teach, and so I would argue that Terraform solves for a case that doesn't really exist in many businesses.

2. TypeScript

3. The getting started information is fairly solid, I didn't have a lot of difficulty getting started.

4. Primarily Kubernetes resources on GKE, service accounts and tokens, Cloud SQL, storage buckets, and so on. Creating a service account, a database or storage bucket, and then linking that into a Kubernetes secret is pretty simple.

4a. I did hit a bug where Pulumi handled poorly a resource which I manually deleted in GCP. I had a Cloud SQL instance (Postgres), a User in that instance and a Database in that instance. (Cloud SQL instances can contain multiple databases). I manually deleted the three of these, and Pulumi had trouble trying to unwind state if I recall. The bug is here: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-gcp/issues/268

5. We aren't a paying customer - our needs around compliance mean we need to run it self hosted, and Pulumi's CLI is OSS so we are using the Pulumi CLI and some really hacky shell scripts to emulate a "server" and prevent reentrancy, effectively treating Pulumi deploys as critical sections. We have no plans to release these scripts. I understand they've recently added a self hosted option, but we haven't had time to evaluate.

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