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This isn't correct though.

You need 256 base words, and two substitute words, one of which substitutes for the first repeat, and the other for the second, so 258 words total.

That accounts for the repeating but not the ordering, right?

Oh, by 'unordered' you mean that the three words could be in any order and still mean the same thing?

Okay but that's a strange requirement. A 'big burger house' isn't a 'big house burger', after all.

I had read 'unordered' as 'the collation order of the words has no connection to the ordinal rank of the underlying byte', for some reason

I'm just jumping in where I saw a misunderstanding :) I think that's what they mean by unordered as that makes sense with the numbers (I think).

To some degree I agree, but there are also a lot of cases where different orders aren't distinguishable easily. "Light bright red" and "bright light red" is the best I can come up with quickly but I'm sure you get the idea.

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