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A crowbar is also an incredibly useful tool for committing a number of crimes, and yet I don't see any legislators pushing to ban Home Depot from selling them, or to ban me from buying them.

As is a car and yet no one proposes banning or wiretapping cars to make sure they're not planning to run people over.

Cars used to be a good example, but this is quickly changing. Modern cars relay OBD-II (unofficially OBD-III, not entirely ratified) data over cellular networks. Most electric cars and especially self driving cars are sending and receiving telemetry data and software updates all the time. Some people are even voluntarily adding OBD-II cellular dongles to their car to get lower insurance rates. This includes real time GPS coordinates and speed. Some regions are already considering making this a requirement for cars sold after {n} date (date to be determined) so they can see your smog emission data real time. This almost happened in California, but car manufacturers were not ready and successfully pushed back, for now. I would suggest that within a decade or so, a majority of cars will be wiretap devices.

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