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Git alias for printing recently-used branches (ses4j.github.io)
96 points by ses4j on April 6, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 23 comments

I alias 'git recent' to:

    git branch --sort=-committerdate -v
It gives me the following output (first line for not actually included):

    [branch name]                                      [hash]  [commit message header]
    move-radio-and-checkbox-hints-up                   9dff690 Move the hints belonging to radios/checkboxes up
    update-rubocop                                     8cace1f Update rubocop and pry, fix some new offences
    fix-remaining-injected-content-placement           48dc51d Reorder elements of other inputs

I do the same thing for this slightly longer alias

    git for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate --format='%(committerdate:short): %(refname:short)' refs/heads/
Including the dates is crucial; I'll frequently go in and clean up personal branches that are older than X months.

I've got one really close to this:

    git for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate refs/heads/ --format='%(refname:short) %(committerdate:short) %(upstream:remoteref)' | column -t

Yes, my "see what the team is up to" git command is:

    git branch -a --sort=-committerdate
That's short enough for my taste not to have to alias, and it gives output more or less similar to GitHub's "Active branches" view.

This is much better as it’s portable and doesn’t cheat by assuming awk/grep/etc are available.

Honest question, what kind of environments are you working in where you don't / can't have these?

Windows (cmd/powershell).

It wouldn’t surprise me if windows cmd is the most common environment for git on command line, since windows is the most common OS among developers (and git-bash is terrible).

So many commenters here providing alternatives seem to miss the key differentiating feature: recently checked out vs. recently committed to. For me the former is immensely more useful as I may have gone to a branch to do something other than commit, and those are missed with the latter.

Anyway, I’ve had my own (far more involved) version of listing recently checked-out branches for years. It will also filter out the current branch and deleted branches, and has a rudimentary interactive selection.

Maybe someone will find it useful as I have.


What about just `git reflog`? Then, you get to see recent branches _and_ you get additional context about what you were doing at the time.

Even better, `tig reflog`, which makes it easy to check out the content of a commit or the history of a branch in context with the reflog.

I shared this with a coworker, who discovered that it dumps information about branches that don't exist anymore. This comment's alternate command doesn't list deleted branches:


And for those wondering "deleted branches?", check the git-gc man page for gc.reflogexpire (default 90 days) and gc.reflogexpireunreachable (default 30 days).

Even better, show your local/remote branches in most-recent order and interactively pick the branch to switch to using fzf:


That's the way to go!

[alias] rb = for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate --format='%(refname:short)' refs/heads/ --count=10

To switch branches, I invoke this from a shell script and type a couple characters from a branch name

git checkout (git rb|fzf)

I alias `git ref-recent` to:

    git for-each-ref 
        --format='%(committerdate:short) %(refname:short) %(objectname:short) %(contents:subject)' 
The output shows the date, branch name, commit hash, and commit subject, such as:

    2020-04-06 master d8560f4 Add feature foo
    2020-03-28 fix-button 15f985d Fix button for menu
    2020-03-19 optimize-sort 3dbec4d Optimize sort algorithm
I put my aliases in GitAlias, which has many more: https://github.com/gitalias/gitalias

I made a small script that outputs local and/or remote branches color coded: https://i.imgur.com/QkmPhm0.png


It has been so useful to me that I think I should extract it from my dotfiles repository and give it its own repository.

Or reimplement it in Rust as a introductory programming project.

I had idea to add something similar as tab completion to posh-git module for Powershell. Sadly it was not merged (is posh-git dead?) https://github.com/dahlbyk/posh-git/pull/641

I wonder if something similar can be done in bash? By default bash doesn't "cycle" through possible completion but just display the list. Still, I guess it would be usefull to display last used branches first.

It doesn't seem to be dead. There was a PR commit only a week ago. You probably should poke the author again.

Neat! This was a feature I requested in Fork[0], but wasn't sure such a thing was even possible.

[0] https://git-fork.com

I alias `gbv` to this which shows you commit hash, msg, ID, author, date with colors:

alias gbv="git for-each-ref --sort=committerdate refs/heads/ --format='%(HEAD) %(color:yellow)%(refname:short)%(color:reset) - %(color:red)%(objec tname:short)%(color:reset) - %(contents:subject) - %(authorname) (%(color:green)%(committerdate:relative)%(color:reset))'"

I’ve got something similar, but it’s color coded and has columns with more info.


I use this: git for-each-ref --sort=authordate --format '%(authordate:iso) %(align:left,25)%(refname:short)%(end) %(subject)' refs/heads

The most recent branches will appear closest to your cursor (on the bottom).

Been using this snippet from Paul Irish for years: https://github.com/paulirish/git-recent

Another option:

    git log --all --author=`git config user.email` --oneline --decorate

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