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I've tried a variety of things. The first big step once I realized that I was sloughing off the boring bits was to try tackling the boring bits first. Start with a basic app that included user registration, an empty FAQ page, etc., but that generally meant quitting the project earlier rather than later. Then I thought well, maybe I'll just build up a library of reusable components for that, but hey guess what? That stuff is boring

So, that's the long way around, but yes, I have partnered up with people who might compliment my lacking skills, but it's tough finding people motivated enough that I feel like I'm letting them down if I don't keep up. I'm generally great at getting projects going through the hard bits, but in my experience, most other people fall off or lose interest in the project before it even gets to the point that I might.

To date, the only thing that reliably ensures I'll complete a project is paying me to complete a project. Weirdly, if I'm getting paid for something, my mind doesn't suffer any of these ailments. I will still cherrypick the most interesting work to do, but if there are features with deadlines, so long as there's money in it, I have no problems getting myself back on track.

I'm exactly the same way 100%. I've gotten incredible things done at startups and companies, where my work alone was floating the companies, and the products I created became the main product of the companies.

But every time I realize "Why am I handing someone else all this value", and venture out on my own, I can't seem to motivate myself in the same way. It blows my mind and I can't seem to figure it out.

Maybe I need to invent an imaginary supervisor to report to at the end of the day.

> Maybe I need to invent an imaginary supervisor to report to at the end of the day.

Heh, someone had that idea too and turned it into a startup: Boss as a Service https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18512197

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