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I was involved (at arms length) in one part of GDS a few years ago and it sounded like some department heads really didn't like the GDS approach.

Departments actually prefered spending ££££££ with HP / Capita / CapGemi etc. because the big outsourcing companies didn't ask as many 'awkward' questions (about accessibility, for example), and the departments got to 'own' the product more.

Saddens me to hear that. At least from their blog, OSS, and the end results I see as a citizen, GDS is a breath of fresh air in a never-ending series of farcical, failed mega-projects. And as a tax payer, I'd much prefer my taxes to go towards building a capable team, rather than paying billion after billion to oursourcing firms, and god only knows how much in pork to to politicians.

Couldn't agree more.

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