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It's really Apple's fault. "This package will run a program to determine if the software can be installed." Is just fundamentally a very strange statement to make, loaded with vagueness.

Think about your average user... they are running an installer program... which alerts them that they need to run another program... to determine if they can install the program.... (Which the user thought they were already doing)

The loaded expectation of the user to realize they are granting privileges to a program to determine whether they can install a program is just totally unreasonable.

It just sounds more and more ridiculous written out like this.

On top of this, a standard install asks for permissions, but doesn't disclose who/what is asking for it (certified in some way) or what permissions it wants, if these are temporary for the install or permanent for the application, or what it is going to do during the install (what goes where, what gets changed etc).

It is long past time for Apple to improve this process.

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