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"Nationalizing health care and single payer are different. Nationalizing something typically refers to having it managed by the Federal Government. Single payer refers to having the National Government pay healthcare providers."

I do not disagree.

"I will be one of the skeptical ones in reports on deaths to COVID-19 because the government is now fully invested in maximizing the numbers to justify the incredible expense. A similar situation exists in current wars, where they claim every male killed over a certain age to be an enemy combatant because they need to justify their actions. They may likely claim that every person who dies with COVID-19 in their blood was a victim of COVID-19 (SARS2, or whatever the correct term is)."

My wife's hospital does not have enough test for the living. They do not use a nCov test on the dead as of 03/30/2020. To suggest that they are downplaying the cause of death to "justify their actions" is misleading and downright disrespectful to the departed. The comorbidity between COVID-19 and other causes of death, such as pneumonia is widely known. To downplay this fact is ignorant.

> "Nationalizing health care and single payer are different. Nationalizing something typically refers to having it managed by the Federal Government. Single payer refers to having the National Government pay healthcare providers."

> I do not disagree.

> "I will be one of the skeptical ones in reports on deaths to COVID-19 because the government is now fully invested in maximizing the numbers to justify the incredible expense. A similar situation exists in current wars, where they claim every male killed over a certain age to be an enemy combatant because they need to justify their actions. They may likely claim that every person who dies with COVID-19 in their blood was a victim of COVID-19 (SARS2, or whatever the correct term is)."

> My wife's hospital does not have enough test for the living. They do not use a nCov test on the dead as of 03/30/2020. To suggest that they are downplaying the cause of death to "justify their actions" is misleading and downright disrespectful to the departed. The comorbidity between COVID-19 and other causes of death, such as pneumonia is widely known. To downplay this fact is ignorant.

My stated speculations of government actions have nothing to do with the departed. You are making an appeal to emotion.

The government will have to convince the public that they are being thorough, which will only work when there is some belief in understanding how many are actually dying from the thing they claim to be fighting.

Ignorance is not a factor in government activities. We can clearly see there is no case presented to support the claim that damage done to the economy is offset by the benefits of the lockdowns. This is decision-making 101: will the action performed provide a net benefit. Absent such a case, it is imperative there be an appearance of high death rates so that whenever political pressures to provide a case emerge, they can have as much supportive evidence on their side as possible.

The absence of test kits may make things worse, because if they choose to claim that everyone who had symptoms of the virus and died was killed by the virus, this can often be accepted as evidence in government policy-making as they are not held to scientific standards.

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