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Eggs are only a problem in the US. In Europe they aren't cooled as they weren't washed after collecting.

Eggs aren't refrigerated in supermarkets, but even unwashed eggs keep better if refrigerated, so most people refrigerate them at home. Supermarkets have enough turnover that it's not worth the cost.

Eggs can also be frozen if you remove the shells.

I've never been to a supermarket where the eggs weren't refrigerated. They're usually right next to the milk.

In Europe? I (european) have never been to a supermarket where the eggs were refregirated

Norway, and none of the supermarkets or similar shops here have unrefrigerated eggs. Then again, our egg manufacturers have also paid for ads saying their eggs last a lot longer than expiration date they're mandated by EU to put on the boxes.

in europe and a lot of the rest of the world they are not refrigerated

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