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Good for you. However, the general sentiment doesn't seem to behave the same way. I haven't noticed a mass Github exodus at all, aside from some people on the internet being vocal about it for the first month after the Github acquisition. Same with VSCode.

I realize this is just pure anecdata and not a legitimately researched observation, but I don't know a single dev in real life who either switched away from Github or VSCode due to those concerns, despite having a wide variety of dev friends from all kinds of backgrounds, including big tech devs, non-tech company devs, fully remote devs, self-taught devs, small startup devs, outside of the US devs, freelancer devs, etc.

I know a couple of projects that switched to gitlab. I use gitlab for my personal projects. I've abstained from moving Red Moon away from GitHub because it's still where people are, and I have some doubts about GitLab's VC-funded model (will they be able to stay as open forever?). I also want to consider other options, like SourceHut. At the same time, it is in the back of my mind and I am ready to move away at the first sign of extend/extinguish.

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