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I disagree. I think of it in terms of lives lived within a life. I'd break mine down into:

1) 0-5 Coming into self-awareness (this is like waking up while still drunk or coming down from recreational drugs, as your consciousness reassembles from wherever it was)

2) 6-11 The universe provides for you (mom and dad are god, your needs are mostly provided for and you should do what you're told)

3) 12-17 The face of humanity (you witness the very best and worst that humankind has to offer, through the trials and tribulations of junior high and high school)

4) 18-21 College (thanks I needed that)

5) 22-29 The narcissistic years (I am so miserable, why can't I say no?)

6) 30-39 The long now (how long have I been alive?)

7) 40-49 Death begins at 40 (how could I have just been born?)

8) 50-64 I should feel older (so I've heard)

9) 65+ Unknown (are you me?)

There are probably more. All I am saying is that when I hit 40, I realized that I was more than one time period removed from the young graduates just starting their careers around me. I wasn't really their brother anymore, I was their dad or weird uncle at the very least. No more getting invited to parties, no more fashion for me. Just loafers and nutritional supplements to keep me on life support until 2040 when I enter The Matrix or get reincarnated, whichever comes first.

For me it's more a case of, I was much older at 18 than I am now, so when young people don't want to hear it from their elders, that's a form of conservative or elderly behavior. It's sophomoric.

65+: there are only a few years left, very little matters, it's wonderfully liberating.

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