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>How do I take a train/subway from my apartment to the front door of a McDonald's? People go from building to building. It's not practical to do this without cars or buses outside of maybe 5 cities in the world like HK or NYC.

Mostly by taking the subway to the nearest station of the mcdonalds and walking. I've lived in more than 5 cities without ever owning a car. Walkable cities on the planet are the norm, not the exception, the US is very skewed in that regard because it built most of its cities around the car, but that is only a fraction of the world population.

Much more important for the future is to ask what all the places do that still have the decision to make if they want to expand their usage of cars, like the African continent and much of Asia, or if they want to invest into mass transit and built their cities around alternative modes of transport.

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