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I've never understood the myth of the "object relational impedance mismatch" (ORIM).

Objects are just a collection of attributes. Table rows are just a collection of attributes. There are some things that objects can do that the relational model can't but if you are designing a database schema why would you care about those things? There is no rule that you have to use every feature of a programming language everywhere. So just use the least common denominator of features and you're good to go.

Complaining about ORIM is like complaining about the universal serial impedance mismatch. You can't plug in USB 3 (OOP) in USB 1.1 (relational) but you can plug in USB 1.1 into USB 3.0 and since we know the old model is still good enough for a lot of use cases (think keyboard and mouse) we still use it even though we have a completely different standard installed into our computers.

What this means in practice is that your Domain/Entity classes look exactly like your database schema, not the other way. You still have to write queries but your ORM makes it ten times easier by offering very convenient query builders that let you build dynamic queries without string concatenation.

This misunderstands the relational model -- it doesn't mean "my app's data model". Ie., it's not that there's fields and rows.

It's that the data is represented with sets, and there's an algebra over those that provides (strong) guarantees and principled way of composing operations.

Yes, you use objects as mere key-value pairs and provide a bizarre semantics for the relational algebra over sets of these objects -- but! -- this isn't object orientation.

Eg., in OO objects compose -- in the relational algebra rows dont "compose", eg., even having person.address.street breaks the semantics of 'SELECT'

The interpretation of p.a.s has to be as a subset on a product of relations (ie., tables P and A filtered on a join of p.id to a.id, etc...)

This is one of the key impedance mismatches in OO<->Relations -- composition =/= join. Hence awkward and and ugly workarounds in all ORMs.

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