>you wouldn't need GraphQL, and you could run a normal query.
You're making the assumption that there is something to run a normal query on. As soon as you write even a single line of server side code this assumption is broken. What if the GraphQL query doesn't actually use an SQL database and just reads something from a file or another service? What if the server is responsible for granting row level access under very complicated rules that cannot be implemented with just SQL and would be completely insecure if it was done on the client? What if you actually need to do things like implement business logic?
What you're talking about is downright nonsensical within that context.
These counterpoints are probably valid for most database systems, but with Postgres it's actually far more efficient to use it as the substrate in which everything else is embedded.
* Postgres has a robust, battle tested role based security model with inheritance.
* Postgres has foreign data wrappers that let you encapsulate external resources as tables that behave the same way as local tables for most use cases.
* Postgres has plugins for most of the popular programming languages.
If you really like GraphQL, the Postgres approach can still give you that too, using Hasura or PostGraphile.
That's a distinction without a difference; you can execute SQL against CSV with the right tool, nothing you need to write yourself, likewise with programmatic data sources.
Implementing significant business logic on your data access path has other ramifications, but they're orthogonal to the query syntax chosen. And I say that as someone who thinks GraphQL is a fine idea, especially for reducing churn in API specs when you have separate teams for front and back end dev.
I'm not trying to move the goalposts -- you've mentioned SQL specifically, and not relational databases in general -- but RDBM systems offer these features, and in a way that's compatible with access via SQL. Foreign data wrappers can present external data sources as if they were SQL views, allowing cross-source relations to be constructed and queried. Complex row level access and business can be implemented in stored procedures and triggers, if a simpler method can't be found. People will debate the extent to which these features ought to be used, but they certainly exist.
My point is that it isn't "downright nonsensical" at all.
You're making the assumption that there is something to run a normal query on. As soon as you write even a single line of server side code this assumption is broken. What if the GraphQL query doesn't actually use an SQL database and just reads something from a file or another service? What if the server is responsible for granting row level access under very complicated rules that cannot be implemented with just SQL and would be completely insecure if it was done on the client? What if you actually need to do things like implement business logic?
What you're talking about is downright nonsensical within that context.