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You can close your browser, go home, re-open your browser, and you've lost nothing. You can see that as a permanent "screen" irc.

Also, the fact that it's web based give them the opportunity to build the protocol as they want. For instance, they have the possibility to prettify snippet of codes, play video, show images (as they are already doing), etc.

It is also a bit different as each "channel" are "group" in convore where you can have multiple topics. So basically, for the django community, it's like if you had #django-performance, #django-host, #django-debug, and on and on. So, the second you join a group, you can start new topics.

So, basically, I know it is possible with IRC if you stretch it.. for instance, building your own irc client or hacking with mIRCscripts (Been there done that). Also, you of course can change the IRC protocol and host it yourself.. But then, convore just come with all that for free with a beautiful web-based interface.

Note also that I feel it's more serious as you need to login with your facebook/twitter which means less trolls.

The founder of convore really liked IRC.. so if you want, it is IRC+Twitter 2.0.

You don't need to log in with your Facebook/Twitter account; I was able to sign up just fine with an email address. It's just one of the authentication options they provide. (It also lets them import your contacts from those services, which is handy for people who are big into Facebook or Twitter.)

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