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Well known narcissism-obsessed psychiatry blogger "The Last Psychiatrist" has discussed this a lot, most relevantly in https://thelastpsychiatrist.com/2009/01/can_narcissism_be_cu... and https://thelastpsychiatrist.com/2010/02/the_other_ego_epidem....

Here's (his version of) the tl;dr answer:

> "Help me, please, I think I'm a narcissist. What do I do?"

> There are a hundred correct answers, yet all of them useless, all of them will fail precisely because you want to hear them.

> There's only one that's universally effective, I've said it before and no one liked it. This is step 1: fake it.

> You'll say: but this isn't a treatment, this doesn't make a real change in me, this isn't going to make me less of a narcissist if I'm faking!

> All of those answers are the narcissism talking. All of those answers miss the point: your treatment isn't for you, it's for everyone else.

> If you do not understand this, repeat step 1.

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