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Rust has it's lot of weird hacks too. E.g array can take traits impls only if they have less than 32 elements... https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/array/trait.LengthAtMost32.htm...

That's… not that at all. You can absolutely implement traits for arrays of more than 32 elements[0].

It is rather that due to a lack of genericity (namely const generics) you can't implement traits for [T;N], you have to implement them for each size individually. So there has to be an upper bound somehow[1], and the stdlib developers arbitrarily picked 32 for stdlib traits on arrays.

A not entirely dissimilar limit tends to be placed on tuples, and implementing traits / typeclasses / interfaces on them. Again the stdlib has picked an arbitrary limit, here 12[2], the same issue can be seen in e.g. Haskell (where Show is "only" instanced on tuples up to size 15).

These are not "weird hacks", they're logical consequences of memory and file size not being infinite, so if you can't express something fully generically… you have to stop at one point.

[0] here's 47 https://play.rust-lang.org/?version=stable&mode=debug&editio...

[1] even if you use macros to codegen your impl block

[2] https://doc.rust-lang.org/src/core/fmt/mod.rs.html#2115

Also worth noting that Rust's const generics support has progressed to the point that the stdlib is already using them to implement the standard traits on arrays; the 32-element issue still technically exists, but only because the stdlib is manually restricting the trait implementation so as to not accidentally expose const generics to stable Rust before const generics is officially stabilized.

That's a completely different and much more minor issue (red herring, more or less) than eschewing the one core language feature that makes performant type-safe custom data structures possible.

This is purely temporary; it used to be less hacky, but in order to move to the no-hacks world, we had to make it a bit more hacky to start.

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