Back story about two weeks ago I came up with an idea for an application and it has just snowballed since then.
The app ties telephony in with a smart phone application and does some super cool practical lookups. I have spoken to four people that I have known in my previous companies (not related, but trusted) and from the feedback that I am getting this could be a billion dollar concept.
I have build a Keynote pitch deck, and a demo of the app using keynotopia as well as a functional
design spec for the site, 15 pages of a business plan and proforma expenses, ultra concervative revenue projections and the 3rd party integrations.
I have also built out the entire site as a balsamic screen by screen representation with each part of the process mapped out.
My HUGE issue - of the 4 people that I have spoken to 3 of them have sent written letters of financial commitment to support
the app and the 4th wants to signon as employee number one.
I have "raised" just over $250,000 if I pull the trigger I have the money - but there is a lingering issue.....
My problem is that I am an idea guy, I love technology but I would have no idea of how to actually take it from concept to
beta and from beta to production.
I am stuck, what are my next steps?
Questions in my head:
IP attorney?
Where do I find programming talent?
What order do I do things?
How do I validate the concept?
I need super guidance or even just the next 3 steps.
Thank you,