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Eclipse's ECJ will keep compiling a class even when a specific method is invalid.

And even inside a method it'll try to massage the AST into a somewhat valid state while you're typing so it can keep analyzing the code and show errors/make suggestions. A missing bracket on line 15 won't prevent it from soldiering on to spot a misspelled method call in line 40 even though the nesting is totally messed up and if taken at face value line 40 would be syntactically invalid since it's outside the class body.

And it doesn't just march on to identify errors elsewhere, it can often continue all the way to runnable bytecode. The invalid parts will just be replaced by exceptions that parrot the compiler error. Meanwhile other code paths can already be exercised which can be very handy at times.

On the flipside, I have managed to actually run non-compiling Java classes because of that a couple of times, only to stare at the debugger with wide eyes when I realized what was going on.

I could even understand not trying to handle the brackets scenario. In RLS, a type error on a local variable can hide a borrow-checker problem in a completely different file.

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