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> it makes me emotional, which harms my ability to make my case.

I don't know how true / substantial this effect is, obviously. Nonetheless, seems like good self awareness shown in this comment. That's more than a lot of people can say

Thanks, but undeserved. Self-awareness may be good eventually, but sometimes it just makes you feel like a helpless observer to your own actions. I think you need more than just awareness - you need to practice feeling the feelings and not acting on them in the usual way. That's the part that will yield results, I hope.

Alternatively, I'd like to work for an organization that's on the same page here. Effectiveness in software (or anything that depends on iterating on a design) relies more on a fast loop than anything; I'm tired of fighting this battle.

Awareness may not be sufficient, but it's most definitely necessary. You at least recognized a problem, and want to find a solution, even if you haven't found one yet or even tried.

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