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For a mature, non-Google open source _and_ open hardware option: https://solokeys.com/

Software: https://github.com/solokeys/solo

Hardware: https://github.com/solokeys/solo-hw

Not sure if STM32L432 is more "open source" than nRF52840 (does latter require blobs for radios?), but I think OpenSK can be ported to STM32 too. It's probably easier to port TockOS-based OpenSK to different MCUs than STM32_hal-based Solo to something other than STM32.

> nRF52840 (does latter require blobs for radios?)

Yes it does ([1]).

But honest question are there any chipsets out there which doesn't? Maybe some open source projects? The radio protocols are incredibly complex so I would be (pleasantly) surprised if there was.

[1] https://www.nordicsemi.com/Software-and-tools/Software/S140

Nordic provides binary blobs for BLE, but also provides full register level documentation for the radio peripheral, so there's nothing in the way of an open source radio solution with the NRF52 family parts.

Here's one: https://foundries.io/insights/2018/01/08/20180110-ble-dongle... and I believe there are others out there in various stages of completion.

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