When learning a new pieces of software I start by compiling my own cheat-sheet at the top of a new document and then things I want to do with it later in the doc and then finally a "DONE/TROPHY" Section at the bottom where I move something from the to-do list down to it.
Also, of course lots of how-to and intro youtube videos for it. And then, when intro videos are boring and no longer new I pick a project I want to do in that software.
Creating a quiz of the material covered and then taking that quiz a few days later. The act of memory recall reinforces learning... one of the many "tricks" picked up from the book "Make It Stick" -- https://www.amazon.com/Make-Stick-Science-Successful-Learnin...
Also, of course lots of how-to and intro youtube videos for it. And then, when intro videos are boring and no longer new I pick a project I want to do in that software.