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I'm not a compiler engineer, but I'm willing to venture that the lower bounds of a "competitive salary" for an engineer in silicon valley is somewhere between 200 & 250k. Compiler engineers may make much more, I don't know, but it's unlikely they make less than that. Perhaps that answers your question?

> an engineer in silicon valley

Good point. The biggest factor that determines an engineer's salary is location, followed by years of experience. Not whether they work on compilers/embedded/web/whatever.

Not whether they work on compilers/embedded/web/whatever.

Not true! See: salaries for people who know kdb+, that embedded engineers almost always get screwed on comp.

> salaries for people who know kdb+

If you are suggestingn that kdb+ salaries are extremely high, like I often read here, I disagree. I did some research in this area, and despite the rumors, found lots of kbd+ jobs posted with very mediocre salaries. It seems unlikely that such jobs would been filled if salaries are as high as people have suggested on HN.

For example, here's a senior kbd+ deb job in Manhattan (high cost of living) that pays 165-185,000/year. I make almost that much as a senior dev in a low cost of living area. I'd expect to make at least $250,000/year in NYC or California.

I know multiple people who have jobs using kdb+, and I use an array language myself for work.

Every type of job site will have postings that are way below market rate. The market rate for kdb+ devs is well above that, I can assure you.

So would you please give me an idea of what market rate is for a senior dev working with kbd+ in NYC? Roughly? If it's well above 180,000, what is it? Thank you.

And I don't mean quants. I mean software developers.

And yes, it's true that every job category will have outliers (high and low), but after spending some time several years ago looking at jobs and speaking with recruiters, I'm skeptical. I've enjoyed learning about array languages, and had heard the rumors of high kbd+ salaries, which is why I was curious.

And I get that kbd+ is just a technology, and much more depends on individual qualifications. So let's say, an experienced, highly-qualified senior dev who has taught themselves kbd+, just for arguments sake.

Yes, on that order of magnitude, as a starting salary after grad studies.

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