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There were toolchains that did compile P-System into native code though.



Adding a GC to bytecode systems, is what Xerox PARC did with their Interlisp-D, Smalltalk and Mesa/Cedar workstations.

The CPUs were microcoded and as part of the boot process they would load the respective hardware interpreter for the environment being booted into the workstation.

A similar idea was explored in one of Oberon's implementations, where instead of using straight native code like on the Ceres workstation, the modules would have a compact representation, JITed into native code on module load.

See section 7, Machine-Independent Mobile Code on http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

I remember Corvus quite well. (I've been doing this job for a _loooong_ time.)

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