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> I am part of a well-funded university, so I have access to all the papers without using Sci-Hub.

I don't know how well funded your university is—some are so much so as to make the caveat I'm about to mention a bit silly—but, for many reasonably funded universities, a statement like yours has to be qualified with "I have access for now …". Publishers can, and do, up their prices unreasonably at any time, and, at my university, I always have to assume that the access I've got today might disappear with a greedy price grab by the publisher tomorrow.

Absolutely true! I just wanted to add this caveat because I am fully aware that Sci-Hub solves a _different_ problem for me than it solves for other people. The idea of being at the mercy of a publisher is quite problematic, though. One can but hope that the lawyers of our unis are negotiating with a severability clause to ensure that the access to _existing_ articles will not be impeded by future negotiations.

(I can sort of see the idea of making a price grab and then not having access to future articles, but having _no_ access even to past articles is a horror scenario)

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