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Ask HN: How many of you are rolling your own auth?
88 points by xhrpost on Jan 9, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 87 comments
There's several auth-as-a-service providers on the market right now (Auth0,Firebase,etc). (By auth I mean, all the systems that facilitate password hashing and user authentication, along with SSO integrations.) Their common marketing argument, don't reinvent the wheel, and if you try, you'll probably get it wrong. This is pretty compelling as getting auth "perfect" seems to require some decent research and understanding. However, when viewing the customer pages of some of these providers, I don't see a ton of companies that I'm familiar with. Out of all the sites and tech tools I use, are they rolling their own auth, all of them? Once a site gets big, does it just get too hard to scale or adapt to the third-party provider?

Tried Firebase for an app I'm building. Just took it back out after a few months. Why?

1. Not all users are comfortable with trusting a third party in order to use my app. Some people actively mistrust and avoid megacorps like Google and FB. They should only have to trust you, not a chain of companies.

2. Writing code to integrate numerous external API calls is a comparable effort to just doing it all custom.

3. The UX of jumping to a third party dialog to log in and then back in to the original app is jarring. "What just happened?"

4. It introduces more potential points of failure with less control over being able to deal with such issues. If the third party services or APIs fail, or a user can't access those domains for some reason, tough luck.

5. Someone else owning your app's user records is troublesome. You still need to have your own user records for things like session state, roles and authorization. You have to keep your user records synchronized with theirs.

6. Users sometimes do not want to link their accounts on other services to your app - they prefer separate identities. When your Google account's avatar appears in an app that has nothing to do with Google it can be annoying, or even perceived as a privacy violation.

7. User authentication involves a standardized, conventional set of practices and code that are well known and not hard to implement.

8. If the third party service you put at the core of your architecture decided to shut you down or compete with you, or they shut down themselves, you'd be in big trouble.

9. Sooner or later you will pay for this service. The more successful your app is, the more you will pay. If you do it yourself, there's no cost beyond your regular hosting costs.

10. KISS - Keep It Simple, Silly. Don't add unnecessary dependencies and complexity.

Oh god yes, everything here 100%. This is why I don’t have a PushBullet account - because they don’t offer the option of non-3rd party auth. I have no problem snubbing any other service out there for the exact same reason, no matter how compelling the service itself might be.

> standardized, conventional set of practices and code that are well known and not hard to implement.

Every time I ask somebody about this, they recommend slightly different practices or else insist that you can’t use a checklist approach. I partially rolled my own auth as an experiment to see what they meant and it seemed not too difficult, but I worry I missed things and hesitate to use it for production.

(Still used libraries though like bcrypt and a session encryption library)

Great explanation!

Is the question just "How many of you are rolling your own auth?" Because, if that's simply the extent of the question....

Well, I use npm's bcrypt + postgres DB of users (on an expressjs server, where I use knexjs for easy DB connection & use of JS logic in DB work).

1. Simply salt their PW when they create their account (which is simply a record in the DB) and store the salted version in the DB.

2. When they log in, salt the pw they entered during login and compare it with the salted one in the DB.

It's not tough.

Is it insanely secure? Nah, I am sure I am missing pieces involved in server and app security. But insanely stringent security doesn't matter for my purposes and use cases.

Password salting... About 4 lines of code: https://www.npmjs.com/package/bcrypt

Storing salted password in DB... another few more lines of code depending on what you use.

I'd say you can do this in under 10 lines of code.

However, that is of course excluding the underlying system and other logic which hosts this process of salting, storing, and then on login, comparing.

...However, if the question is really more like "How many of you are rolling your own auth which works in a high traffic, highly exposed situation, where expert levels of security are necessary?" then you'll likely encounter a different pattern of answers.

What about things like, password reset and email verification?

Not op, but I've written several apps with a similar setup to what was described. Both email verification and password resets are pretty simple to implement yourself.

For password reset, you just create a record with a unique token and send an email that links back to the app with the unique token in the url.

Email verification is basically the same: send an email with a link that identifies the user and hit the server with the unique token when that page loads.

The hardest thing is probably making sure you're appropriately using an appropriate api for generating unpredictable tokens. Generating random tokens is a trade off between speed and unpredictability and some easy-to-find random number apis make the wrong trade off.

Most any language's built in psuedorandom number generator is going to be sufficiently random that you will have no trouble.

I mean, you could take something as facile as the sha1 of the current microtime, and a random concatenation of the user's data from the user table and that would already require so much access that figuring out the token wouldn't even be your biggest problem.

> Most any language's built in psuedorandom number generator is going to be sufficiently random that you will have no trouble.

I once collected a $3k bug bounty over this. Python's use of Mersenne Twister in the lib/random module should not be used for token generation. Mersenne twister uses a relatively small state space and is fully deterministic (it never re-seeds or mixes in new entropy). If you get a couple sequential random values you can reconstruct that state space and predict all future values. I.E. request a password reset 10x in a row and examine the tokens in the emails.

Please only use secure random number generators when creating security related tokens.

Example blog post: https://know.bishopfox.com/blog/2014/08/untwisting-mersenne-...

Is /udev/random considered secure?

Edit: never mind, your article named it as a good choice

Many mainstream languages have separate cryptographically secure rngs. The standard built-in rngs have tons of flaws for crypto work. A plausible attack vector here is something akin to a chosen plaintext attack -- request a stream of password resets to accounts the attacker controls to find the current state of the prng. Usually a couple readings suffice for the language builtins to uncover the rest of the random stream. With that newfound knowledge, it's game over, and the attacker controls the password reset links for _anyone_ requesting a reset -- polling the future reset links to account for other uses of the language's rng and to keep the attacker's internal rng stream in sync with your service.

Other flaws exist like abysmally poor key spaces. If your prng has a period of 64k and the reset links are generated deterministically from the prng, you're going to have a bad time.

The sha1 of microsecond+userdata is interesting. It has the potential to work well, but it's easy to get wrong. Latency measurements, the framework you're using, and other pieces of information can reduce microsecond timings to a few bits of entropy (e.g. there are modern systems that can only measure time aligned to 15millisecond boundaries). Once you take out the PII (most of which the attacker has access to already, so it isn't buying additional entropy), in systems I've seen there isn't that much real entropy in user state (sometimes under 12 bits even with tens of millions of users), and users who haven't interacted with your system much will have much less. If your system is closed source you might buy some security through obscurity, but that never lasts, and the underlying crypto is _probably_ flimsy at best.

It wouldn't take that much effort to go through my claims and find special cases where the strategies would work well, find workarounds for the attacks mentioned, and whatnot. That isn't really the point though. What matters is that getting this right is hard, and even a system which looks good enough might have subtle flaws that render its security all but useless. Maybe if we went back and forth enough we'd find all the problems, but there are already battle-tested solutions that are almost certainly better than anything we're going to come up with here, and in any application where security matters, ignoring those drop-in solutions is probably the wrong choice.

That said, it might very well be the case that having a certain percentage of user accounts compromised is an acceptable trade-off (or even desirable? could you then charge people to monitor their accounts for suspicious activity à la Equifax?). I think that's a choice that should be made consciously though, not as an afterthought arising from a broken security model.

I agree with everything you said. Use what the professionals have created. My point is just that some of these facile methods like my example are worse implementations and should be upgraded. But they aren't completely useless and just as bad as a 4 character password stored in plaintext on the server.

Which is how some people seem to approach security advice... "either it's up to my ideal standard, or it's a completely idiotic implementation that will surely be hacked in a fortnight."

You seem to have some balance and I applaud that. Security is a balancing act between the level of security, development and maintenance difficulty, and user experience and you have to negotiate an acceptable level that at least exceeds the bare minimum of security required.

Laravel has verification and reset baked into their default auth, need oauth or jwt for a mobile app? Laravel passport has you covered. Fb/Google? Socialite.

Need high performance swoole can practically compete with go, but you could still put now server intensive services in go or rust.

I'm a full time Laravel dev and love Laravel, but it's default auth is one of my least favorite parts. I personally feel like it's abstracted to an extreme, and to the point where you have to take it or leave it wholesale.

On most apps I find myself writing my own register / login / password reset logic, and just using Auth::login($user); to get the user logged in and give them a session.

From that point onwards though, Laravel does a fantastic job and Passport is a god send.

My understanding is that most people roll their own (for the minority case of users not logging in via Google or Facebook identity).

This is why, for example, most sites will confirm/deny the existence of an account for a given email (provided by an attacker) during password reset flow. There simply aren’t great prepackaged solutions for the part beyond “hash it and put it in the db”.

This is also why sites that do 2FA frequently fall prey to the “steal the SIM and you can reset the password with no other factor” attack so commonly.

Password reset involves a separate table to record user’s requests to reset, which also acts as an audit log of attempts (successful or not).

As for eMail verification, you create and store a verification ID when the account gets made (I use a Guid), and it is this that the system dumps into the verification link that gets sent to the end user. Every time the username gets changed, that Guid also gets changed (along with the verified flag getting cleared) so another verification link can get sent out that is unique. Reusing a link is always bad, because you want to ensure the user goes after the most recent link.

Careful that your guid generation isn’t predictable.

I read that bcrypt somehow provides salt by default? None of the articles were clear what they meant


Right. Now please explain why you say that.

Is there a name for the phenomenon of people who name drop the Dunning-Kruger effect in an effort to appear more intelligent themselves?

Also falls under Dunning-Kruger effect, I'd say.

TIL that Dunning and Kruger were

inspired by McArthur Wheeler, a Pittsburgh man who attempted to rob a bank while his face was covered in lemon juice. Wheeler had learned that lemon juice could be used as "invisible ink" (that is, the old childhood experiment of making the juice appear when heated); he therefore got the idea that unheated lemon juice would render his facial features unrecognizable or "invisible."


I was told it's best practice these days to hash several times: If you hash the $salt.$pw string several hundred times (e.g. 512 or 65536) that only takes a few ms on you server (each time), but for a cracker the constant factor is rather painful, even if only probing simple passwords.

//edit: not sure bcrypt does NOT do this by default.

You were told by who?

That's bad advice. BCrypt and pbkdf2 have a work-factor that accomplishes the same thing built in. The work-factor is added to the start of the resultant hash allowing different work-factors to be intermingled. This allows you to scale your work factor up over time as hardware power increases (or to mitigate weaknesses found in the underlying algorithm).

So, no, don't hack your own version of the work-factor instead of using bcrypt's solution. Your hack-version won't be standard compliant (between different BCrypt libs) or self-documenting. It also isn't increasing security, but is adding more potential sources of bugs.

bcrypt also does salting by default for you as well. It's really not difficult, just use a decent library.

What does it mean to do salting by default?

The guy who is called after it's too late (he's a friend, I didn't call ;-)).

So it's bad advice to use a work factor and instead you recommend using a work factor? Uh yeah, still thanks for pointing out how that's called I guess? To clarify: I didn't say one should roll his own hashing, I just described the process; I simply don't assume the average HN reader to be an idiot and already use bcrypt or similar.

Edit: forgot to mention, parent comment also roughly described what his bcrypt is doing.

In addition, it's a good idea to run a test on your hardware with bcrypt and increase the work factor until it takes just enough time to still be comfortably fast. You don't want it to take 10 seconds to solve. But you also don't want 10ms.

I try to use libraries because I do not like my software depending on a third party service, especially on such a central thing as authentication. Beware of the vendor lock-in: if you choose to externalize this function, keep in mind you might eventually want to switch vendors or implement this functionality on your side. At least choose a vendor that lets export (ALL) your users data.

That said, those services (the good ones) tend to offer much more than a simple user database, for example:

* Login with Google/Facebook/Twitter/Github/...

* Login with IAM services like OpenID Connect / SAML (mostly for big companies)

* Two factor authentication, maybe with several token types (TOTP, SMS messages, recovery codes,...)

* Password recovery flow

* Rate limit the pace of password attempts, in order to prevent brute forcing

* Monitor incoming network traffic and block unusual behaviors

* Maybe implement a CAPTCHA or similar challenge for users with unusual behavior

* Make sure the storage of all secrets is actually properly protected (password hash, password recovery auth tokens, issued OAuth tokens, etc.)

* Audit logs

If you implement auth(z) by yourself, most likely if you're going to have to sacrifice on some of these points, otherwise you would spend all your time here and never work on your project!

I would NOT recommend using a 3rd party auth platform unless its opensource or able to self run (fusionauth). I nearly never regret buy over build but I picked auth0 at a startup and in around 1 year it went from free to over 4k a month, said platform was replaced within a week with passportjs.

On the other side.

I’m a lot more likely to use an app where I can use my existing log in

But more practically, I work for a B2B company where we integrate with their IDP (Okta, Active Directory, etc.) a third party service/app makes that a lot more feasible.

I don’t like how passportjs doesn’t clearly document what it does. After rolling my own as an experiment, I have a mental checklist of things I’d like to evaluate it for, but don’t want to go exploring the code base to get the answers

I don't write it from scratch obviously but I roll my own using well known libraries or frameworks. Sorry but Auth-As-a-Service products are too expensive for smaller companies and putting the auth in someone's hand gives me the creeps. I don't mind an open source self installable model though if something like that existed.

This isn't either a known library or framework or an Auth-as-a -Service. But I've enjoyed it in the past (if you like TypeScript/Node) and don't want to use passportjs for everything: https://github.com/accounts-js/accounts

On the open-source authN/authZ front, I am aware of a few different projects. Would love feedback from anyone who has used or evaluated these (or others).

Edit: These tools can be self-hosted and integrated to provide out-of-the-box auth functionality to your application.

* The ORY ecosystem of tools [1]

* Gluu [2]

* Keycloak [3]

[1]: https://www.ory.sh/docs/next/ecosystem/overview

[2]: https://www.gluu.org

[3]: https://www.keycloak.org

I liked ory using it brevely from inside reactioncommerce, but I don't have any production experience with it, also like AccountsJS which is in TS and uses graphql-modules Docs https://accounts-js.netlify.com/ Repo https://github.com/accounts-js/accounts

keycloak is great

> Once a site gets big, does it just get too hard to scale or adapt to the third-party provider?

Or too expensive compared to doing it yourself.

There's also a difference between rolling your own crypto and rolling your own auth. Leave the actual hash to experts and use NaCL's argon2 implementation. The salt+hash are just more user metadata that aren't super sensitive given modern password hashing algorithms.

Yeah, the cost gets super important.

Once upon a time, our company considered using Auth0.

Then we noticed that you have to pay nearly 25 cents per active user per month. I can possibly see the value for B2B, but if you're B2C good luck dealing with an extra 25 cents cut from your margins for every single user you have, paying or not.

I found bcrypt was easier to set up than argon2. Apparently argon2 can be misconfigured if you are not familiar enough with it

If a site is big and can’t afford a third party provider, doesn’t that say more about the business model of a site?

Tangential, but are magic links safe for all purposes? Slack mails you a link that logs you in. It seems as safe as services that use password reset or oauth.

One Time Password (OTP) via email is at least as secure as any service that provides password reset as degenerate cases of those services resembles OTP via email anyway. (There are a lot of users out there using such a degenerate case already today. It's amazing how many users have fallen into a "reset password only" workflow to login to things.)

Magic links that embed the OTP inside of a clickable URL have a couple added threat scenarios, mostly revolving around the tenuous connection between app launching URL custom schema and OS/App Store/User Permissions. In some, but not all cases, OS/App Stores make it hard or unlikely for a third party to intercept those URLs, but not always impossible. There's no real central registry for the custom schema between App Stores, for one example.

The successor to custom schemas "Universal Links" (pushed by PWA standards among other things) have an interesting mitigation in requiring the links to be HTTPS, with TLS-verifiable metadata that promises that link is to a domain that the App author clearly controls before passing things on to the App. It's not a perfect mitigation, but a useful one as part of a larger defense in depth, depending on your application/site's threat model.

You get a degree of cryptographic security by using a sufficiently large and random token - ie, attackers computers cannot spam guesses fast enough to get a hit in any reasonable amount of time. I can’t remember what the exact requirements are though.

That is my intuition as well. It also seems better than password. Fire base offers it as an option.

Integrating with auth0 required so much code that I don't quite understand the point or what value they're adding. Maybe they are! It's just not obvious. What is obvious is they didn't make it easy.

It's basically the same amount of code that you would add for any one other OAuth/OpenID Connect provider. The value they add, at the most superficial level is that you only have to do that once, as opposed to N times for Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft, etc. Admittedly, when you are doing it N times there is a lot more code you can share so its more O(log N) additional code.

Also, at this point I think haveibeenpwned makes it very clear that having a password database in 2020 is a huge liability, and any options that move passwords out of your own databases and into someone else's problem seems like the smart idea.

(I'm not affiliated with Auth0, but I have used them for projects where Azure AD didn't make sense, as I do fear owning passwords in my database in 2020.)

I've been experimenting with rolling my own simple auth systems with some of my services. patchbay pro[0] uses emauth.io for authentication behind the scenes, then returns simple session tokens. I recently modified emauth.io (based on HN feedback) to return signed JWTs, so I'll probably change patchbay to use those in the future.

My instincts and experience tell me that oauth is more complicated than it needs to be, but I'm still too inexperienced to say for sure. I'm in the early stages of a deep dive of web auth. The frustrating part of learning oauth is most of the articles/videos explain the steps of the flows, but they don't explain why each step exists. ie what are all the security holes that would exist if we skipped this step?

Anyone know any good oauth books/resources that build rationale from first principles?

[0] https://patchbay.pub/pro.html

I went on a similar journey but for OpenID Connect. While the spec is fantastic https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#Overvi..., I found the same thing to be true - very little explanation of why. For example, it's very clear how each flow works and therefore how to implement, but not clear why there are so many of them. While researching and building my own implementation I eventually ran into IdentityServer3 https://identityserver.github.io/Documentation/ which had a nice intro video explaining things clearly. I also quit building my own at that point, since their offering is very well done and using the same stack as the rest of our software. I wouldn't say the docs are a good resource, but they helped a bit. There's also a version 4 now, though the documentation looks about the same.

Also not a good resource, but acceptable: Pluralsight. There is one straight up OAuth course to go over all the basics and then quite a few language/framework specific ones, e.g. how to implement OAuth in Node/ASP.NET/etc. The OAuth course was dry but had some decent information - but I did quit halfway through it because of IdentityServer, so take that with a grain of salt.

And yes, it sure does feel more complicated than it has any right to be. There's a good read here https://hueniverse.com/oauth-2-0-and-the-road-to-hell-8eec45... by the once-lead-author.

I really do recommend checking out IdentityServer4 though, unless you're implementing this specifically to learn / have fun / etc. And if you don't care for the Microsoft ecosystem, I've heard nice things about Hydra https://github.com/ory/hydra which is a similar Go offering.

Awesome, thanks for this. I think I've read the Road to Hell article 3/4 times at this point. It makes a little more sense each time as I learn more.

I totally agree there are so many resources about implementation, and honestly it's pretty straight forward. My guess is that because of this people don't think to question it and simply assume it's all necessary. And maybe it is, but in my experience necessity is often tied to specific assumptions that may not be true for a specific use case.

With oauth in particular I suspect a lot of the details are tied to the assumption that you have to do a full redirect in order to authenticate. But my emauth.io service uses email over a back-channel to authenticate, so the user can stay on the app page while they verify their identity. So at the very least you don't have to worry about redirect hijacking.

While using third party services for Auth can save time at the beginning, outsourcing such a fundamental part of the system to someone else's business seems to me a risky option.

If authorization or security is a primary selling attribute of your service, and you have the professional capacity to do so, then by all means roll your own. If it is a means to an end, abstract the problem away to a service that will spend more time caring about the safety of your users.

I've a similar question about auth[orization]!

On an internal work project, we outsource our authentication to Auth0, but stuff like user permissions handling and locking down our APIs has been something we keep pushing back on. We have this worry that, because it's security related, we'll "get it wrong" somehow if we do the authorization stuff ourselves. I've found it nigh on possible to find a nice third-party generic user-permissions web service though. Do such things exist? Libraries that don't have super tight integration with frameworks like Django and Flask? Stuff oriented towards a microservices architecture?

> I've found it nigh on possible to find a nice third-party generic user-permissions web service though. Do such things exist?

I've been thinking about building something along these lines. It would be path based, with 4 roles: Reader, Writer, Manager, Owner. So readers for example could GET, writers could POST/PATCH/DELETE/etc, managers could modify readers/writers, and owners can modify managers.

So for example you could call auth-server.com/add-reader/path/of/interest with a manager token.

Verification of credentials could be done with JWTs that contain a list of paths the user has access to. So any particular app could be completely decoupled from the auth server.

Is this at all the type of thing you're talking about?

I wouldn't be a fan of adding that kind of permissions to JWTs. Permission authorization should be stored in the server. JWTs should be for authentication.

Plus for some things you want to invalidate based on how recently they have interacted (IE bank logs you out if you haven't clicked/typed anything for 5 minutes) and you can't represent that without server state.

> I wouldn't be a fan of adding that kind of permissions to JWTs. Permission authorization should be stored in the server. JWTs should be for authentication.

I don't necessarily disagree, but I'm going to push back a bit for the sake of discussion. I think it's worth questioning why JWTs should only be for authentication. Size is the only compelling argument I'm aware of, and I think there's a lot of cases where it wouldn't be a problem in practice. Would have to be measured.

What would you think of providing 2 interfaces to the auth server. You could return an authorized token like I mentioned, or you could return a token which is only authenticated. Then the app server ("client" in oauth parlance) would make a request directly to the auth server to get the actual authorization token.

So app developers could choose whether to accept authorized tokens, or only authenticated tokens if they want more control over security/token size.

> Plus for some things you want to invalidate based on how recently they have interacted (IE bank logs you out if you haven't clicked/typed anything for 5 minutes) and you can't represent that without server state.

I don't see a problem here. I'm fine with the app server having state. In this case it would simply mark that token as invalid.

But what's the benefit of authorized tokens over authorization being server side?

I think it's best practice not to trust client data. It seems like a potential fail point that might even allow privilege escalation depending on developer configuration (and we are talking about rolling your own auth, so that's a possible concern). You have to store it on the server anyway (so the system can change it asynchronously without the client being online or display a user's permissions to an admin, etc), why duplicate it when you can check it on the server?

It also seems like a source of increased bandwidth costs, which is maybe what you meant by size. Even if it doesn't cost you, increasing the bandwidth a client needs for an app isn't user friendly, especially for mobile.

The benefit is decoupling the app server from the auth server. If all of the authorization privileges are tracked by the auth server, it becomes the single source of truth. It also makes it easier to switch your app to a different auth server provider (or even accept auth from a list of different ones). If you have a whitelist of auth providers for your app, your users could all pick a different one, and you'd only have to implement a single auth protocol. You could even imagine allowing users to host their own auth server, and providing a way for them to register it with your app.

I am using Devise for everything :-)

Devise on Ruby or Passport on Node is all I've ever needed.

No way. Even for email/password I use a library (sorcery) which takes care of encryption, protects from timed attacks and is easily expandable to oauth services.

> don't reinvent the wheel, and if you try, you'll probably get it wrong

This should apply x100 for security related matters. I feel people only seem to bring this up with regards to hash functions and encryption but I think this should always encompass auth as well.

I use Firebase for auth. It saves development time, there's no user limit on the free tier even and it's battle tested.

I think this is a common misconception that there are no limits for Firebase for auth.

There are limits https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/limits on free tier and on paid tiers too.

Which limits do you think are a problem? A lot of them seem to be about avoiding abuse e.g. New account creation, 100 accounts/IP address/hour

For example, if you want to do email verification the limit is 1000 emails/day. Though for paid tiers the limits seem reasonably high.

The Blaze plan is one of the paid tiers that has the higher limit. It's pay as you go so it's free if you have low usage.

Does it have to be a physically seperate service, or is using a library good enough to count as not reinventing?

Okta has a free tier for 1000 active users/month (not 1000 logins but 1000 separate users logging in as many times as you'd like). After 1000 it's cheap as heck. https://developer.okta.com/pricing

Who knows how long they will support that, I've seen ploys like these before where in a couple years they'll reduce that free tier to nothing and jack up the price of the entry level.

This seems like super unnecessary FUD. I don't use them, but considered it for my current Blazor project since they have some nice open source libs for other third party authentication. Anyone anywhere can raise prices. Why be so negative about them. Is there any actual reason to?

Edit: Equivalently any SAAS sucks since they may in the future raise their prices is your argument.

>Edit: Equivalently any SAAS sucks since they may in the future raise their prices is your argument.

This is a very real argument though? Reliance of a core part of your saas on another company, who is liable to change prices at any time, is a real business risk. The Google Maps API pricing change is a big example.

FusionAuth is great for those who want a solid self-hosted auth solution. It's open source & has many of the same features as much more expensive Auth-as-a-service providers. -> https://fusionauth.io/

Second time I have seen FusionAuth mentioned, so I figured I'd take a look.

Can you provide a link to the source? I can't seem to find it on their GitHub. They only appear to provide install scripts that grab the compiled java application off Google Storage.

Also, you can self-host, but you must agree to a somewhat restrictive license[1] upon install. As I read it, you can only self-host on equipment you own or operate (I don't own or operate EC2), can't deploy for anyone else (no use in consulting), are agreeing to random audits with 30-day notice, and can only use for "Licensee's internal business purposes" (so only auth for internal applications, not public-facing?). Even if these things aren't true, I don't feel comfortable that I understand what I can actually use this for with their current license.

[1]: https://fusionauth.io/license

Oh interesting. I guess I’m mistaken about the “it’s open source” bit. Should caveat and say I mainly use it for personal stuff.

It's literally built in to most databases. If that's rolling my own, I also roll my own for loops.

Manning is going to publish a book on this subject soon: https://www.manning.com/books/self-sovereign-identity

I throw everything at devise. Open source, still being maintained actively, you run it on your own servers, and have had very minimal issues if any. Have had a hard time finding a better solution. Need payments? Slap on stripe.

Every time I've had a client ask to use one of these services it has ended up being more work and worse UX, with more bugs on the edge cases, than just doing it yourself.

I've implemented Gigya, Janrain, Auth0, Firebase and Amazon Cognito.

The only time I've seen them make sense is internal tools. The company I work at has a policy where any enterprise tool must auth with Okta which means logging into everything is a piece of cake for employees.

Our main apps are internally facing and need to remain usable during an internet outage. That makes most of these products unusable.

Some of these products also seem designed and priced around more complex use cases, such as SSO across a bunch of unrelated apps with different supported protocols. Not everyone has that sort of problem.

I use flask-user. It does login, logout, roles, password reset, email or username login and many more features.

You can use a library instead of a third-party service, which I assume is what most people do.

I am. I don’t see how Django is getting it wrong, so I continue to use the auth provided there.

Using Okta and Auth0 mostly



I don't know the disconnect between HN and the real world. Auth0,Okta, AWS Cognito, ... are all making good money, so clearly real costumers are paying them real money.

I'd recommend using something like Fireabase as the front end, that issues JWTs etc., but the actual user database to still yours. Firebase calls this custom-auth. That way, you benefit from their client libraries in multiple languages (Js, Swift, Kotlin, ...), and also from the reliability and security of their server side, but since the actual DB is yours, you have the option of moving to another provider, like Cognito, if need be

Every serious software engineer that plans on developing public APIs at some point in their career needs to have an understanding of and some basic practice with implementing auth.

"Don't reinvent the wheel" is easily bypassed by just reading auth code from prominent open-source projects to see real-world auth that is secure and works. You don't need a service and using a service doesn't negate an engineer from being competent to implement their own if necessary.

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