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Google Play already does binary translations from ARM into x86.

Also the whole point of ISO C, ISO C++, OpenGL, Vulkan, OpenSL is to be OS independent.

Game studios are not a charity, they develop games for profitable markets, not for large userbases that don't pay for games.

> Google Play already does binary translations from ARM into x86.

It is not libhoudini [1]? AFAIK, libhoudini is not something that Google Play embeds on binary for distribution, it is a library that ships on Android x86 devices (and another AFAIK, it is proprietary from Intel so they only ships on Intel devices).

So while Google could have a similar approach if they want to ship another kernel for Android, the work is not as trivial as you seem to think.

> Also the whole point of ISO C, ISO C++, OpenGL, Vulkan, OpenSL is to be OS independent.

Yeah, it doesn't mean you don't need to recompile your software. You can't take an game written for Windows in OpenGL and run in Linux without recompile. This is my point.

> Game studios are not a charity, they develop games for profitable markets, not for large userbases that don't pay for games.

Well, Android seems to be pretty profitable? It is not the most profitable platform sure, however it sure makes enough money because almost everyone ends up creating games for both iOS and Android.

You seem to imply that making games to Android is not profitable, however it sure seems to be. Or Epic Games, EA, ActionVision, and many other big names in game studio are a charity.

[1]: https://commonsware.com/blog/2013/11/21/libhoudini-what-it-m...

Having to recompile doesn't make the applications kernel dependent, now to consider porting such applications from macOS to Linux to Windows, kernel dependent?!?

And the point wasn't that it isn't profitable as such, rather it isn't the money maker that some here are making waves for, rather a wannabe versus the revenue made across desktop, consoles and iOS.

Hence why Google has introduced the Android Game SDK last December (which is quite basic as of now) and Google IO 2019 was the first time Android ever had a games track, versus WWDC iOS/macOS that have had them since ever.

> Having to recompile doesn't make the applications kernel dependent, now to consider porting such applications from macOS to Linux to Windows, kernel dependent?!?

So you concur with me that if Google changed the Android kernel it would be a big change? Just imagine, you would have to recompile all applications using NDK to work with this new Android. It is not something trivial, sure they can make it work, however it would probably need quite some time with Google making obligatory to having developers to ship both Linux and new Kernel binaries.

And even them, you can't make sure that everything will work. A small change in behavior of a specific syscall may break a random application somewhere that depends on it, because even if this syscall is not directly used, Android NDK uses this syscall to implements its API. Now multiply this for the number of NDK applications that Android have and you will have a huge amount of breakage.

So yeah, Google can make it work, however it is not as trivial as you think.

> And the point wasn't that it isn't profitable as such, rather it isn't the money maker that some here are making waves for, rather a wannabe versus the revenue made across desktop, consoles and iOS.

Sure, we can concur at this point. However the market for Android gaming is still more expressive than you seem to think (not wannabe by any means, but lower than iOS sure).

> So you concur with me that if Google changed the Android kernel it would be a big change?

No I don't, anyone writing portable applications already does compilations all the time.

It is no different than the requirements to provide newer builds updated to specific Android target versions, or being 64 bit only that Google keeps forcing devs to move forward.

It is Google and OEM's job to ensure that NDK APIs work across whatever kernels are available.

Any application that depends on syscalls isn't portable across Android devices anyway. Google doesn't support syscalls as part of the NDK stable APIs contract, and some OEMs are well known to change their behavior.

> It is no different than the requirements to provide newer builds updated to specific Android target versions, or being 64 bit only that Google keeps forcing devs to move forward.

That is basically saying that this is a big work for everyone involved (developers, Google, OEMs). This is exactly my point.

> Any application that depends on syscalls isn't portable across Android devices anyway.

The application does not necessary call a syscall directly, the problem is that the NDK calls a syscall as an implementation detail (for example, for lock primitives eventually the NDK must call the Linux lock primitives too, there is no way out).

So if Google needs to change Android kernel, they need to implement the same quirks of the current syscalls, or the slightly change in behavior will break random applications.

My point was never calling syscall directly, however for sure some applications call syscall directly too.

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