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JavaScript is quite a bit faster than Ruby in most cases.

Electron isn’t just JavaScript, else I would have said JavaScript. Electron is front and center in the movement to shorten development time by consuming more PC resources at runtime. I feel that’s the spirit of the prediction.

I think Electron's advantage is to shorten training time, not development time.

I don't agree. I've implemented GUIs with raw Xlib, Tcl/Tk, Qt, GTK, MFC, SDL, XUL, and DHTML. Of all of these, DHTML is the most productive for me, and by a significant margin. The Tcl/Tk topic in Dercuano goes into those experiences in more detail, if you're interested.

Training for what or for who?

Training for developers, presumably, especially web developers who want to build native apps. If retraining was free, Electron would have approximately no market.

Who? Whom do you think I'm talking about?

Well I as an innocent bystander have no idea what you mean either, unfortunately.

I'm also an innocent bystander!

ryacko is perfectly clearly stating that Electron reduces the amount of training that developers need. This is different from making them develop faster. It just makes them more replaceable.

I have no idea how to parse twobat's question. The "or" is especially confusing. I'm not surprised that ryacko is baffled by it.

Training is an abstract term these days. Could've meant training an algorithm, or training a person, depending on context.

Hence the training for "what" or for "who" not being immediately parseable.

Until @ryacko said "Whom do you think I'm talking about?", I wasn't sure either.

Electron gives you a UI and some standard library stuff. That's pretty obviously a totally separate issue from training an algorithm... I think? Am I missing something?

I still think asking "what or who?" with no other elaboration is really confusing. It's such a vague question that you have to guess how to answer, and it's super easy to answer it in a way that doesn't satisfy what the asker actually meant to ask.

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