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>>> ... since they don't even know the message exists, they won't be seeking it out on alternative platforms.

>> .. Yes it's a problem. It's unclear it it limited to digital platforms.

> It's not a problem though...

You didn't seem to address the OP's issue ("they don't even know the message exists, they won't be seeking it out on alternative platforms") here at all?

Because you not knowing about a message is not a problem the government should solve.

Is your mind able to distinguish between a problem in general, and a problem that the government should solve?

This is kind of a two part problem: an ability to realize the difference (an ability that seems largely constrained by evolution), and an ability to admit it publically.

I enjoy posing "philosophical" questions like this and observing if interest in the topic vanishes.

Oh, right.

It's a problem because of filter bubbles. That doesn't mean government intervention is appropriate though.

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