I'm not at all impressed with how they handled this. It looks like the (very broken) registration process was handled by a third party. I couldn't get in to the site, and when I did it was sold out. Vic Gundotra's twitter feed claims it sold out in 58 minutes.
You'd think they'd increase the capacity given the interest.
This was handled ridiculously bad. I am a member of press, last year's sandbox presenter, and an early reg invitee.
I emailed googleiopress@ on the first day but didn't get a reply until 5 days later, after emailing them again. They said no to press passes and by then, early reg was already sold out.
I would have gladly registered for full price, but now I was forced to wait for public reg. This morning, after posting about the reg within minutes (on AndroidPolice), I had errors for an hour and ended up without a ticket.
Needless to say, I'm less than thrilled with how Google strung me along.
I've been waiting since they announced the dates for io2011 last year. I booked the week off work, I purchased tickets to get there, and sat here this morning ready to purchase my $450 ticket. 503 every fucking minute. GOOGLE FIX YOUR SHIT. Sorry, i'm raging right now.
Apparently I'm the only one interested in these URLs, but somebody on Twitter just suggested that you can use URLs with a PK id to purchase multiple tickets.
holy cow, I was able to re-attach to my fuseaction session and complete the registration! Thanks the awesome tip, highly encourage others who were able to start the process to give it another shot.
If it is really sold out, then I hope that Google will be cracking down on the scalpers this year. I saw a bunch of tickets on eBay last year from people that had plainly bought them betting that the freebies would be worth more (usually attendance-only, freebies not included)
This is kind of frustrating. Been waiting patiently for registration and now that its open Ive been unable to complete the form successfully due to timeouts/503s etc. And now Im hearing its sold out as well? I hope that maybe a non-web registration channel is opened to take sign ups that the site wasnt able to accomodate.
Was really looking forward to I/O. I hoped to get the chance to jump down when I moved out west.. Hard to believe that they can sell out a venue like this in 59 minutes.
You'd think they'd increase the capacity given the interest.