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If Colmin(N) is the lowest value reached by iterating the process from initial value N, Tao proved that

Colmin(N) < f(N)

for arbitrary f provided f tends to infinity, for almost all N. Here, "almost all" means something like "exceptions(N) / N, tends to 0 for large N", where exceptions(N) is the count of values that do not obey the inequality [0]

So it's an asymptotic result. The first million integers could all be exceptions - but eventually the proportion of exceptions dies out.

The ability to pick arbitrary f is very powerful. Pick the slowest-growing function you can think of. e.g. Tenfold-iterated logarithm. The inequality says for all but a negligible fraction of integers, Colmin grows slower than that function.

[0] Nitpick: I'm describing the natural density, but Tao needs the logarithmic density, where each exception n is weighted by 1/n.

Try the inverse Ackerman function instead: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ackermann_funct...

If non-computable functions are on the table, define f(n) to be the smallest k such that BB-k >= n, where BB-n is the n-th Busy Beaver number: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Busy_beaver

Edit: looks like @tromp managed to reply before I added the bit about BB-n. :-)

Or the inverse TREE() function [1]. There's also the inverse Busy Beaver function if you don't insist on computability...

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kruskal%27s_tree_theorem#TREE(...

Non-computable functions are indeed on the table as long as they tend to infinity in the limit..at the cost that figuring out when you start to hit that limit is undoubtably itself non-computable.

Actually it's a fair nitpick because logarithmic density 0 does not imply natural density 0 - so the claim in the article is misleading in more than one way.

For example, the set of numbers with a perfect square number of digits has log density 0 but natural density non-existent (inf 0 and sup 0.9). I believe it holds in the other direction though - natural density 0 implies log density 0.

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