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> (To paraphrase Justice Ginsberg, law will be “fixed” when there are nine women on the Supreme Court.)

Wait, what? Is this an argument that men are inherently unsuited to be Supreme Court Justices?

My guess is this means having 9 women on the Supreme Court is to make up for all the years there were 9 men on the Supreme Court.

I find this dangerous logic. Seeking to alternate oppression of one group versus another doesn't seem like a good long term solution, in my opinion.

By the way, thanks for your analysis about the progression of gender equality in the legal profession. That's something I didn't know about.

> > (To paraphrase Justice Ginsberg, law will be “fixed” when there are nine women on the Supreme Court.)

> Wait, what? Is this an argument that men are inherently unsuited to be Supreme Court Justices?

It just means that if gender is not considered, we should see an all women's court once every 2^9 = 512 time.

If the number never goes above the mean, gender must still be a factor.

> My guess is this means having 9 women on the Supreme Court is to make up for all the years there were 9 men on the Supreme Court.

I took that to mean "just as it was unremarkable in the very recent past for the SC to be 100% male, it should be unremarkable if in the future it became 100% female (on merit)".

Well, it's doubtful it would be based completely on merit in either scenario.

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