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Our Brains Are No Match for Our Technology (nytimes.com)
12 points by rapnie on Dec 8, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

While this is a great and now obvious conclusion i always find two places where the conversation stalls.

Based on the article’s direction:


1) what does it mean to be “humane” tech ?

As the author argues - You could add friction to the large tech firms, even make attention marketing unviable.

Then use that to fund “humane” solutions (editors and journalists ? Would that be human or humane?)

Does that solve the potential abuse of tech and human wet ware ?

Or Are we supposed to eventually say “Dune got it right, we should only have mentats”

Edit: no time for point two, distracted.

I like how the author makes the point that the problems with social media are bigger than privacy + surveillance alone.

> The forces it has unleashed will affect future elections and even our ability to tell fact from fiction, increasing the divisions within society.

> Yes, online privacy is a real problem that needs to be addressed. But even the best privacy laws are only as effective as our Paleolithic [primitive] emotions are resistant to the seductions of technology.

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