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All modern x86 CPUs are essentially “RISC” CPUs that translate x86 instructions into uOPS so they already do what you want to do.

I’m not seeing why the higher level x86 instruction set needs to be jettisoned or killed off...

And ARM processors these days tend to do the same, translating from the Thumb-2 variable-width instruction encoding into whatever each processor uses internally.

Thumb-2 is for microcontrollers (and not all of them even). Anything unix-capable (Cortex-A series and custom cores) reads fixed width AArch64 instructions.

> All modern x86 CPUs are essentially “RISC” CPUs

Where can I read more about that?

If you can work around the formatting issues, there's some classic articles on Ars Technica, e.g. http://archive.arstechnica.com/cpu/4q99/risc-cisc/rvc-1.html

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