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author here; i wrote this quite some time back (2014). I'm now studying Chinese and would like to write a Chinese version for Sinophone audience (with more Chinese humor, etc). Anyone knows a good place to share articles like this if it's in Chinese? Thanks!

Chinese here. A good place to start would be 知乎,zhihu.com, or chinese quora. I'm by no means skilled in mathematics(still an undergraduate after all), so there could be some more specialized websites/forums I'm missing here.

Hi. Your math notation gets cut off on mobile. Consider allowing horizontal scrolling.

Let me recommend scaling equations down to fit the viewport width instead of scrolling.

If you shrink equations, then if someone wants a closer look they can zoom in/out. But if you have them scroll off the side of the view, it is impossible to see the whole equation at once.

Thanks for writing and sharing this. I really wanted to read the linked essay "What do we talk about when we talk about limit", but the link is broken.

at 5:30 Wildberger goes through the definition of Limits https://youtu.be/K4eAyn-oK4M?t=331

If you really want to understand these things, start here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5A714C94D40392AB and watch them as you work through Analysis I by Terence Tao, skipping to chapter 2 where he begins from scratch introducing the naturals, integers, etc. Wildberger even shows you how to do algebraic calculus which will help to learn the Tao book when he goes about rigorously introducing calculus defined using limits. For me that helped anyway, seeing Naturals, Ints, Rationals, and Reals constructed from scratch with all their laws/operations defined and proved by Tao then him using analysis to introduce how these tiny changes in calculus work.

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