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Likely the 2nd chance queue.

This is a process HN has devised to give selected submissions another chance at the front page. See:


It's kind of problematic that they roll back the time on user comments as well. This kind of "rewriting history" can lead to all sorts of issues.

How, specifically?

You don't see how lying about when something was posted can lead to problems? Just making sure I'm answering the right question.

The spectrum begins at me being slightly annoyed because I can't tell posts that were posted just now from posts that were posted hours ago.

It probably ends at people arguing in court over such things as prior art in patent cases, or someone trying to submit an online comment as evidence. Imagine Facebook mucking with timestamps... Often when is pretty important.

There's a lot of things in between there which I'll leave to your imagination.

In any case, changing meta information silently can be as bad as silently changing the content of posts themselves and will hurt your credibility as a platform. The reddit CEO did it as a joke once, and that already caused a massive shitstorm[1].

[1]: https://www.reddit.com/r/announcements/comments/5frg1n/tifu_...

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