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Given the amount of M$ ads DDG has showing latelly does not surprises me they might be partnering with bing.

> M$

Hello, 1990's Slashdot called and would like its tired old '$' satire back.

M$ would like their tired old 1990s business practises back, oh wait they never left. Just like the M$ shorthand which we see less simply becuase we talk about them less.

It's reputation they fully earned. You can write "Microsoft" in full whenever you like if you prefer too. I think it's pretty reasonable to casually express contempt at every opportunity for any business that puts money vastly further ahead of ethics than they need to. You can disgaree with that if you like too.

Facebrick is the new M$. What do we have for Goog? "do no evil" with strickeout for more money? $GOOG?

My friend, I think you missed the sarcasm and possibly some satire in my comment.

DuckDuckGo is already partnering with Bing - that's where they get their results from.

Might? They are getting most of their search results and ads from Bing. It's no secret. https://help.duckduckgo.com/results/sources/

Search for:

1. "fix incorrect mayonese".

2. "fix incorrect lazagna"

and compare with:

1. "fix incorrect mayonnaise".

2. "fix incorrect lasagna"

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