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The wild thing is that scripting languages don't have that kind of a debugger.

Is there any equivalent on chromium? I believe Firefox devtools have been ported to chromium.

As far as I know, there isn't. This needs substantial support in the engine, so "devtools have been ported to chromium" is not enough.

Python had one:


Never got popular enough to be ported to cpython, let alone python 3.

It's no surprise though: my experience is that most python devs don't know how to use a debugger. In fact, the huge majority of tutorials to learn python don't include one, nor they give explanation about python -m, venv, pip, the python path and other very important basis.

Even the people using pdb don't know very important commands like until, jump, up or tbreak.

Jupyter notebooks are also hilariously debug-unfriendly.

Wait what? Do you know about the %debug magic? It is the best thing ever, particularly when prototyping in the notebook which keeps most of the state.

I saw Fernando Pérez use it in a YouTube video. Shame I cannot find it anymore. He was saying he debugs his code only by placing 1/0 in the part of the code he wants to inspect. After the exception is thrown %debug allows you to step into the stack and explore it via a repl. I found that crazy and tried it it. It is life changing. That's how I debug my python code for years now.

Expecting users to sprinkle 1/0 through their code is arguably what I mean by "debug unfriendly".

Pdb works fine in notebooks though, and that's one of the numerous reasons students should learn it first, before any GUI debugger.

That implies that students don‘t stop listening as soon as anyone mentions command line.

Those who desperately need a debugger to learn are the first ones to not use it because of no GUI.

It's sad really. I gave a talk a year ago on debugging with the pdb, the basics. Turns out I was the only developer who had ever used the pdb as opposed to bucket listing it.

same with arduino. breaking from pro emedded work to Arduino for some just for fun projs, im flummoxed wo my debuggers and astonished how unfamiliar the community is!

User name checked out ;)

Maybe that's because of the different kind of work I do with but I have wrestled, frustrated at some bugs hard to spot with gdb, but I never felt retrained by pudb despite it being, I guess, more limited.

All the bugs I had in python were easier to reproduce, probably because it provides less rope than C or C++ to hang yourself. Usually, stopping a bit before the exception, exploring the variable states was enough to spot the bug.

Isn't there something about garbage-collected, dynamic-types, GIL-constrained languages that makes their typical bug easier to spot with a more limited debugger?

Depends. Image-based runtime languages such as Smalltalk and various Lisps will, crudely put, pause at the site of the error and give you options to fix it and continue. That already covers 99% of the OP's issues with gdb.

edit: Implied is that image-based runtimes by definition produce reproducible snapshots of the error, with the full power of the Lisp or Smalltalk introspection tools. Edit-continue is the icing.

OP here. Edit-and-continue addresses none of my issues with gdb. Read the paragraph "If you use a traditional interactive debugger..." again?

I think you are missing the implications of working with image-based language runtimes.

The CI or even the client can attaches the live image of the error, the programmer opens up the image when he opens the ticket and has the full venerable introspection tools of CL or Smalltalk. This directly addresses the reproducability issue you raised in said paragraph. There are indeed occasions where you need a proper rr-like trace, but what fraction of bugs fall into that category.

For illustration purposes: Grammarly has an example of fixing an intermittent network bug on a production server under load on the much-HN-linked blog post: https://tech.grammarly.com/blog/running-lisp-in-production

> There are indeed occasions where you need a proper rr-like trace, but what fraction of bugs fall into that category.

Good question. I guess it depends on what you mean by "need".

If you mean "for what fraction of bugs will a developer be unable to figure out the bug, given only the state where the error surfaced, but given unlimited time", I don't know. Most developers I've worked with either have rr recordings available or they do the work to reproduce the bug locally so they can work backwards to the root cause by rerunning the test, so their experiences don't reflect those constraints.

If you mean "for what fraction of bugs is it valuable to have an rr recording", I think the answer is very clearly "almost all". Many rr users, some on this very HN thread, will testify that debugging with rr is almost always better than debugging with gdb alone, whether or not they are able to reproduce the bug on-demand for debugging with gdb.

To restate this: developers almost always want to work backwards in time, by rerunning the program under test if necessary, even if you argue that in some sense they don't have to in some cases. So I think providing a detailed snapshot of the state when the error surfaces, while useful, is definitely going to be seen as inferior to the experience of a full record-and-replay system (all other things being equal).

I agree that debugging in Common Lisp is much more powerful than debugging in GDB. For one thing, when you get a condition and your repl enters the debugger, you immediately learn what condition handler you should add to your code so that it can automatically handle this case gracefully in the future. And you have the full compiler available to you in that repl, so you can redefine functions, change variables, and so on. This lets you recover from the error and leave the program running and in a better state than it was before you started. This is actually a super power that you just don't have when you're debugging a program written in C. (Technically I suppose some IDEs have an edit-and-continue feature, but I've never heard of anyone using it to save a program running in production.)

On the other hand, rr gives you a different set of features. You can rewind the full state of the program to any previous point in time. I've used rr a lot, and this capability is extremely useful. It makes debugging heap corruption, buffer overflows, use-after-free, and many other complicated bugs much, much easier. You just set a watchpoint on the data that was overwritten, then run the program in reverse (using the reverse-continue command) until it gets back to the point where the write happened. It really is like having a super power, but it's a different kind of super power than the Common Lisp repl.

Pernosco is another level above that. Instead of presenting you with the state of the program at a single moment in time and letting you run it backwards and forwards, it lets you query the full state of the program. Where before you would set a watchpoint and run backwards until you got to the previous write, with Pernosco you click on the value and it presents you with a list of _all_ writes to _all_ locations in the chain that leads to that value. For example, you can see that the value was written to the memory location from a register, and that before that it was read from some other memory location into the register, etc. It's really very cool.

There's no reason why a Common Lisp or Smalltalk runtime couldn't have these features in addition to a proper repl.

I have dumb question

> You can rewind the full state of the program to any previous point in time

Where does all this saved state go? I'm running a game that runs at 60fps, every frame 10s of megs of data change. It won't take more than a few second to run out of memory to save all the state. Further, if the game doesn't run at 60fps (or 90fps on VR) it's not usable, if saving this state slows the game down to 20fps or 15fps I can't tell if my code is working since the entire goal is to run at speed and check it all feels good.

Is there some technique these kinds of tools use to make it possible to do keep all changed state in this type of app or do they only work for some other type of app?

By capturing all external inputs to application, it can replay it many times and results will be always identical.


It's a good question. rr writes all the state to disk. Every syscall of any kind gets saved and replayed back the same way when you replay the recording. This means that if your program reads a network packet in the recording, during the replay it will read exactly the same network packet at exactly the same point in it's execution.

On the other hand, outputs are not really recorded. During the replay your program will generate exactly the same output, so saving it to disk isn't necessary.

See http://rr-project.org/ for all the details.

There's no such thing as a free lunch, so it'll certainly slow your game down a bit. I recommend saving the trace to the fastest disk you can find. Also, you would want to run your game during development both with and without rr, precisely so that you know that you're not exceeding your time budget.

It's just a pity that it's on the "If you have to ask, you can't afford it" level of expense.

I'd like to try Pernosco, but we don't use it at work. There's no way I could afford it for my open-source projects, and I can't lobby for it without first trying it.

I'm fairly certain that they're working towards letting anyone sign up to use it. Of course I've no idea what the pricing will actually look like once they get there, but I doubt it will be that bad.

The real expense is in integrating with lots of different environments; Roc mentioned that integrations with Github and Travis were already working, but not Gitlab yet. (On the other hand you can do without any integration at all. Take a look at https://github.com/Pernosco/pernosco-submit/; it will upload the source from your computer to your debugging session if it's not cloned from a recognized git/hg host.)

You can try it out right now here: https://pernos.co/debug/e9UFXkGq__8KQB-N6n59lA/index.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LR0pms_mQuY

We definitely are not aiming for "If you have to ask, you can't afford it".

Good to hear.

I could pay a bit for personal use, and hopefully it'd still be useful without integrations etc; I don't think I could ask anyone else I'm working with (open-source wise) to do that.

Thats what I like about lisp environments, and sadly after trying out Clojure, it can do no such thing (as of the time I tried it, about a year and a half ago), continuing at point 9f exception after allowing the user to change state interactively.

Clojure is heavily dependent on the host (JVM, JS) for such things, vs. a Scheme like Racket which is ground-up Lisp, or even a naive s-expr interpreter, which allow greater flexibility in this area.

The image contains the state that the point where the error was raised, but AFAIK it doesn't contain the history leading up to that. It's more like a coredump than an rr recording, right?

Not at all. Edit and continue is only a small part of what debuggers can be.

Doesn't need an image based runtime either. Ruby's "pry" is inspired by Smalltalk, in that it's providing functionality to manipulate the running environment, edit and reload code etc., and continue. During development I almost always have a make target to drop me in a pry session with all the app code loaded and initialized so I can play with the code as it is actually used.

My experience is this is only if it's your own code and you have a full mental model of the state of the program. I worked on a lisp project and the lead would see a crash, type some lisp, continue, app would run. The rest of the team not so much. Maybe we were all just bad lisp programmers.

Node-ChakraCore had Time Travel Debugging with editor support in VS Code

Python has several

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