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I wouldn’t consider Cato “Right

Both of the major parties are Big Tent parties. The Red Tribe institutions that look similar to major Blue Tribe institutions are going to be the ones operated by fiscal conservatives, libertarians, veterans organizations, etc. If you want news from religious conservatives, there is an organizational structure that as far as I can tell has no Blue Tribe analog -- a mostly-decentralized network of localized institutions called churches.

Public schools

That would certainly say a lot about the nature of the fight over school vouchers.

well if you believe in a secular education, go to school. If you believe in a religious education, go to church

That is what they do. But then they want to know why the secular schools get so much more of their tax dollars than the parochial schools they want their kids to attend.

No they don’t. They want access to the public’s money.

It would be more helpful to think of churches/parochial schools as businesses.

They are the public. It's their money.

If parochial schools are businesses then school vouchers are sending retirees social security checks rather than operating state-run homes for the elderly. It allows people to buy what they want in the market (from businesses) instead of being restricted to a choice between a government facility and nothing -- not even a refund of the tax dollars not needed to pay for it when you don't use it.

No, i don’t get a refund from the fire department because my house doesn't burn. An educated populace is beneficial to the nation.

People are free to choose as it is. No reason to provide the public’s democratically distributed money.

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