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The guy didn’t shoot up a pizza parlour, he shot a single bullet into the roof, was promptly arrested, and even admitted he was wrong. The world didn’t end, there’s a million worse examples of similar human stupidity that have nothing to do with politics and won’t be solved by letting tech companies choose what is true and what isn’t.

This is wishful thinking in response to an overreaction. This sort of thing isn’t worth sacrificing speech over, largely because it won’t work (for ex: Infowars is still extremely popular even without social media accounts) and the costs of false positives will out weigh the returns.

> the costs of false positives will out weigh the returns.

We have several 10's of millions of people killed in the 20th century that put this statement, which is speculative at best, to the lie. People killed because disinformation, mob-rousing, and lies were permitted to poison the commons.

That's the opposite of how I'd describe it. 10s of millions were killed in the twentieth century by despotic regimes which decided that anyone opposed to them was spreading disinformation and lies, not because they were unwilling to take action.

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