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My hunch is that, at least as far as the originals are concerned, Disney+ will only have the butchered-Gredo-never-shoots versions of 4-6. Do yourself and your loved ones a favor and track down Harney’s Despecilized Edition of 4-6 those are the only versions worth watching.

Edit: corrected the version numbers, dunno what I was thinking when I first typed the comment.

Just to be pedantic: in the original, Gredo really doesn't ever shoot, Solo just puts him down. So that's not the butchered version: Gredo shooting and Han's head moving unnaturally to the side, that there is an abomination available on blu-ray and DVD everywhere. And what we'll almost certainly have on Disney+. (I'd guess it was part of George's contract when he sold to Disney, that they can't release the originals.)

And yes, the Despecialized versions are wonderful and worth hunting down.

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