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Desktop notifications in for gmail in chrome/webkit (gmailblog.blogspot.com)
23 points by jjcm on Jan 27, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

The window looks a little horrible on Mac. Why can't they use Growl notifications just like other apps do?

The notifications are allowed to be full webpages - which can then communicate back to the parent window. (or extension)

This will be a reasonable alternative to modal dialogs for chrome extensions initially, and eventually for web apps in general. (if it gets adopted by other browsers)


This is cool but too distracting. Seeing the number of unread messages in the icon is already distracting enough!

ohhh handy, finally I can pin my gmail tab again... link for those (like me) who missed this


Well, that's nice, but I've been pretty happy with http://gmail-notify.sourceforge.net/

Anybody know how this works? Will my web-app be able to send notifications to the desktop? I assume so if it's going to be cross browser.

This works only in chrome, your web-app can also do this, but the user will have to authorize your web-apps use of this. I wrote a small chrome reminder extension which used these notifications => https://github.com/minhajuddin/quickr . That should show you how to create a notification from your app.

You can also utilize desktop notifications in an extension where user authorization isn't required.

ex: https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/phokmbaffndjgejh...


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