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I did some further research and I'm stumped, but I thought I'd share my findings. It looks like your question doesn't have an easy answer and requires more research.

I couldn't find much new information on Ultrasound Cross-Device Tracking (uXDT). This could be good, meaning that it's not being widely used, or it could be bad and mean that simply not much is publicly known about the extent to which it is used. (or my google-fu is weak)

To clarify my post form earlier. The "list" only has the SDKs used for uXDT, not the apps that make use of them.

This is the list of SDKs possibly used for uXDT: acrcloud, actv8, alphonso, axwave, beatgridmedia, bitsound (soundlly), chirp, cifrasoft, copsonic, cueaudio, digimarc, dv (dov-e), fidzup, fluzo, gracenote, hotstar(zapr), hound, inscape, instreamatic (VIA), lisnr, moodmedia, mufin , prontoly (now sonarax), redbricklane(zapr), shopkick, signal360, silverpush, sonarax, soniccode, sonicnotify (now Signal360), soundpays, tonetag, trillbit, zapr

I got it from PilferShush's project page which is an experimental F-droid app researching uXDT. It's worth a look, but a bit messy:




Wikipedia says there are 234 android apps that use ultrasound audio tracking.


If you google around, you will find this number repeated in a lot of articles. It's an old number from a research paper from 2017:


Here's good summary of the research: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/234-android-a...

Only a few specific apps were mentioned in the research paper. It probably only scratches the tip of the ice berg. The researchers looked for SilverPush in an 8 TB dataset of 1,320,822 apps submitted to VirusTotal.


These were the only apps that were mentioned:

(Apps with 1,000,000 – 5,000,000 downloads)

100000+ SMS Messages, developed by Moziberg

Pinoy Henyo, developed by Jayson Tamayo

(100,000 – 500,000 downloads)

McDo Philippines, developed by Golden Arches Dev. Corp.

Krispy Kreme Philippines, developed by Mobext

(50,000 – 100,000)

Civil Service Reviewer Free, developed by Jayson Tamayo


Here's a List of Apps from 2015 (Mostly from India and Phillipines) that use SilverPush: https://public.addonsdetector.com/silverpush-android-apps/

And here a list from 2016 with Apps containing Signal360: https://public.addonsdetector.com/signal360-android-apps/

It looks like you can use this Addon Detector to find at least a couple of the uXDT apps: http://public.addonsdetector.com/

The Addon Detector only seems to be able to find three uXDT app SDKs from the whole bunch mentioned by PilferShush: lisnr, signal360 and silverpush


SoniControl is also an interesting project worth looking at. It's goal is to detect acoustic tracking information. https://github.com/fhstp/SoniControl

Audio Tracker Demo - It's a link on PilferShush's project page: https://kaputnikgo.github.io/acr.html

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