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Why don't you go to work an hour earlier?

Now, of course not everybody gets to choose their working hours; but chances are, with the loss of productivity in the early and dark winter mornings, those that don't get to choose get their shifts moved an hour later, negating any supposed benefit.

Some people take for granted that they can wake up and function in pitch black just as well, despite never having tried that. Where I'm from, if it were permanent DST year around, at the end of this month the sun wouldn't rise until 10 in the morning - and I'm as close to the equator you can get in this country! (Now of course it's not pitch black right until the sunrise, but if the sun rises at 10, it is pitch black at 8).

> Why don't you go to work an hour earlier?

Because I can't. The companies I've worked for have all scheduled required hours according to common business hours.

> Now, of course not everybody gets to choose their working hours

Only a tiny fraction of the population gets to set their own hours.

But common business hours are set, as the name says, by the common business. And many things in our day to day life in the end are determined by the sun. So if there is a permanent offset in the wall clock, business hours are going to shift to compensate. So changing the time zone might have a short-term impact, but long-term, will be compensated away. Most people have difficulties to raise in the dark, so the day to day schedule will be adjusted so that they have to raise in the dark only for a short part in the year, like 2 months. A time setting which would mean to get up in the dark for 4+ months is going to trigger a compensation.

And of course, as a consequence, French people do many things "later" than in Germany, be it work, lunch or dinner times.

>Only a tiny fraction of the population gets to set their own hours.

Well, yes. I was thinking more of flextime. From what I've seen, relatively few people come in as early as possible, even though statistically speaking they should be 50-50 on the DST issue (and favour more daylight after working hours).

K-12 school start times don’t flex. Before-care and dropping off early at daycare cost money.

When I get the opportunity I have done exactly that. Despite being a natural night owl with dislike of mornings, I'd get in very early - 6:30-7:30 to get an early finish.

When I'm stuck with "traditional" business hours there's essentially no daylight outside of work hours, for a month or so either side of the equinox.

Because our society requires time coordination for most things... stores need to be open so people can go to them, businesses need to be open at the same time so deals can be made, coworkers need to work together, schools need to be open when parents are working, etc.

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