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Looks interesting. As if they had stolen all the CSS files from GitHub.

Gitea is also nice self-host option, but also not a complete ALM solution. We often use trac in conjunction with different source control providers, which might be ancient by now, but it always delivers and everyone seems to like it.

Gitea is a fork of gogs.


application lifecycle management

Can you really steal CSS though?

Definitely, yes. CSS (just as HTML, JS, and anything else being served) is covered by copyright. The law(s) may vary depending on jurisdiction, but generally speaking you can be sued for copyright violation. Getting caught is a different matter, but if it is obvious that you copied CSS you can be in serious legal trouble.

i mean the design of it is almost a carbon copy of the github design down to the layout, design, and colors.


if i replaced just the logo in the upper left hand corner to the github logo instead of the googs logo would you be able to tell the difference between this screenshot and github proper?

> if i replaced just the logo in the upper left hand corner to the github logo instead of the googs logo would you be able to tell the difference between this screenshot and github proper?

I think I could easily do that.

And I'm a backender-at-heart who doesn't even have full colour vision.

So, not a copy I think.

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