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Wow the blog host reads poorly then, when I read “self-managed” I assumed managed by the customer, not Hosted Gitlab. You might want to clarify that in the post..

We're testing this out on .com to see what value it really gives us and how it works, and depending on that then we might roll this out to EE. HOWEVER any move to do so will be properly communicated, and we're not going to implement it without carefully considering an appropriate opt-out strategy.

Yeesh. You guys just went from restoring my faith a bit a few months ago to this possibility? I’m sorry, but please get a grip here, it’s tiring being on this rollercoaster.

as long as it is out-out, instead of opt-in, it probably won't fly with any corporation.

edit: was trying to make a joke, it was a bad joke

As a disclaimer, I do not believe I've ever seen a captcha when logging in to GitLab. But according to https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/integration/recaptcha.html, you use reCAPTCHA?

Are you aware of the privacy concerns surrounding reCAPTCHA? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReCAPTCHA#Criticism

I was just trying to make a joke I'm so sorry. As for recaptcha we have an issue here with a ton of discussion around it that links quite a few more if you're interested: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/issues/46548

Quite a bit of discussion on a year old issue but.. its still not resolved? That doesn't instill confidence.


I'm so sorry I was trying to make a joke, it's been a long day as the messenger trying to relay everyone's concerns about this back to our team.

I said "What..?" not because I didn't recognize the joke, but because nowhere did I bring up "security/privacy." My initial comment was stating that the blog post should clarify that these changes were not coming to EE immediately, because I (along with many others here) seem to have read it in such a way that it sounded like it was.

I hope I covered that in my other comment

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