I find it hard right now to share knowledge with everyone on the team and to turn knowledge into actual learnings.
I don't know how you guys do it, but I would love to know. We are now 50 people in the company and I don't know anymore how to make this scale. What is your process? Do you use any tool for it? How good is it? What needs improving?
This is partially inspired by Chris Albon's excellent data science technical notes: http://chrisalbon.com.
I find it very helpful to have this kind of information on a public website. It's easy to search myself, quick to edit[^1], and helpful for sharing with others when someone asks me a question.
For notes I don't want to make public, I use OneNote. It's available on every platform, has a documented file format, and the sync works well. Of course, I have some more detailed notes on why I prefer this to other options: https://maxmasnick.com/kb/note-apps/.
[^1]: My whole website is built with https://gohugo.io. I use the GitHub Actions beta to automatically update the public site every time I commit to master. This means I can edit on a computer with a standard text editor, and also on iOS using https://workingcopyapp.com.